What is the Deuce Project?

The Deuce Project is a program that has been running on 89.1fm in Kalamazoo for about 10 years. We play music that contains references to sci-fi, science, mathematics, or anything in that vein. The songs' connection can be via the lyrics, band name, song name, album name, or sometimes just the general aesthetic of the song. Please enjoy. [Banner Image: 1947 by Aurorabomb]

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Future Interference & Some Great Blogs

Greetings everyone,

I have two orders of business:
(1) A brief statement regarding the state of the show/blog.
(2) A few links to extremely killer blogs that all of you should be visiting/supporting.

Item (1): The Neglect of the Blog
Obviously I have not kept up on posting new shows too well this year. Truth be told, a lot of this ties back into my 'real life' and with how busy I've been. Between balancing my job, my friends and family, and the actual week-to-week show, I've found myself not making the time to post like I should. Also, the simple fact that I'm so far behind for some reason has had a rather discouraging psychological effect wherein I can't quite figure out where to start. Add that to human laziness and a neglected blog is the result. I look to remedy this. After all, I shouldn't let my human cover-persona affect the mission of world domination.
The good news is that things look to be changing regarding the amount of free time during which I can dedicate to the site. I should know more by May, so there will definitely be an announcement about the future of the show/site at that time if not sooner.
All of that said, the comments, e-mails, and calls I receive really mean a lot to me. I'm glad there are others out there who enjoy the show and while I may be a bit slow to respond to e-mail, your comments mean a lot. Stay tuned for more info.

Item (2): Awesome Sites You May Dig

I'm constantly searching the blogosphere for like-minded bloggers. Much of the music featured on the show originates not just from digging through physical record bins, but from late nights spent 'virtual crate digging' through the various music blogs that are out there.

These last few months I've been particularly impressed with a few that I want to share with you all. These guys and gals are killing it.


Weirdward Ho! rules. Tabayo Yatukishi posts various albums and movies that I think will be right in-line with the taste of Deuce Project fans. Tabayo has posted a number of Deuce Project favorites (Pierre Henry's "Machine Danse" for instance) and has turned us on to some stuff we wouldn't know about otherwise (ex: some cool recordings of Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, Ingfried Hoffman's OST to "Robbi, Tobbi und das Fliewatuut"). On top of all that, there are usually youtube previews of the post content along with a plethora of cool flicks for your viewing pleasure. Good stuff and well worth your time.

Next up:

Ahh, Sampoerna Quatrain's "The Sphinx". You may recognize Q's name from the comment section on this very blog. We apparently are mutual fans of each other with eerily similar taste.

Back in '09 I was searching doing some internet research trying to track down a better version of the 1967 "March Along With Marvel" song and ran across this killer fan compilation of superhero stuff entitled "Hey Mr. Superheroman!" I loved it and found that Q had a number of great themed compilations (ex: The "Mr. Spaceman" Series). Not only that, but Q posted a ton of cool memorabilia and art that I love [and in the case of the signed Jack Kirby stuff, am quite jealous of ;)] This blog is fantastic and I can't recommend it enough. The compilations are incredibly complete (I was shocked at the Godzilla post that there were tracks I hadn't heard of) and include some dope liner notes as well. Make with the clicky and leave nice comments.

Last but not least:

Karel Luxembourg runs Manzerock and Manzerock is gold. Every episode of Manzerock turns me on to music that I would never have heard if not for the efforts of Karel. Not only that, but Karel provides a good amount of information about the artists/tracks that enriches the whole listening experience.

My favorite, for reasons that will be obvious, series of shows that Karel has put out is the "Rocking Cosmonauts" series of posts. Rocking Cosmonauts celebrates April 12th which is a big day for both rock music and space exploration. Its big for rock music as it is the day that Bill Haley and the Comets recorded "Rock Around the Clock" back in 1954. It is a big day for space exploration as April 12th 1961 marks the anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's accomplishment of becoming the first human in space.

However, you shouldn't limit yourself to that series of posts. The whole blog is filled with treasures that are worth unearthing for your listening enjoyment.

I hope these links keep you all busy for a while.

[End Transmission]

Sunday, January 16, 2011

We're Back: The Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra Takeover Special!

Pictured Above: SPO-20 (left), Professor B. Miller (right)

Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra Takeover Special
Original air date: Nov. 6, 2010
320 kbps [1:56:29] 266.6 mb

Greetings fleshbags,

We apologize for not posting a new episode for some time. Planning out a full-scale interplanetary invasion takes a lot of work and Drexzor has neglected his web-related duties.

To get back into the swing of things we offer up a particularly exciting installment of The Deuce Project, featuring guest hosts The Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra.

SPO-20 and Professor B. took over the last hour of this program and treated us to not only some of their own great tunes, but some of their sci-fi favorites. You will not be spared during our planetary invasion if you choose to overlook this episode. Many thanks to the fine A.I. and human of Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra for their contribution to the show. I'm sorry it took so long to get this posted.

Tobiah - I Don't Really Exist
Klaxons - Extra Astronomical
A-Frames - Wasteland
Sheldon Allman - Space Opera
Sheldon Allman - It Conquered The World
Dethklok - Laser Cannon Deth Sentence
Bloodhag - Orson Scott Card
Shikari - Robot Wars
Frodus - Buckaroo Banzai
Space Ballerinas - Neptune
Devo - Spacegirl Blues
National Geographic Society - From Sun Gods To Science
Add N to (x) - Little Black Rocks in the Sun
Ingfried Hoffman - Ich Heibe
Ingfried Hoffman [The Frank Pop Ensemble Remix] - Robbi, Tobbi, Und Fliewatuut
Anton Garcia Abril - Seli (Main Title to 4...3...2...1...Morte [Perry Rhodan])

Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra Takeover:
Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra - Frankenstein's Laundromat
Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra -A Tina Turner cover from a sci-fi film. Click to play name that tune
Three Mile Pilot - Planets
Thingy - OB1
Cocktails in the Cantina - Imperial March
Louis Prima - Beep Beep!
Neil Diamond - Heartlight
The Real Tuesday Weld - Asteroids
The B-52s - There's A Moon in the Sky (Called the Moon)
Dismemberment Plan - Memory Machine
Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra - The Power of Love
Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra - Ornithophobia
Liars - The Pillars Were Hollow and Full of Candy
Blue Meanies - Big Brother

There will be more episodes to come. We had a rash of guest hosts during the fall of 2010 that I will be featuring, along with more regular updates in 2011.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra vs. The Deuce Project

Deuce Project Station's intelligence agents have been going wild concerning some incoming chatter.

Intelligence reveals that SPO-20 and Professor B. Miller (from the Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra) are planning some sort of takeover attempt on November 6, 2010. Details are sketchy, but the robot known as SPO-20 has been bragging that he would be a better overlord for you fleshbags than J-unit 1 and crew.

Attempts to quash this rebellion have so-far been unsuccessful. It looks like this conflict will take place on the airwaves of 89.1fm WIDR, Kalamazoo on November 6. Intelligence suggests that the conflict will likely be initiated at 6 p.m., during the second half of the show.

It is advised that all Deuce Project listeners may want to familiarize themselves with the SPO's tactics and sonic weaponry by visiting this informative website: http://www.satanicpuppeteer.com/

Deuce Project Security also advises listeners to pay specific attention to the "name that tune" portion of the website. This isn't so much a precautionary measure, but simply because said game is pretty fun.

End Transmission

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

More podcasts coming soon.

Greetings everyone.

Yes, there hasn't been a new podcast posted in awhile. I apologize, but my cover here on earth as an "educator" comes first. I hopefully will be updating every weekend with some regularity starting this next Saturday.

Also, I have been invited to do a bit of guest-blogging over at the fabulous Digital Meltd0wn blog for Sci-Fi September. I've got some cool stuff lined up and the first share should be online tomorrow night. If you aren't familiar with DM, you really really should be. The blog is great, Zer0_II and NØ post incredibly interesting out of print releases. They have some dope Ifukube stuff up right now and TONS of amazing finds in older posts. Also, Zer0 runs a pretty mean Digital Meltd0wn aggregator/blog roll that has helped turn me on to all kinds of great stuff.

Good stuff all around. Thanks to the listeners who have been e-mailing in so far. Feedback is really appreciated and I'm astounded that we have so many listeners outside of Kalamazoo. Keep those e-mails coming :)

End Transmision

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Whispers in the Void

320 kbps [2:05:40]

This episode includes a tribute set for Jay Reatard who tragically passed away the week of this original broadcast.

Also, there is a bit of a technical issue for a few seconds at the end of the Go! Dog! Go! track. I apologize for the error.

R.I.P. Jay Reatard (May 1, 1980 - January 13, 2010)

Tobiah - I Don't Really Exist
Go! Dog! Go! - Space Girl
BBC Radiophonic Workshop - Doctor Who Theme
Atom tm/Senor Coconut - El Ovni Mambo
Nina Hagen - UFO
El Guapo - Space Tourist
Daedelus - Robot Girls are Hard
Blitzkrieg Bop - UFO
The Intelligence - Witch in Outer Space
Black Orphan - XX Spectrum
Gas Huffer - Release the Robots
Balzac - Space Vampire in Silence Noise
Mad Capsule Markets - Restart!
Frodus - Rocketry is My PLan
Year 200x - Mega Man 2 Theme/Mega Man 3 Theme
Blaster the Rocket Man - Lovebot's Revenge
Road Runners - Rocket Ship
Travis Wammack - There's a UFO Up There
Los Ovnis - El Ovni
Zimpala - Ovni
Undisputed Truh - Spaced Out
The Supermen - It's Superman
Barry Gray - UFO
Peter Thomas - Lonesome Astronaut
Ella Fitzgerald - Two Little Men in a Flying Saucer
Flanger - Outer Space/Inner Space
The Ghost Storys - Space Metal
Plan 9 From Outer Space - Outer Space

Jay Reatard Tribute Set:
Lost Sounds - Get Off My Planet
Lost Sounds - I Get Nervous
Lost Sounds - Future Touch
Lost Sounds - I Sit, I Watch, I Wait
Lost Sounds - Mechanical Feelings
Lost Sounds - Energy Drink and the Long Walk Home
Lost Sounds - And You Dance
Lost Sounds - I Think I'm Dead
Lost Sounds - Remote Control
Lost Sounds - Your Looking Glass
Lost Sounds - Total Destruction

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Link Posting! New Blog Finds

Greetings from Deuce Project Station everybody,

We hope that all is well...we wouldn't want our future subjects to be unhappy. (Unhappy humans taste worse for one...) In order to keep you humans happy before our intergalactic takeover, we thought we'd point out a few of our favorite web spots Drexzor discovered on the web.

First Up:
The mind blowing "At The Mountain of Madness" blog


The blog specializes in Science Fiction,Classic Horror, Audiobooks, Comics, Movies and Cult TV. Basically, everything we love about human culture. If you are looking for cool Sci-fi art/comics and some incredibly cool old records, we suggest clicking here:
http://comiclover-atthemountainsofmadness.blogspot.com/ Some favorite tags from there which Deuce Project fans may enjoy: Futura Reeks, spacetravel. Click them and enjoy!

Next up:


This Tumblr blog has some great compilations for download by someone with great musical taste. Thus far our favorite is the "Strings, hiss, voodoo, wow, & flutter" mix. Check them all out though, they are really good.



They haven't updated since April, which is a little troubling, but what is posted is pure gold. Vinyl oddities and fun make it a great visit. Some great stuff and all it takes is a bit of virtual digging.

As for the Deuce Project, we will be releasing some more podcasts shortly. As always, comments are welcome. We really like to hear from anyone who listens with their feedback and honestly it might light a bit of a fire to get up-to-date a bit quicker. We hope these links bring you some enjoyment for now humans...

End Transmission.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Signal Sounds From The Stars

Episode: Signal Sounds from the Stars
Original Air Date: October, 24 2009
320 kbps [1:58:38] 271.7mb


Tobiah - I Don't Really Exist
M. Sord - A-Tech's Night
Ladytron - True Mathematics
Laurie Anderson - Big Science
Kool Keith - Space Center
Far out Space Nut's Theme
Pierre Henry - Machine Danse
Le Fabuliste - Deserted and Silent
Woddy Herman New Third Herd - Men From Mars
Kode9 & THe Spaceape - Time Patrol
Ukulele Force - Darth Vader's Theme
The Stranglers - Men in Black
Symphony of Science - We Are All Connected
Les Talismans - La Interplanetaire
Herry Rayson - Espaco With Space
Jack Wild - Mechanical Boy
Amanda Palmer - Astronaut: A Short History of Nearly Nothing
The Adventure - Travel Kid
Darkstar - Aidy's Girl is a Computer
The Network - Teenagers from Mars (Misfits Cover)
Soulico - Pitom Banu 2020 Feat. Axum
Bonde De Rolo - Danca Do Zumbi
Senor Coconut - Home computer [Kraftwerk Cover]
They Might Be Giants: What Is A Shooting Star? - How Many Planets
Aesop Rock - Bring Back Pluto
The Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra - Gamma Pluto Delta
Trash80 - Robot Sneakers
Hexstatic - Newton's Cradle
Rushjet - Asteroid Run