
Pataphysical Vibrations Issue 2 "Summer in the Light and Winter in the Shade"

Helleborus orientalis

This second time around we created an open invitation for the public to submit writings, pictures, and music in the theme of "Spring". We took the title, "Summer in the Light and Winter in the Shade" from a quotation by Charles Dickens as it neatly and very nicely captures the season.  read more »

Civilization McDonald's Kid De-Motivational Poster

Civilization McDonald's Kid De-motivational Poster

Part of a continuing series of anti-civ posters using dictionary definitions of civilization and shocking images to promote primitivist politics.

Itchy Feet II - Vegan ethics while travelling


Zine about maintaining vegan, environmental and anti-authoritarian principles while travelling the world.

1. Pre-Travel preparation.
o Helpful tools to prepare yourself for what is to come
2. Maintaining a vegan diet.
o Breakdown of a vegan diet in North America
o Breakdown of a vegan diet in Central and South America
o Breakdown of a vegan diet in Europe  read more »

compassion revolution


Richmond Churchill Food Not Bombs Flier


Flier for the Churchill Food Not Bombs in Richmond, Virginia.

Richmond Food Not Bombs Food Bombs Picture


Food Bombs from Richmond Food Not Bombs!

“Canning” Capitalist Agribusiness: A Simple How-To Guide to Canning Your Produce


A how-to guide for canning. Enjoy!

Eating Acorns

Hatch Acorn Ind.jpg

Easy Living! Vol. 1


EASY LIVING on the road! (aka: a bunch of stuff you can do at hotels while you are on the road!)

In this mini-zine you will find ways to get free breakfast, free internet and/or computer access, free household goods, and more.  read more »

united fruit corruption: what chiquita, dole, and fresh express are up to


the United Fruit Company (and its given factions -- chiquita, dole and fresh express) have a history of horrible human rights abuses and imperialism. this zine contains information on the history of United Fruit. see other pdf attachments for a sticker campaign against them.



This is a zine of diy urban guerrila farming out of the nova farm seattle, washington.

Against Society and Culture

Against Society & Culture.jpg

Burn the Supermarkets

Grow the Best Corn


by Nancy Bubel

Veganarchy Issue #1 - Summer 2009


Veganarchy Issue #1 - Summer 2009

Veganarchy is a free, independently published magazine, aka “zine.” It’s purpose is to provide an outlet for creatively-produced content regarding veganism, anarchism, and related issues. We accept submissions on a continual basis, so send us an email if you'd like to contribute!

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