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David Rovics


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Sunday, May 15th, 7 pm
Benefit for Sisters of the Road on Utah Phillips' birthday with his son, Brendan Phillips, the great Jim Page and me!
Alberta Rose Theater
Portland, OR

Wednesday, May 18th
Prince Rupert, BC

Friday, May 20th
Denman Island Back Hall
Denman Island, BC
Contact Ron Sakolsky

Saturday, May 21st, 7:30 pm
Benefit for Canada Boat to Gaza
2994 Douglas St.
Victoria, BC
Contact Kevin Neish

Sunday, May 22nd, 7:30 pm
Joe's Garage
115 5th St.
Courtenay, BC
Contact Brian Charlton

Tuesday, May 24th
6 pm dinner, 8 pm concert
Tipper Restaurant and Review Room
2066 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC
Contact Jim Edmondson

Thursday, May 26th, 6:30 pm
Portland Peace Awards
Billy Frank Conference Center
Ecotrust Building
721 NW 9th
Portland, OR

Sunday, June 5th, 3 pm
Me and various other artists, details TBA...
Palace of Fine Arts
San Francisco, CA
Contact Kevin Pardo

Saturday, June 18th
Corvallis, OR
Contact Paul Hochfeld

Late June/early July: Leila and I will be spending a week on a little holiday in Maryland and I'll do at least a couple gigs in the region while we're there...

Thursday, June 23rd, 7:30 pm
Wooden Shoe Books & Records
704 South Street
Philadelphia, PA

Friday, June 24th
Washington, DC

Early August through early September: EUROPE! Lots of free dates for additional gigs in Norway, Denmark, Germany and elsewhere in the region... Please let me know if you'd like to consider organizing something!


August 9-14
Karlsøyfestivalen 2011


Friday, August 19th
Contact Jonas Paludan

Saturday, August 20th
Private party...


Saturday, August 27th, 7:30 pm
Saalbau Bornheim
Arnsburger Straße 24
Contact Cathrin Schütz


September 3-4
Festa do Avante -- TENTATIVE

FALL 2011: Tour of US and Canada!

For most of September I'll be in the northeastern US (and hopefully also in eastern Canada). For October and part of November I'll be touring from east to west on some kind of outrageously zigzaggy route, yet to be determined, pending your input! I'd love to hear from anybody who might be willing to organize a show anywhere in the US or Canada.

Saturday, September 24th
House concert -- RSVP Anne Chamberlain if you plan to come!
Cornwall Bridge, CT