
Pataphysical Vibrations Issue 2 "Summer in the Light and Winter in the Shade"

Helleborus orientalis

This second time around we created an open invitation for the public to submit writings, pictures, and music in the theme of "Spring". We took the title, "Summer in the Light and Winter in the Shade" from a quotation by Charles Dickens as it neatly and very nicely captures the season.  read more »

House Magic: Bureau of Foreign Correspondence, #2

The second journal of an information project on social center and political squatting in the 21st century (Winter 2010). Includes Miles de Viviendas in Barcelona, Frise in Hamburg,
Autonomous Zones in Amsterdam, Bullet Space New York City, Telestreet in Italy, Christiania in Copenhagen, SQEK: Squatting Europe Kollectiv Research Agenda, Zumbi in
Sao Paolo Brazil, and many other bulletins.

House Magic: Bureau of Foreign Correspondence, #1

The first journal of a survey information project on social center squatting around Europe in the 21st century. Includes articles on New Yorck Bethanien in Berlin, Rote Flora in Hamburg, RampART Social Centre and Micropolitics in London, a report from Granada, Spain, Atelier ESC in Rome, Cox 18 in Milan, Rhino in Geneva, and a solidarity occupation of a road near Christiania in Copenhagen.  read more »

Intermediate Level documents


At the third North American Class Struggle Anarchist Conference, Miami Autonomy and
Solidarity gave a presentation on what they call the Intermediate Level. This document
collects the notes from the presentation & related readings.


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Not an Indian Tradition: The Sexual Colonization of Native Peoples (journal article)


Not an Indian Tradition: The Sexual Colonization of Native Peoples (journal article) by Andrea Smith

"Separate and Equal"? Mujeres Libres... (Journal article)


"Separate and Equal"? Mujeres Libres and the Anarchist Strategy for Women's Emancipation by Martha Ackelsberg (Journal article)
she wrote a book too. check it out.

Federica Montseny and Spanish Anarchist Feminism (Journal article)


Federica Montseny and Spanish Anarchist Feminism by Shirley F. Fredericks

He Zhen and Anarcho-Feminism in China (Journal article)


He Zhen and Anarcho-Feminism in China by Peter Zarrow

Anarchist Feminist Response to the Woman Question 19th Century, The

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The Anarchist-Feminist Response to the "Woman Question" in the Late Nineteenth-Century America by Margaret S. Marsh

Anarchism and the Politics of Sexuality in Early-Twentieth-Century Chile (journal article)

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From "La Mujer Esclava" to "La Mujer Limon": Anarchism and the Politics of Sexuality in Early-Twentieth-Century Chile by Elizabeth Quay Hutchinson

Spanish Anarchism and Women's Liberation (Journal article)

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by Temma E. Kaplan. Contemporary History journal.

Anarcho-punk zine: PunkWay #5, winter 2011

punkway zine

1. Introduction

3. [Analyze It!]
4. [It’s always the lack of time.]
5. [About The Fight Against The Invisible Enemy]
6. [What to do if… and afterwards]

[Ideas] The Theory
7. Revolution?!
8. Open relationship
9. Science and Anarchy
10.This is Street Art
11. Sport for the Vegetarians
12. Different (Un)Necessities
13. Songs

[Action] Events  read more »

Poland, 1983, January, Committee in Support of Solidarity Report No. 10-11

Committee in Support of Solidarity Reports
Issue No. 10 and 11
January 24, 1983

In This Issue

From the Editor page 1

The Spoils of War page 2

Official Statistics on Solidarity's Resistance and Repression

The Institutionalization of Martial Law page 3

If Martial Law was suspended, why do so many laws incorporate the same repressive measures?  read more »

Poland, 1982, November, Committee in Support of Solidarity Report No. 9

Committee in Support of Solidarity Reports
Issue No. 9
November 25, 1982


The November Strike page 1

Why the Strike Failed page 2

Statement of the Gdansk Coordinating Commission of Solidarity explains why the protest actions called for November 10 did not succeed.

"An Unprecedented Act in the History of Civilized Societies" page 4  read more »

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