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Pensioners Ray and Lynette McKay of Basin Pocket a struggling to find the money to repair their home.

Fund 'underpaid' flood victims

BASIN Pocket couple Raymond and Lynette McKay estimate they have been underpaid at least $37,500 by the Premier’s Disaster Relief Fund.

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Landslide hits Malaysian orphanage

A landslide has hit an orphanage in Malaysia, killing at least 10 children and two caretakers.A LANDSLIDE caused by heavy rains has hit an orphanage in Malaysia, killing at least 10 children and two caretakers, the official Bernama news agency says.
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Jets face judgement day

Ipswich Jets impact player Smith Samau could push for a starting birth if his recent performances continue.FUNDAMENTALIST Christian pastor Harold Camping proclaims that today is Judgement Day and only true believers will be spared god’s wrath.
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Macadamias to drive world nuts

Eamon Sullivan is the face of a macadamia industry advertising campaign.GROCERY lists and restaurant menus all over the world will increasingly feature Australia's beloved indigenous nut if macadamia growers have their way.

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Facebook and MS battle child porn

PhotoDNA will scan the hundreds of millions of photos uploaded daily to Facebook, blocking pictures recognised as child porn and, hopefully, leading police to the sources, according to Sonderby.FACEBOOK and Microsoft have unveiled an alliance to ferret out child porn and those who share such images at the world's leading online social network.
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Sydney: Staying power

The Establishment foyer. PLAN something special during your trip to Sydney with a stay at one of these plush and vibrant hotels in the heart of the city.

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You are too idealistic about some situation just now and need to get real. Wishing something or someone to be a certain way is not going to make it a reality. You... More Horoscopes »

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