Millions of prices & brands from hundreds of Australian stores

Privacy Charter


Welcome to Get Price Pty Ltd's (Get Price) website: (Site). At Get Price we respect the privacy of everyone who uses the Site and we are committed to maintaining the privacy and security of the personal information of all users of the Site. Our Privacy Charter (Charter) on the collection and use of personal information and other information is outlined below. Please read this Charter before you use the Site.


The information and services offered by Get Price on the Site are not directed at children or teenagers under 18 years of age. We do not knowingly solicit or collect personally identifiable information about children or teenagers under 18.



Your Acceptance


This Charter applies to and should be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions which are available on the Site (


By viewing and using the Site you will be deemed to have agreed to the matters described in this Charter. If you do not agree with the terms of this Charter, then you should stop accessing and using the Site immediately.


Further, you should review this Charter regularly, as it may be updated from time to time, at Get Price's discretion.



Personal Information


We do not require your personal information to obtain access to most parts of the Site.


We collect personal information from users on a voluntary basis. Examples include but are not limited to: when you register for our newsletter, leave feedback about the Site, a product or merchant on the Site or complete a survey. The personal information we collect may include name, title, company, address, phone number, email address, and other relevant data. Questions or comments submitted by users may also include personal information.


We collect personal information when you make an enquiry or register as a merchant or register to receive information on featured or special deals available through the Site.


We may collect and use personal data for the purposes of running our business. We use this information so that:


we can provide information to allow you to link to products and services;


we can seek your feedback or to contact you in relation to those services offered on the Site;


we can administer or otherwise carry out our obligations in relation to any agreement you have with us;


we can anticipate and resolve problems with any links, third party sites or other content or information supplied by you;


we can enhance the Site to better meet your needs as advertisers, sellers or merchants;


we can process and respond to requests, improve our operations, and communicate with users about our products, services and businesses;


we can make our email offers to you; and


we can meet our legal obligations.


If you elect to become a merchant featured on the Site, we will also collect and use personal information, as required to fulfill our obligations described in the merchant agreement we enter into with you.


Unless you have agreed otherwise and except as otherwise specified below, we will not use or share, either within Get Price or with a third party (including affiliates), any information collected from you for direct marketing purposes, except in accordance with clause 3.7 below. We may share information within our company and with our agents, affiliates or contractors, for purposes other than direct marketing, such as for storage, or for carrying out the processing detailed above, or because of where the computer servers are located. This may mean transmitting the information to another country where, for example, our agent, affiliate or contractor is located. We will ensure that our affiliates, agents and contractors protect your personal information in a manner consistent with this Charter.


With your consent, we may share your personal information that you provided to Get Price when you register (including registration for specials, updates or promotions via email) with our affiliates for direct marketing purposes. Subject to your continuing consent, your personal information will be processed for direct marketing purposes for a maximum of five (5) years from the date of your consent.


To the extent required or permitted by law, we may also collect, use and disclose personal information in connection with security related or law enforcement investigations or in the course of cooperating with authorities or complying with legal requirements.


We may also remove all the information that identifies you and use the remainder of the information for historical, statistical or scientific purposes.


If you e-mail us, you are voluntarily releasing information to us. Your e-mail address will be used by Get Price to respond to you. Unless you have agreed otherwise, we will not use the information that can identify you, such as your e-mail address, for direct marketing purposes.


In addition, we may have collected similar information from you in the past. By entering the Site you are consenting to the terms of our Charter and to our continued use of previously collected information.



Ratings and Feedback


Users of the Site may review and rate products featured on the Site. You consent to your ratings being publicly available on the Site. By submitting your personal information to us (including your details as a merchant or user), you will be treated as having given your permission for the processing of your personal data as set out in this Charter. Get Price and its licensees can republish your content as outlined in the Terms and Conditions of Use.


We may ask your feedback through surveys, and we may use the results for marketing or development of the Site. We may also share the results with our affiliates, consultants, vendors and service providers. As part of registration as a merchant or user interested in featured deals on the Site, you have agreed to receiving requests for feedback from Get Price via your email address.



Tracking activity on our Site


When you browse the Site and have not registered, you browse anonymously. Personally identifiable information is not collected as you browse. However, we track how the Site is used by both anonymous users and our registered merchants, by using a small string of text that is sent to your browser known as a ‘cookie’. Our use of cookies is described in more detail in the next section.


All such information will be used only to assist us for the purposes of providing an effective service on the Site. We may from time to time supply the owners or operators of third party sites from which it is possible to link from the Site with information relating to the number of users linking from the Site to such third party websites. You will not personally be identifiable from this information.





Cookies collect information that include the server your computer is logged onto, your browser type and how you gained entry to the Site. Therefore, when you use the Site anonymously, details are recorded about your use, such as how you have used the Site, the time and date of your access to the Site, pages of the Site that you accessed and the time you spent on the Site. This information is used in an anonymous form for statistical purposes and to improve target advertising and as such, cannot be used to identify you individually. A cookie cannot retrieve any other data from your hard drive, pass on computer viruses or capture your email address or any other personally identifiable information. You should note that accepting cookies is required if you want to view the Site, because they are essential for the Site administration and security.





We have implemented technology and policies, with the objective of protecting your privacy from unauthorised access and improper use.



Third Parties


You can link to other third party websites from the Site. We are not responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other websites, even if you access them using links from the Site. We make no promises or guarantees regarding data collection on the hyper-linked pages and on websites that are not owned by Get Price. We recommend that you check the policy of each website you use, visit, or link to, and contact the owners or operators of such websites if you have any concerns or questions.



Disclosure of your personal information to third parties


We may disclose your personal information to third parties in the following circumstances -



if required to do so or permitted by law;



to various regulatory bodies and law enforcement officials and agencies to protect against fraud and for security purposes; and



to our third party service providers as well as to our related entities for the purpose of providing links to products or responding to your enquiries.


Where we engage third party contractors to perform services for us, those third party contractors may be given access to your personal information for the purposes of providing services to us. Under these circumstances however, those third party contractors must safeguard this information and must only use it for the purposes for which it was supplied. If we give a third party service provider your personal information, we will also make them aware of this Charter and ask that they handle your personal information in accordance with it. However, beyond this, we will not be liable if they do not comply with this Charter.



Changes to this Privacy Charter


We may amend this Charter from time-to-time. If we make any substantial changes in the way we use your personal information, we will notify you by posting a prominent announcement on the Site.


We will always use information in accordance with the Charter under which it was collected.



Contacting us


You have the right to access personal information we hold about you at all times. If you are concerned about our use of your personal information, please contact us at "contact at" with the subject line, "privacy."


Further Information on Privacy

You may obtain further information regarding privacy issues in Australia by visiting the Australian Federal Privacy Commissioner’s website at

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