Yahoo! Privacy Policy > Yahoo! Privacy Policy > MyBlogLog

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MyBlogLog provides blogging-enthusiasts a forum to connect with their readers and the wider blogging community. You do not need to be logged-in to Yahoo! in order to take advantage of the many features that MyBlogLog and MyBlogLog-enabled sites have to offer, however, certain areas of the MyBlogLog site will require you be logged-in to Yahoo!.

Information Collection and Use

  • You may choose to include additional personal information, including the URL of your blog, in your public profile information.
    • MyBlogLog will not use this information for purposes other than display on the site.
  • If you visit a MyBlogLog-enabled site, anonymous, aggregate information may be collected and used to create aggregate blog usage profiles.
    • If you visit a MyBlogLog-enable site, that site may be able to access certain publicly-available personal information that you have previously provided in your MyBlogLog profile.
    • You may opt-out of anonymous, aggregate MyBlogLog data collection by clicking here .
  • If you have chosen to opt-in to community messages, email notifications or comment tracking, you may periodically receive emails from MyBlogLog depending on your email preferences.
  • Others may enter your email address to invite you to join the MyBlogLog community. MyBlogLog will only use your email address to invite you to join MyBlogLog and MyBlogLog will not use it for any other purpose.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

  • If you are a logged-in member of a MyBlogLog-enabled community, the avatar associated with your MyBlogLog profile will be displayed by default on that site.
    • You will have the opportunity to display your avatar either on MyBlogLog and MyBlogLog-enabled sites only or across the Yahoo! Network.
    • To learn how to edit your MyBlogLog avatar display settings, please see the ‘Practices Regarding Your Ability to Update or Delete Information’ section below.
  • If you choose to enter personal information into your MyBlogLog profile, by default, certain information may be displayed to ‘everyone’, ‘my contacts’ or ‘nobody’.
    • To learn how to edit your MyBlogLog profile and its associated display settings, please see the ‘Practices Regarding Your Ability to Update or Delete Information’ section below.
  • If you make comments on a MyBlogLog-enabled community, these comments will be displayed publicly along with your MyBlogLog avatar and screen name – both of which will link to your MyBlogLog profile.
  • API’s
    • MyBlogLog enables site developers to apply badges and access API’s to collect, display and edit certain user information off of the MyBlogLog site or MyBlogLog-enabled communities.
    • Before developers may collect, display or edit non-publicly available personal information, they will be required to obtain your consent through a log-in process hosted on the Yahoo! domain.
    • Never provide your Yahoo! ID or password to a site not hosted on the domain.
    • For more information about protecting your Yahoo! ID and password and using a sign-in seal, please see the Yahoo! Account Security page .

Practices Regarding Your Ability to Update or Delete Information

  • As a member of the MyBlogLog community, you may prevent your avatar from being displayed on either the community page or on the MyBlogLog-enabled site by clicking the ‘x’ on your avatar.
    • By clicking the ‘x’ on your avatar, you are only preventing it from displaying on that particular community or MyBlogLog-enabled site.
  • If you wish to edit or delete your MyBlogLog avatar from display on all MyBlogLog-enabled communities, please visit the MyBlogLog edit avatar page.
    • If you update your MyBlogLog avatar on the MyBlogLog edit avatar page, your new avatar will be available for display on your various Yahoo! profiles across the Yahoo! Network.
  • If you wish to change the way information in your MyBlogLog profile is displayed, please visit the MyBlogLog edit profile page and adjust the display preference for each profile category.
    • Certain information that you provide on the MyBlogLog edit profile page, including your nickname, location, age and gender, may be displayed on your various Yahoo! profiles across the Yahoo! Network.
  • If you wish to delete your MyBlogLog account, please visit the MyBlogLog delete account page.
  • If you wish to edit your email preferences, please visit the ‘preferences’ section of the MyBlogLog edit profile page.


This page describes current Yahoo! practices with respect to this particular service. This information may change as Yahoo! revises this service by adding or removing features or using different service providers. To find out how Yahoo! treats your personal information, please visit our Privacy Policy .

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