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Obama's Middle East Hypocrisy

Mostly Water - 1 hour 28 min ago

Obama talks peace and wages war.

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Categories: International news

Obama's Middle East Hypocrisy

Mostly Water - 1 hour 28 min ago

Obama talks peace and wages war.

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Categories: International news

Britain’s Public Health System Faces Destruction

Mostly Water - 1 hour 33 min ago

By Chris Marsden - WSWS

Britain’s Conservative/Liberal Democrat government has set out plans for the destruction of the National Health Service as a universal and comprehensive service free at the point of delivery...Workers will soon find themselves entitled only to a basic menu of treatments, as under the US system of managed care, and ultimately will have to depend on an insurance-based system. These measures will cost tens of thousands their good health, even their lives.

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Categories: International news

Britain’s Public Health System Faces Destruction

Mostly Water - 1 hour 33 min ago

By Chris Marsden - WSWS

Britain’s Conservative/Liberal Democrat government has set out plans for the destruction of the National Health Service as a universal and comprehensive service free at the point of delivery...Workers will soon find themselves entitled only to a basic menu of treatments, as under the US system of managed care, and ultimately will have to depend on an insurance-based system. These measures will cost tens of thousands their good health, even their lives.

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Categories: International news

Horizons du progrès de la révolution syrienne - 4 hours 38 min ago
traduction française du texte du camarade anarchiste syrien Mazen Kamalmaz []

(en) Ireland, Cork Protests The British Queen's Visit

A Infos - 5 hours 26 min ago
Spin and window-dressing were the order of the day this afternoon in Cork where a heavy-handed police presence ensured that the British Queen’s visit to the city could be presented to the outside world as ‘positive and welcoming’ and ‘a real Irish welcome’. A sizeable protest on Sullivan’s Quay was met with lines of riot police and police dogs guaranteeing that those who opposed the visit were kept far away from where they could be seen and heard. ---- Cork’s Lord Mayor and the city’s Chamber of Commerce went to all ends to ‘beautify’ Cork for this occasion. Although Cork is ravaged by job losses, shop closures and derelect sites on the city’s main thoroughfares, this event was sold to the public as ‘a good way to boost tourism’. In effect what this meant was that many of the cronies who do business with City Hall got lucrative contracts to provide the city with a ...

(en) Irish Anarchist Review #3 - BACK to the FUTURE: Imagining the Future in a post-revolutionary world

A Infos - 5 hours 53 min ago
Much of our time as revolutionaries is spent on the routine of organising in the here and now – building a campaign, organising for a demonstration, planning for a trade union meeting…. Too often we don’t manage to take time to step back from the here and now and imagine or envisage what it’s all about. But without dreaming, without imagining a future the daily humdrum can seem dispiriting. ---- To really build for a new society, we need to try to paint a picture of what that society might look like. And we need to be able to suspend reality and dream of the sort of future that might be out there. This article is the first of what we hope will be a series which will attempt to look into a post-revolutionary future and imagine what such a society might look like. ...

On the Chopping Block: Federal Worker Pensions

Mostly Water - 6 hours 44 min ago

The U.S. plan to incrementally steal federal worker pensions.

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Categories: International news

Lots of Rhetoric, But Very Little Help

Mostly Water - 6 hours 48 min ago

By Robert Fisk - Znet

It was a kind of Second Coming...Cairo re-pledged, another crack at the Middle East, as boring and as unfair as all the other ones, with lots of rhetoric about the Arab revolutions which Obama did nothing to help. Some of it was positively delusional...Of course, there was the usual rhetoric bath for Libya, Syria, Iran, the usual suspects...A creature from Mars would think that the man had helped to bring about the revolutions in the Middle East rather that sat primly to one side in the hope that the wretched dictators might survive.

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Categories: International news

A Bit of Hows Yer Intifida?

SchNEWS - 7 hours 25 min ago
SchNEWS examines the new wave of Palestinian resistance

A Bit of Hows Yer Intifida?

SchNEWS - 7 hours 25 min ago
SchNEWS examines the new wave of Palestinian resistance

Angel Grinders

SchNEWS - 7 hours 25 min ago
Office Angels hit by protests after non-payment for a temp

Angel Grinders

SchNEWS - 7 hours 25 min ago
Office Angels hit by protests after non-payment for a temp

Bell End?

SchNEWS - 7 hours 25 min ago
Fascist friendly pub gets an unexpected paint job

Bell End?

SchNEWS - 7 hours 25 min ago
Fascist friendly pub gets an unexpected paint job

Madrid Fer It

SchNEWS - 7 hours 25 min ago
Demonstrators occupy Madrid's central square

Madrid Fer It

SchNEWS - 7 hours 25 min ago
Demonstrators occupy Madrid's central square

IT Makes No Census

SchNEWS - 7 hours 25 min ago
Millions yet to return Lockheed Martin's Census forms

IT Makes No Census

SchNEWS - 7 hours 25 min ago
Millions yet to return Lockheed Martin's Census forms

Mexico: Poetic Justice

SchNEWS - 7 hours 25 min ago
Thousands march in Mexico to demand peace in the government's 'War on Drugs'
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