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DIY Do It Yourself

Pataphysical Vibrations Issue 2 "Summer in the Light and Winter in the Shade"

Helleborus orientalis

This second time around we created an open invitation for the public to submit writings, pictures, and music in the theme of "Spring". We took the title, "Summer in the Light and Winter in the Shade" from a quotation by Charles Dickens as it neatly and very nicely captures the season.  read more »

Skid's Guide to Montreal, A (Spring 2011)

Skid cover.jpg

This is a short zine that's kinda a crash course to being cheap in Montreal. Goes over various scenes, getting food, places to sleep, hang out, music, transportation, health, getting stuff and fun things to do in the city.

New Complete Joy of Homebrewing, The


readable pdf on the joys of DIY beer home brewing.

by Charlie Papazian

Download at: (21.8 mb)

This book may be copyrighted.

Organise a Community Union: Beyond Resistance (NZ)


Zine produced in response to the Christchurch Earthquake of February 22, 2011. While focused on this event there are valuable ideas for any community organizer.

As If They Were Human: A Different Take on Perpetrator Accountability


This zine contains three articles by Tod Augusta-Scott, a social worker who works with men who have battered, abused, or used sexual violence. He has a novel approach to leading the men to take responsibility for their own actions and be accountable. This approach is based in challenging gender essentialism, listening to the men, and helping them develop new stories for their lives.  read more »

How to Plan and Execute an act of Electronic Civil Disobedience (ECD) v2


This is the second version of the zine "How to Plan and Execute an Act of Electronic Civil Disobedience (ECD)" from The original version has some dead links and spelling mistakes, which this update corrects. Props and credit to the original author.



Have you wanted to get into cross-country Bicycle Touring?
...but thought you didn't have The Money, Muscle, Gear, or Know-How?

You only need The Know-How, presented here for free in an accessible* and engaging zine!

The Space-Bag Camelbak
Hack Yr Bike Into a Touring Bike
Urban Camping
Kitty Litter Bucket Panniers  read more »

How to Promote Events: A Radical/DIY Guide

How to Promote Events

How to Promote Events: 16 page zine adapted from original text by the Beehive Design Collective.  This file (PDF, 11MB)  read more »

Herbal Medicine-Making Primer, An


This addition to the Yggdrasil Distro collection is a thorough examination of the various methods of preparing herbal medicines. Many plant-focused and herbal medicine zines exist, but few of them explore any methods of preparing herb medicine beyond simple infusions and decoctions.  read more »

Detroit Zine Library Flyer - Updated for better sizing


Flyer for Detroit's Zine Library at the Trumbullplex -- information here:!/trumbullplexzinelibrary

The front is a regular flyer, and if you print the back side (included in the flyer) it folds into a tiny zine! Feel free to print & distribute.

UPDATED for less awkward sizing.

Detroit Zine Library Flyer


Flyer for Detroit's Zine Library at the Trumbullplex -- information here:!/trumbullplexzinelibrary

The front is a regular flyer, and if you print the back side (included in the flyer) it folds into a tiny zine! Feel free to print & distribute.

Richmond Food Not Bombs Pamphlet

Richmond Food Not Bombs Pamphlet
Wingnut Anarchist Collective
Food is a right not a privilege
About Food Not Bombs in general and also a history of the local Richmond, Virginia Food Not Bombs organization.

You need all 4 pdfs to make this double sided pamphlet.

Saga: a free, rules-light, universal roleplaying system


Saga is a free, DIY, universal/generic roleplaying engine, written by an anarchist for anarchist roleplayers and nerds. It isn't explicitly political, but it is free in the spirit of gift-economics and anti-capitalism.  read more »

“Canning” Capitalist Agribusiness: A Simple How-To Guide to Canning Your Produce


A how-to guide for canning. Enjoy!



Quilting is a journal of questions to think and write about, matched with coloring pages of quilt patterns. Quilting encourages meditation and slow, steady, positive thinking to figure out what's good for you and to keep making it better.

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