8 month Bio-Care investigation closes
Albuquerque police are close to wrapping up an 8-month long investigation into Bio Care, according to the Bernalillo County District Attorney's office. Bio Care owner Paul Montano initially was charged with fraud, but those charges were dropped so that Albuquerque Police could complete their investigation. Montano is accused of mishandling human remains that had been donated to Bio Care. Some of the body parts turned up at a medical waste disposal plant in Kansas. They were supposed to be cremated and returned to families. Officials with the district attorney's office are concerned over how budget cuts to their department will impact the case. "A number of cases are taking longer, we don't have the resources to pay for the experts, in this case, the forensic examiners or regulatory examiners to get us information," Says Pat Davis, spokesman for the district attorney. "it doesn't mean that delayed is not justice but it does mean in some cases that it's going to take a little more work and creativity on our part to find those resources to make the right decisions." It's unclear if the DA's office will have enough evidence to file criminal charges against Montano. If not, it will certainly become a civil case, with several families who have filed lawsuits against him.