
Violence erupts at a Grunwick photo processing factory in London, 1977

If these strikes work, they'll buck a decades-long trend

Donald Macintyre: Whenever national strikes have been threatened in this century, ears have been pricked to detect the distant echoes of those in the last one – especially now that there is the prospect of industrial struggle against a Conservative government.

Inside Commentators

Steve Richards: Blair's approval keeps Cameron safe

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Whatever the motivation of Blair, the consequences are deep. For Cameron, the glow of approval is like gold dust

Mark Steel: Is wanting a Murray win enough?

Thursday, 16 June 2011

It's a neurosis, a disorder of the mind that makes it impossible for us to be at peace, and probably has a medical name like "False Wimbledon Annual Mental Expect-to-Win Unfounded Ridiculous Syndrome".

Stefan Stern: Behind corporate walls, the masters of the universe weep

Thursday, 16 June 2011

The stories I have been told are of secret grief and hidden angst bursting out in an extraordinary way. But the silence is at last being broken, the unsayable said

Adrian Hamilton: Nato is dead – it's just that we won't admit it

Thursday, 16 June 2011

International Studies

Deborah Ross: First find your exam-facing teenager...

Thursday, 16 June 2011

If you ask me...

Andrew Buncombe: Was a serving army major spying on compound?

Thursday, 16 June 2011

View from Abbottabad

Sean O'Grady: Commission recommends separation of retail and investment banking

Thursday, 16 June 2011

The central proposal of the Vickers Commission, backed by the chancellor, is to separate out the big bank's retail banking operations - the bits that run boring old savings, mortgage and cheque accounts - from their investment banking activities, or so-called "casino banking".

Sean O'Grady: Riot all you want: the economic facts remain the same

Thursday, 16 June 2011

The protesters in Athens can riot all they want, but they cannot alter the fundamental economic fact of their country – it is busted, mainly because it has been consuming more than it produces for many years. Even a socialist revolution or a generals' coup would not change that reality, and it too could not prevent the harsh cut in living standards that is inevitable.

The Sketch: Perhaps it's time for the better-looking brother to take over

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Last week, the Sketch spent 400 words on Ed Miliband's water-pouring skills. As part of basic leadership training it was noted that leaders in Parliament are better not to pour their own glass of water. An underling – Ed Balls's name came up – would naturally do the job for his boss. Five days later, Ed Miliband went to the PLP and the first thing he did was to pour a glass of water for Ed Balls.

Ben Chu: In praise of Barclays

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Yes, you read that headline right. It’s true that I’ve not been been particularly sympathetic to Barclays or its new chief executive, Bob Diamond, over the years.

More commentators:

Columnist Comments


Steve Richards: Blair's approval keeps Cameron safe

Whatever the motivation of Blair, the consequences are deep. For Cameron, the glow of approval is like gold dust


Adrian Hamilton: Nato is dead – we just won't admit it

If ever the death knell was sounded for an organisation, it was sounded by the US Defence Secretary last Friday


Mark Steel: Is wanting a Murray win enough?

He is by far the best British tennis player for 70 years, and getting to semi-finals regularly is remarkable

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