John Rentoul

John Rentoul

John Rentoul is chief political commentator for The Independent on Sunday, and visiting fellow at Queen Mary, University of London, where he teaches contemporary history. Previously he was chief leader writer for The Independent. He has written a biography of Tony Blair, whom he admired more at the end of his time in office than he did at the beginning.

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John Rentoul: Ed Miliband and the End of the World

Labour's leader should be thinking about policy and not about Clarke's resignation – or anything else unlikely to happen

Recently by John Rentoul

John Rentoul: We've had a coalition since 1997

Sunday, 15 May 2011

The Labour government wasn't made up of two parties, but the Blair-Brown rivalry came pretty close

John Rentoul: Clegg's sacrificial strategy

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Taking the blame, even for policies the Lib Dems do not endorse, makes the Deputy Prime Minister both brave and foolish

Tony Blair greeting the Queen outside No 10 in 2002

Royal revenge: 'We had to draw the line somewhere'

Sunday, 1 May 2011

John Rentoul: The snub to Tony Blair makes a nonsense of claims that Friday's wedding has modernised a fundamentally Conservative institution.

John Rentoul: Labour has a nasty dose of self-delusion

Sunday, 1 May 2011

The coalition is unpopular, but a lack of policies will wipe out any gains Ed Miliband makes in this week's local elections

John Rentoul: David, dear. A word of advice...

Thursday, 28 April 2011

In most situations Cameron plays the part of PM well. But he lacks the trick of getting the big messages across.

John Rentoul: One hot potato makes a mash-up

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Making political capital of immigration is a hazardous ploy for the Prime Minister and the coalition

John Rentoul: It's hard to diagnose confusion

Sunday, 10 April 2011

When three senior politicians try and fail to clarify the NHS reforms, it's because the policy is a mess

John Rentoul: Here we go again, voting tactically...

Sunday, 3 April 2011

The referendum on AV is the voter's chance to rebuff the least-liked party. But other polls on 5 May matter more

John Rentoul: Balls barks up the wrong tree

Sunday, 27 March 2011

The Shadow Chancellor was unleashed on George Osborne's Budget but, wrongly, went for the banks

RAF Tornadoes will help impose the Libyan no-fly zone, intended to protect civilians

Why Libya will get harder from now on

Sunday, 20 March 2011

John Rentoul: Cameron's no-fly zone may have taken off, but if Colonel Gaddafi does not fall soon it's hard to see a happy ending.

More john rentoul:

Columnist Comments


Mary Dejevsky: Don't bank on the eclipse of the West

Obama's thesis can't just be dismissed as simplistic American cheerleading


Peter Popham: Butcher of Bosnia who saw himself as an avenging angel

Ratko Mladic was the terrifying image of Serb aggression during the Bosnian war


Brian Viner: No one holidays quite like the British

You won't find a similar kaleidoscope of beach activity anywhere in the world

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