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Adelaide Weather

forecast summary district forecast

mostly sunny

Wednesday Fine. Some high cloud developing. Moderate NE winds.

possible shower

Thursday Possible shower.

mostly cloudy

Friday Mainly fine. Partly cloudy.


Saturday Showers.

possible shower

Sunday Shower or two.

Issued Wed 05:15 CST

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Adelaide Weather Forecasts

forecast min max chance of rain rain amount frost risk 9am 3pm
wind rh wind rh
°C °C km/h % km/h %
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
7 18 30% 1-5mm Nil NE 20 62 NNE 20 59
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
4 18 30% 1-5mm Slight NE 20 72 NNE 19 63
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
5 19 30% < 1mm Slight NE 20 67 NNE 18 56
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
4 11 30% < 1mm Slight NE 18 85 NNE 17 84
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
8 18 30% < 1mm Nil NE 16 64 NE 13 61
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
4 18 30% < 1mm Slight NE 17 71 NE 17 64

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Permanent fix for highway potholes

06:47 EST The RTA says the New England Highway in the Upper Hunter is safe for now but temporary repairs on potholes will need a more permanent fix.

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