
Don't Be A Dick


DON'T BE A DICK is a zine about masculinity, rape, porn, and consent.

We Are All Survivors, We Are All Perpetrators // What To Do When...


“To broach these questions is not to deny that there is such a thing as sexual assault, nor to defend it as acceptable behavior. On the contrary, it is to demand that we acknowledge that we live in a rape culture: a culture in which sexual assault is pervasive, as are the forces and dynamics that promote it. Sexual assault is a part of all of us who have grown up in this society; we cannot ignore it, or pretend that because we ourselves have been assaulted or because we work to live anarchy in all aspects of our lives that we are not capable of sexual assault.  read more »

Taking The First Step: Suggestions To People Called Out For Abusive Behavior


formatted version of wispy cockle's article:

key words: consent sexual assault abuse called out perpetrator rape accountability process feminism survivors

A Very Careful Strike

A Very Careful Strike-1.jpg

A zine (kind of) about affective delire.

Drifts and Care...



Do you want to be, or don’t you want to be...soft, like me...?


Anarchists must say what only anarchists can say
-Monsieur Dupont’s New Year Message

Subversive Submissive #1


Short collection of essays on coming to terms with my submissive sexual identity, critiques of the mainstream BDSM scene, connections between my masochism and self-inflicted pain, and my struggle with "coming out" as kinky to other anarchists and feminists.

(First PDF for online reading; second is for printing.)

Revolution Starts At Home, The : Confronting Partner Abuse in Activist Communities


Denver On Fire is happy to present this incredible resource in zine format! Previous editions of The Revolution Starts At Home have been in full-page-booklet style (available at This format is a bit more compact.

The Revolution Starts At Home: Confronting Partner Abuse in Activist Communities

edited by Ching-In Chen, Dulani, and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

Includes submissions from members of CARA, Philly's Pissed, The Northwest Network, UBUNTU, INCITE! and more.

Concrete tools for community accountability organizing.  read more »

What to Do When Someone Tells You that You Committed (Sexual) Assault

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The official title is: What to Do When Someone Tells you that you violated their boundaries, made them feel uncomfortable, or committed assault.

A trifold pamphlet that lists steps that people who've been called out for sexual assault should take.

Prescription for Change: Community Response to Substance Use

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This is an excellent zine talking about addiction, from all sorts of perspectives. It goes into the author's own experiences with addiction and kicking a heroin habit and most importantly talks about how communities can respond to someone struggling with addiction in a way that is helpful and non-judgmental. (Along the way, it offers radical/anarchist critiques of AA and 12-step programs, the moralism often attached to other people's substance use, and lots of other things.) Chock fulla insights and one fine zine.

Ladders and Hips: An Open Letter to the Boys in My Life


A zine on self-injury, eating disorders, and sexualized violence. This zine lays open the author's struggle with internalized sexism by looking at the ways patriarchy has manifested itself in the author's body. Other articles connect her personal experiences with a broader, intersectional exploration of power within activist and punkrock communities she both embraces and attempts to hold accountable.

TRIGGER WARNING: this zine deals explicitly with self injury, eating disorders, and sexual assault. read with care.

Liberating Ourselves in the Boudoir, An Anarchist-Feminist Perspective Against BDSM

Liberating ourselves in the boudoir, PRINT VERSION-1.jpg

This zine explores the behaviors and mindsets of BDSM, and attempts to show why BDSM is oppressive and patriarchal. One of the two files is laid out for printing, the other for reading on the computers.

Hipsters of the World! We are so Fucking Boring! (excerpt from Fire to the Prisons #4)


This is a redesign of an excerpt of Fire to the Prisons #4. For pleasure fun and subversion.

Don't Rape Each Other!


Consent is a community issue!

brought to you by the Olympia Street Medics Collective

Gay Shame Opposes Marriage in Any Form


Gay Shame Opposes Marriage in Any Form

Critique of the reformist/capitalist gay marriage movement, and the patriarchal nature of marriage in general.

Communication and Conflict Resolution


An excellent booklet from a workshop by the Carrboro Dispute Settlement Center ( ). Contains an introduction to styles of conflict, nonviolent communication, basic strategies for conflict resolution, etc.

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