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New Cole Porter Doll

We are pleased to announce The Cole Porter Inn website is now up.

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Cole Porter Festival
June 12th - 14th, 2009
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Daryl Sherman concert at Westleigh
June 9th, 2009
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Born in 1891 to Samuel and Kate (Cole) Porter, Cole Porter was born in Peru, Indiana, and spent the first ten years of his life at 17-19 South Huntington Street. Here, Cole began his career as an unparalleled composer and lyricist, composing several of his early songs, including "The Bob-O-Link Waltz."

In the following years, Cole's birthplace was converted into a privately-owned apartment complex and fell into a state of disrepair. In 2003, a clandestine meth-amphetamine lab was discovered - and destroyed - in one of the upper apartments, and the property was turned over to the City of Peru.

In 2004, the Ole Olsen Memorial Theatre purchased this historic landmark. The civic theatre group was founded in 1964 as the namesake of vaudeville actor John Siguard "Ole" Olsen. Currently, OOMT is spearheading the restoration of the Cole Porter birthplace.

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