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Anarchist History

Emma Goldman Chaotic Good De-motivational Poster

Emma Goldman, Chaotic Good

This small poster is part of a series of anarchist and politically inspired de-motivational joke posters that I'm currently working on. Behold: now your favorite internet meme has come to zine library!

More at:

Intermediate Level documents


At the third North American Class Struggle Anarchist Conference, Miami Autonomy and
Solidarity gave a presentation on what they call the Intermediate Level. This document
collects the notes from the presentation & related readings.

"Separate and Equal"? Mujeres Libres... (Journal article)


"Separate and Equal"? Mujeres Libres and the Anarchist Strategy for Women's Emancipation by Martha Ackelsberg (Journal article)
she wrote a book too. check it out.

Federica Montseny and Spanish Anarchist Feminism (Journal article)


Federica Montseny and Spanish Anarchist Feminism by Shirley F. Fredericks

He Zhen and Anarcho-Feminism in China (Journal article)


He Zhen and Anarcho-Feminism in China by Peter Zarrow

Anarchist Feminist Response to the Woman Question 19th Century, The

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The Anarchist-Feminist Response to the "Woman Question" in the Late Nineteenth-Century America by Margaret S. Marsh

Anarchism and the Politics of Sexuality in Early-Twentieth-Century Chile (journal article)

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From "La Mujer Esclava" to "La Mujer Limon": Anarchism and the Politics of Sexuality in Early-Twentieth-Century Chile by Elizabeth Quay Hutchinson

Spanish Anarchism and Women's Liberation (Journal article)

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by Temma E. Kaplan. Contemporary History journal.

Poland, 1990, October-November, News prepared by Black Alliance group

October-November 1990
news prepared by Black Alliance group

News From Poland

1. 17 October, Krakow

The group of Anarchist Federation in Krakow organized an anti-presidential demonstration during the election rally of Lech Walesa. The A.F. demonstration was attacked by skin-heads and the other supporters of Walesa.

2. 19 October, Warszawa  read more »

Ernesto A. Longa - Anarchist Periodicals in English Published in the United States (1833-1955): An Annotated Guide

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In the 19th and 20th centuries, dozens of anarchist publications appeared throughout the United States despite limited financial resources, a pestering and censorial postal department, and persistent harassment, arrest, and imprisonment by the State. Such works energetically advocated a stateless society built upon individual liberty and voluntary cooperation.  read more »

Can't Stop Kaos: A Brief History of the Black Bloc

Can't Stop Kaos Cover

A 28 page half-sized zine on the history and development of the Black Bloc tactic in W. Europe and N. America and the Autonomist movements from which it arises.

Published by Autonomous Resistance in Vancouver, Canada [Coast Salish Territory], Summer 2010!

Josiah Warren's Equitable Commerce


This is a zine formatted version of Equitable Commerce by Josiah Warren. Warren is said to be the father of American Individualist Anarchism and he helped to publish one of the first Anarchist Periodicals in the United States called the Peaceful Revolutionist.

I hope you enjoy this. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please e-mail me at:  read more »

Lysander Spooner's No treason: The Constitution of No Authority


This is a zine formatted version of the individualist anarchist Lysander Spooner's essay No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority.

I hope you enjoy this. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please e-mail me at:

For more free zines and a look at what else I've got check out:

god and the state bakunin


The classic by Bakunin. Required reading for all the cultural appropriations of "spirituality" that is tolerated in radical circles. That shits racist and authoritarian.

In the Struggle for Equality: The History of the Anarchist Red Cross


In the Struggle for Equality: The History of the Anarchist Red Cross, by Boris Yelensky. This zine is part of the Boston Anarchist Black Cross distro.

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