
This is not a manifesto: Towards an anarcho-design practice (2011 version)


If graphic design is understood as the expression and reflection of a particular set of values, systems and interests, then most artistic practice today tends to express the interests of the class that controls and profits from society. It is these interests that dominate the standards of value in design, defines its emphasis, and excludes its more subversive, egalitarian alternatives.  read more »

Civilization Intellect De-Motivational Poster

Civilization Intellect De-Motivational Poster

This de-motivational poster is part of a series using dictionary definitions and amazing and horrifying images to demean, discredit, and vilify civilization. Enjoy!

For Those Considering Law School


A critical look at law school, by Dean Spade.

Security Culture, an Audience Interactive Sock Puppet Farce.


A light and entertaining introduction to the basics of security culture, with lots of stupid sock-based puns.

If you like it, feel free to make your own performance of it!

Find it at Columbus ABC's website:

Josiah Warren's Equitable Commerce


This is a zine formatted version of Equitable Commerce by Josiah Warren. Warren is said to be the father of American Individualist Anarchism and he helped to publish one of the first Anarchist Periodicals in the United States called the Peaceful Revolutionist.

I hope you enjoy this. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please e-mail me at:  read more »

Lysander Spooner's No treason: The Constitution of No Authority


This is a zine formatted version of the individualist anarchist Lysander Spooner's essay No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority.

I hope you enjoy this. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please e-mail me at:

For more free zines and a look at what else I've got check out:

Toward a Student Unionism


“Student Unions could replace out-of-touch
Student Governments, give the boot to
overpaid Administrators, and actually run
the university in cooperation with other
organized groups on campus”

On courage


on courage, working in against and beyond the university.

Reclusive Obscenities Issue 1 - Fetus Schmetus


The first issue of Reclusive Obscenities is a quarter page zine documenting my personal experience having a medical/chemical abortion at Planned Parenthood.

I feel that this is a topic that isn't talked about enough, so I wanted to share my personal experience and hopefully debunk some myths and make the whole process a bit less mysterious for others.  read more »

Anarchy Works by Peter Gelderloos

Anarchy Works

(from the back of the book) Anarchism is the boldest of revolutionary social movements to emerge from the struggle against capitalism-it aims for a world free from all forms of domination and exploitation. But at its heart is a simple and convincing proposition: people know how to live their own lives and organize themselves better than any expert could.  read more »

Is it a School or a Prison?

Against Education: For the Abolition of School


U of M 2010 DisOrientation


Derailing for Dummies


Making Discrimination Easier!

A simple. step-by-step guide to derailing awkward conversations by dismissing and trivialising your opposition’s perspective and experience. Just some of the many issues you can apply it to:

*sexism* *whorephobia* *racism* *transphobia* *classism* *homophobia* *albeism* *kinkphobia* *fatphobia*

guaranteed, you can use it to marginalise anyone!

Mapuche Solidarity Demo - Information Flier


August 12th is a call-out day for solidarity actions with Mapuche political prisoners, who are nearing the one-month mark of a hunger strike. This is a double-sided half sheet flier that could be useful to hand out at a demo or event. One side is background about the Mapuche conflict and the other side is a statement from the prisoners at El Manzano Prison in Conception.  read more »

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