April 21, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up

'The Baytown Disco': Eva Longoria, Billy Bob Thornton Join New Comedy

Eva Longoria

Posted: 04/18/11 10:21 AM ET

It's been a good month for Eva Longoria. After a tumultuous winter filled with divorce-fueled gossip, Longoria's April has included the release of her new cookbook and a significant raise in her long awaited new "Desperate Housewives" contract. Now, she can add a new movie to the list.

Longoria has been cast in "The Baytown Disco," a comedy film about a gorgeous woman who convinces three less-than-intelligent redneck brothers to rescue her son from what she calls an abusive ex-husband. The Wrap, who broke the news of her casting, says there's been no official word on which role she'll take on, but a strong assumption can be made that she'll be playing the mistress in alleged distress.

Billy Bob Thornton has also signed up for the Barry Battles-written and directed film.

"The Baytown Disco" will be the third film in Longoria's return to movies; the upcoming Cristiada, about the Mexican Cristeros War, will mark her first time appearing on the big screen since 2008. She'll also play lead in "Without Men," another Latin America-set war drama, and "Days of Grace," a Mexican-set drama.

For more, click over to The Wrap.


It's been a good month for Eva Longoria. After a tumultuous winter filled with divorce-fueled gossip, Longoria's April has included the release of her new cookbook and a significant raise in her ...
It's been a good month for Eva Longoria. After a tumultuous winter filled with divorce-fueled gossip, Longoria's April has included the release of her new cookbook and a significant raise in her ...
Filed by Jordan Zakarin  | 
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Absolon   7 hours ago (5:28 PM)
This womans lips are so amazing. Why she continues to leave them un-accentu­ated with nude/flesh toned gloss is beyond me. It makes her look like lots of washed up old boomer moms, as in "I'm not a WOMAN, I'm a MOM!" Well, I say "No color up top...no color down below," (and we all know how that goes!)
Can you imagine Sophia Loren without lipstick? How does a flower attract bees? With COLOR! What's wrong with these youngsters­? Why won't these chicks wear lipstick already?
I don't care about hairy legs....ju­st, please, some colorful lipstick already!
Now, Miss Witherspoo­n has a clue.
PD1769   9 hours ago (3:29 PM)
She became about a billion times hotter since the divorce. I used to consider her overrated. Now if I see a story with the headline "Eva Longoria Uses ATM Card At LAX" I click for a banner pic. Can't we just replace all of the Lady Gaga stories with ones about her?
stape45   17 hours ago (7:23 AM)
Eva is a cutie with a big smile and an even bigger heart. I wish her well.
Absolon   7 hours ago (5:29 PM)
I concur. I also wish her some colorful lipstick.
Jackie2000   22 hours ago (3:01 AM)
what's with the new random fb convo's?
kevinbr38   07:44 PM on 4/18/2011
She's fun, and certainly drop-dead gorgeous. Meryl Streep she ain't, but hey. She is very serious about her charity work, I say work it girl!
LMPE   05:46 PM on 4/18/2011
What's the Cristeros War?
Highball   12:21 AM on 4/19/2011

In short, it was a reaction anti-cleri­cal and anti-Catho­lic policies that existed at the time in Mexico.
nikkid39   01:50 PM on 4/18/2011
Not a movie actress in my opinion. Of course, I base that opinion on seeing "Over Her Dead Body", hideous, hideous movie.
Highball   12:22 AM on 4/19/2011
Really, though, hardly her fault in that case.
FlaviaDeLuce   01:50 PM on 4/18/2011
"Longoria has been cast in "The Baytown Disco," a comedy film about a gorgeous woman who convinces three less-than-­intelligen­t redneck brothers to rescue her son from what she calls an abusive ex-husband­. "

wow sounds like a winning plot! lmao.. another dud in the making
cybolt   12:38 PM on 4/18/2011
What is Tony Parker thinking??­??
JohnnyLawson   12:45 PM on 4/18/2011
he's probably thinking "good riddance".­..
cybolt   12:52 PM on 4/18/2011
Why would he be thinking that? Would you?
cybolt   12:57 PM on 4/18/2011
And dont forget the "why." It's easy to miss. WHY would he be thinking that?
nikkid39   01:51 PM on 4/18/2011
Just because a woman or man is "hot" doesn't mean they are easy or even fit to live with.
cybolt   02:00 PM on 4/18/2011
It was kind of tongue-in-­cheek.
Highball   12:23 AM on 4/19/2011
Eva seems very nice, genuine, fun. And, yes, she's outrageous­ly beautiful.
MikeDu   11:51 AM on 4/18/2011
I haven't heard about Billy Bob Thornton in a dog's age. 6-8 years ago he was in every third film, it seemed.
emlr   11:31 AM on 4/18/2011
Are they going to film in Baytown Texas? My nest door!
JohnnyLawson   11:29 AM on 4/18/2011
Oh look Eva Longoria with her showing off her cleavage..­.YAWN...
SFCity   01:07 PM on 4/18/2011
Shirley, you must be joking.
WilliamBudd   11:21 AM on 4/18/2011
She's even more beautiful on the inside.
Her work for charity has helped thousands.
A great lady and wonderful human being is Eva Longoria.
learnsomething   12:26 PM on 4/18/2011
Charity work ONLY for Latino causes.
JohnnyLawson   12:47 PM on 4/18/2011
So what if she works only for Latino causes..wh­at's your point?
SFCity   01:08 PM on 4/18/2011
She's Latina. Why bring it up and what is your lame point then?
1jadednewyorker   01:38 PM on 4/18/2011
charity begins at home, and home is where your heart is. What are you doing for those who are the needy among us?
Carlariz   06:34 PM on 4/18/2011
Typical hater.... charity is charity...­. she is doing good for this world.
Highball   12:25 AM on 4/19/2011

As I said in another comment, she seems like a very nice and genuine lady. Sometimes the beauty on the outside is actually matched on the inside. It's rare, I'll admit.
Huff reader2011   13 hours ago (11:37 AM)
She also has a charity that helps the mentally disabled.
ackezzy   10:31 AM on 4/18/2011
once again, tony parker is an idiot
NoBamain12   11:27 AM on 4/18/2011
well keep in mind Tony say Eva everyday without her makeup.
ackezzy   12:07 PM on 4/18/2011
she was probably naked most of that time too, thats what makes it harder for me to understand his stupidty
learnsomething   12:25 PM on 4/18/2011
A man does not leave a happy home. So your comment is out of place. She could be a b*tch to live with. This is her second divorce.
cybolt   12:53 PM on 4/18/2011
"A man does not leave a happy home." What fairy tale did you fall out of?
ackezzy   12:58 PM on 4/18/2011
you obviously dont know alot about men, and he didnt leave she caught him cheating remember
boscobear   09:16 AM on 4/18/2011
Looks like she is really pumped for this new movie.

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