realita.tvabolitionism, veganism, anarchy |
FotoJan Hanuš bloguje |
Nikoli každý text nebo názor zveřejněný na webu odpovídá názorům všech lidí účastnících se projektu a ani to po svých nebo po přeložených textech nevyžadujeme. Projekt je časově omezený na maximálně 10 let (počítáno od května 2006). Poté bude ukončený. Snahou je ukázat a zkoumat určitý způsob práce a spolupráce, nikoli budovat pozici na trhu. Doufáme také, že se nám tímto opatřením podaří alespoň zčásti vyhnout tahanicím o strategie a další světlé směřování, tvůrčí únavě či snaze chránit si své vyjeté koleje. July 2008 24-27.7.2008 RokycanyJune 2008 Support Austrian animal protection movement (Praha - 9.06.2008)On Monday, June 09. 2008, a group of 20 people gathered outside the austrian embassy in Prague to show their support to animal rights organizations and to their imprisoned activists from Austria. May 2008 Massive attacks on animal rights activists in AustriaSOLIDARITY WITH AUSTRIAN ANIMAL RIGHTS ACTIVISTS February 2008 Abolitionism, Veganism and Anarchy in the Protection of AnimalsSomeone recently asked me whether I could summarise what I am talking about in a couple of sentences. I said that one was enough – I don’t harm if I don’t have to. This philosophy leaves me choice and responsibility and also teaches me to think in confidence and doubts. The same goes for anyone else. It is not authoritative. It does not intrude its will timocratically, oligarchically, democratically or tyrannically. 10 years and is a working space determinate with the primary proclamation and functions on anarchistic and abolicionistic principles in a D.I.Y. way. January 2008 Organic sausage is a lie!A young woman once explained me that, she only eats organic meat because factory farms are sick and she doesn't want to take part in such things. I answered that, if I were in the condemned cell, I would be pleased if it was padded, with a cable TV and mating every evening. It would be better than to sleep in dirt, hungry, with rats biting into me and a warden smacking my face. It would be thousand times better, but the purpose is absolutely the same. |
Music for liberation |