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Der kommende Aufstand

Der kommende Aufstand

Ein kontrovers diskutierter, nichtsdestotrotz lesens - hörenswerter Text aus Frankreich!
Für lesefaule hier auch als Moviedatei / Tondatei:  read more »


Revolution in Conflict: Anti-Authoritarian Approaches to Resolving and Transforming Conflict and Harm

anti-authoritarian conflict mediation-1.jpg

This is a transcript of a recording of a workshop given at the 2008 NYC Anarchist Bookfair. The workshop title is Revolution in Conflict: Anti-Authoritarian Approaches to Resolving and Transforming Conflict and Harm.  read more »

Audio from the Attica Uprising 1971


audio from the Freedom Archives

Download at:

Against the background of the mass revolutionary, black power and prisoners' movements in the US, a four day revolt began on September 13, 1971 at the Attica Correctional Facility near Buffalo, NY in the United States. Its repression left 39 people killed.

"If we can't live as men, we sure as hell can die as men"
- Attica prisoner

Read more about the Attica Uprising at:

dj QuestionMark Audio Archive

Welcome to Dj Questionmark's Audio Archive. Here you will find interviews with people about a veriety of topics since 2004.These interviews aired on pirate radio Free Radio Olympia 98.5 fm, Weird Radio Portland, and Berkeley Liberation Radio 104.1 fm.

Police Intimidation Impounds Permaculture Bus in Twin Cities Aug. 31, 2008  read more »

Free the SF 8

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1.51 MB

info from Committee for the Defense of Human Rights

Murder Charges Against Former Black Panthers Based on Confessions Extracted by Torture

Conspiracy count dropped against five of the eight – see details (December 4).

Nobel Peace Prize laureates issue International Call for justice for the San Francisco 8 – see full text (November 30).  read more »

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