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Welcome to the Independent's new promotions site - a cornucopia of fabulous prizes and great deals. Bookmark the page to get your regular drip-feed of our latest brilliant online competitions and offers!
EDF Energy, Britain's largest producer of low-carbon electricity, is sponsoring Team Green Britain Bike Week...
...and they want you to take part! What better way than with £650 to spend on a brand new Pashley?
In honour of the launch of the Heineken Hub, we've got our hands on an embarassment of gadgetry to give away.
This month, you've got nine chances to win some bleeding-edge booty, from one of three iPad 2s, to three Canon SLR cameras or even three Samsung Netbook computers!
Enjoy a day's luxury pampering treatment for two at Nirvana Spa in Berkshire, stay the night at plush local hotel.
And to put a cherry on top, how about we throw in a bundle of extravagant spa goodies for good measure?
Do you know a perfect beer garden in which to enjoy those endless summer hours?
If you do, let San Miguel know all about it, and you could just win a VIP break for two to Spain's loveliest holiday island.
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Win one of five pairs of tickets to Ibsen's little-known classic Emperor and Galilean.
Seven or 14 relaxing nights on this gorgeous Greek island from £369 or £529.
Experience the master at Paris' prestigious Musée d’Orsay - £226pp for three days.
Dashing Dress2Kill tailored suits for less than half price - only £349.
Five signed copies of CJ Lines' new short story collection Cold Mirrors to be won.
Three especially virile Hitachi power drill/impact driver sets to give away.
Get an entire year's supply of i for just £35!
Win every surviving episode of the classic comedy on 8 DVDs!
Explore some of the finest archaeological sites in Europe accompanied by an expert.