Discussion Homosexuality, Bisexuality Myths and Facts on 5th of May 2011

During this Thursday meeting, we will tackle the Myths related to homosexuality and bisexuality in society. We will discuss these myths, their origins and how they affect homosexuals and bisexual individuals. Our discussion will be based on Dr. Maha Rabat booklet entitled: Homosexuality, Bisexuality Myths and Facts.

Helem social worker will be responsible of animating this meeting.

Date: 5th of May 2011

Place: Helem Community Center – Zico House

Time: 6h30pm

عرض فيلم قصير بعنوان "ولو"

سوف نعرض فيلم قصير بعنوان "ولو" و يلقي الضوء على التحرّش الجنسي بالأطفال أطلقته جمعيّة كفى.

يلي العرض نقاش عن الموضوع

يدير النقاش سيمون نعمة الأخصائي الإجتماعي لجمعيّة حلم.

المكان : زيكو هاوس / جمعية حلم

الزمان : 28 نيسان 2011

الساعة : السادسة و النصف مساءً

BEIRUT IS BURNING -IDAHO Fundraisier Party 0n 30th of May 2011

Beirut is Burning

IDAHO is just around the corner and Helem's fundraising team have another flaming party planned.

Let's break the gender binary to pieces at the end of this month at the sound of oriental, 80s, alternative, and pop music is a stunning mix by DJ Hamida Charlotte Ophreaz,

Expect feathers and glitter, or anything else that comes to mind, come prepared!

The Prices:
$10 entrance + 1 drink

For any questions call 70123687

WHERE? Pub 101

Discussion with Jasbir Paur

Please join us on Sunday December 12 at 3 pm for a discussion with Dr. Jasbir Puar, professor of women and gender studies at Rutgers University. Dr. Puar is the author of the award-winning book Terrorist Assemblanges: Homonationalism in Queer Times, which examines how discourses surrounding sexuality and race are mobilized in the service of war, nation-building, and imperialism.

Helem Speech at IGLTA symposium,Beirut, 14 October 2010

Good evening,

First of all, I would like to welcome you to Beirut, and hope you enjoy your stay here as a tourist in a foreign country.

I would like to begin with a very brief introduction about Helem. Helem was founded in Beirut in 2004 and is one of the first above-ground organizations that advocates for the equality rights of people who identify with a sexual orientation or gender identity that doesn’t conform with the norms and traditions of society.

Act for “One Day One Struggle” Video Campaign

On November 9, Many people from all over the world celebrate “One Day One Struggle”, a day announced by CSBR (Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights) to promote sexual and bodily rights including sexual autonomy, privacy, pleasure, equity, sex education and health care.

All those who are part of CSBR, celebrate this day on their own way wherever they are. For this year in Lebanon, Nasawiya in partnership with Helem and Meem, will be launching a viral video campaign on November 9!

No association between Queer Lisboa and the criminal Israeli apartheid!

Immediate rejection of the Israeli embassy's support to the Festival!

From 17 to 25 September the 14th edition of Queer Lisboa will take place in the city of Lisbon. A Cinema Festival born from the LGBT (lesbian, bi, gay and transgender) movement and from its mobilization against the discriminations for sexual orientation or gender identity in Portugal, it is a venue worthy of our appreciation and solidarity. In its present edition, however, as it has been the case in the last three years, the Festival is about to receive both financial and institutional support from the Israeli embassy in Lisbon.

Arab Queers say NO to Pinkwashing at the USSF

Below is a statement by 4 queer Arab organizations in Beirut, Jerusalem, and Haifa condemning the USSF‘s decision to allow zionist propaganda group Stand With Us to present at the forum:


We, the undersigned queer Arab organizations, are appalled by the US Social Forum’s decision to allow Stand with Us to utilize the event as a platform to pinkwash Israel’s crimes in the region. Stand with Us is cynically manipulating the struggle of queer people in the Middle East through its workshop entitled “LGBTQI Liberation in the Middle East”.

Am I Queer? - IDAHO 2010

Helem’s theme for this year’s IDAHO (International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia) is ‘Ana Shaz’ (I’m Queer). The word itself can be very controversial and upsets many people, but we have chosen to support all those who are considered queer/deviant by the governmental aspects of society. The queer community in Lebanon has chosen to stand in solidarity and on the side of sexual freedom in Lebanon.

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