"Journey's End" is the thirteenth and final episode of the fourth series of British science fiction television series Doctor Who, first broadcast on BBC One on 5 July 2008. It is the second episode of a two-part crossover story featuring the characters of spin-off shows Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures, preceded by "The Stolen Earth". At 65 minutes in length, it was approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard revived series episode. It marked the final regular appearance of Donna Noble. It received mixed reviews, not matching the acclaim of "The Stolen Earth".
The episode continues from the end of "The Stolen Earth"; the Doctor (David Tennant) is regenerating inside the TARDIS. Once his body has healed, he halts the transformation by transferring the remaining energy into his severed hand. The TARDIS is captured by the Daleks and transported to the Crucible—the Dalek flagship. The Doctor and his previous companions Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) and Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) leave the TARDIS, but Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) is locked in. The Dalek Supreme orders the TARDIS to be destroyed; in the process, Donna collapses by the Doctor's severed hand. The energy stored in the hand forms a new Doctor who saves the TARDIS from destruction. Concurrently, Torchwood employees Gwen Cooper (Eve Myles) and Ianto Jones (Gareth David-Lloyd) find safety in an impenetrable time bubble; Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen) is saved from a Dalek extermination by Rose's ex-boyfriend Mickey Smith (Noel Clarke) and mother Jackie Tyler (Camille Coduri) and surrender themselves to get aboard the Crucible; and Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman) teleports to a castle near Nuremberg.
Journey's End is a 1928 drama, the seventh of English playwright R. C. Sherriff. It was first performed at the Apollo Theatre in London by the Incorporated Stage Society on 9 December 1928, starring a young Laurence Olivier, and soon moved to other West End theatres for a two-year run. It was included in Burns Mantle's The Best Plays of 1928–1929. The piece quickly became internationally popular, with numerous productions and tours in English and other languages. A 1930 film version was followed by other adaptations, and the play influenced other playwrights, including Noël Coward.
Set in the trenches near Saint-Quentin, Aisne, in 1918 towards the end of the First World War, Journey's End gives a glimpse into the experiences of the officers of a British Army infantry company in World War I. The entire story plays out in the officers' dugout over four days from 18 March 1918 to 21 March 1918, during the run-up to the real-life events of Operation Michael.
Sherriff considered calling it Suspense or Waiting, but eventually found a title in the closing line of a chapter of an unidentified book: "It was late in the evening when we came at last to our journey's end."
Journey's End is a historic site in Boca Grande, Florida. It is located on the beachfront at 18th Street. On March 14, 1985, it was added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.
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Journey's End is a 1930 British-American war film directed by James Whale. Based on the play of the same name by R. C. Sherriff, the film tells the story of several British army officers involved in trench warfare during the First World War. The film, like the play before it, was an enormous critical and commercial success and launched the film careers of Whale and several of its stars.
The following year there was a German film version Die andere Seite directed by Heinz Paul starring Conrad Veidt as Stanhope and Wolfgang Liebeneiner as Raleigh. The film was banned just weeks after the Nazis took power in 1933.
In 1976, the film was remade as Aces High with the scenario of the play and 1930 film shifted to the British Royal Flying Corps.
On the eve of a battle in 1918, a new officer, Second Lieutenant Raleigh (David Manners), joins Captain Stanhope's (Colin Clive) company in the British trench lines in France. The two men knew each other at school: the younger Raleigh hero-worshipping Stanhope, while Stanhope has come to love Raleigh's sister. But the Stanhope whom Raleigh encounters now is a changed man who, after three years at the front, has turned to drink and seems close to a breakdown. Stanhope is terrified that Raleigh will betray Stanhope's decline to his sister, whom Stanhope still hopes to marry after the war. An older officer, the avuncular Lieutenant Osborne (Ian Maclaren), desperately tries to keep Stanhope from cracking. Osborne and Raleigh are selected to lead a raiding party on the German trenches where a number of the British forces are killed, including Osborne. Later, when Raleigh too is mortally wounded, Stanhope faces a desperate time as, grief-stricken and without close friends, he prepares to face another furious enemy attack.