"They Keep Killing Suzie" is an episode in the British science fiction television series Torchwood. It is the eighth episode of the first series, which was broadcast on 3 December 2006. It is notable for the reappearance of Suzie Costello.
Torchwood is connected to a series of murders, with its name written on the walls of the latest victims, a suburban couple. Called to investigate by Detective Kathy Swanson, the Torchwood team discover traces of the murderer's hair, its DNA showing signs of "Retcon", the primary ingredient in their amnesia pills. Though initially reluctant, Jack allows Gwen to use Resurrection Gauntlet to temporarily bring back to life the latest victims, from which she discovers that their murderer was named Max, a fellow member of a group called "Pilgrim", and that he knows of Torchwood's former member, Suzie Costello, who had committed suicide some months back. Investigating Suzie's possessions confirms her connection to the Pilgrim group.