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Melbourne Weather

forecast summary district forecast


Friday Becoming cloudy. Isolated showers developing. Winds S averaging up to 30 km/h. Partly cloudy. Isolated showers later in the day. Winds N averaging 15 to 20 km/h.

possible shower

Saturday Mostly cloudy. Isolated light showers. Winds S/SE averaging 10 to 20 km/h.

possible shower

Sunday Partly cloudy. The chance of a light shower or two. Winds SE averaging 10 to 20 km/h.

clearing shower

Monday Partly cloudy. Isolated light showers possible during the morning. Winds S and light.

possible shower

Tuesday Mostly cloudy. Isolated light showers, mainly in the northwest. Winds SE/SW averaging 10 to 20 km/h.

Issued Fri 16:20 EST

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Melbourne Weather Forecasts

forecast min max chance of rain rain amount frost risk 9am 3pm
wind rh wind rh
°C °C km/h % km/h %
possible shower Possible shower
9 14 30% < 1mm Nil S 7 90 S 15 90
possible shower Possible shower
6 15 30% < 1mm Nil S 4 69 S 11 68
possible shower Possible shower
9 15 30% 1-5mm Nil S 16 85 SSW 20 78
possible shower Possible shower
8 15 20% < 1mm Nil S 9 89 SSW 17 78
possible shower Possible shower
6 14 30% < 1mm Nil W 3 98 SSW 13 86
possible shower Possible shower
8 15 30% < 1mm Nil S 12 93 S 20 85

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Significant rainfall on the way for Perth

13:44 EST Wet weather is set to return to Perth and the dry southwest early next week.

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