only friends and or family can see this photo

Well, I finally had enough of my photos on flickr being stalked by pervs and favorited like crazy be people that had no identifiable profile, so I had to make my entire flickr account friends and family only (this sucks, because I noticed that my William Fitzsimmons photos from the previous post no longer show up… bummer). I don’t know how long I will keep it that way, nor do I know if I will “unlock” some of my photos for mass internet consumption once again, but I had just had enough. I literally get tons of favorites, and the mass adding of some specific photos to galleries; something that you cannot control other than to simply delete them yourself. I guess I’d had enough.

The tattoo pictures specifically got a lot of action. See, I am happy that people enjoyed my pictures of mine and James’ tattoos, but NO I don’t want it to be inspiration for YOUR next tattoo. I don’t want emails asking me if you can copy the design, and no I don’t want you to favorite pictures of me with my shirt off showing my tattoo when we aren’t even friends, and you have no pictures/profile to speak of. Also, pictures of feet, a picture of a woman in a thong that I had to delete, and things I was scratching my head wondering why so many people were favoriting that photo meant I am done with this bullshit.

Perhaps I am being harsh, but I freaking pay for flickr, and I think it is a shame that anyone can just sign up for an account, and can turn a fun photo sharing experience into something weird and pervy; so I did what I could to stop it from pissing me off further. If you want to be a friend of mine on flickr, add me, and I may add you back; but I am turning into one of those bitchy people that state they will only add friends that have an active profile, profile picture, and actual photos to share on their profile pages.

Sorry, but thems the ropes, folks. No more mister free balling, let photos fly in the wind flickr guy over here. After thinking about it while writing this, I may make some picture public and others private (and yes, I know nothing is truly private on the internet, but at least it isn’t being waived around in my face for crying out loud, and on a site I pay for), but we’ll have to determine them on a photo by photo basis. It sucks, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

William Fitzsimmons @ Smith’s Olde Bar, April 14, 2011

After being a fan for several years now, I finally got to see the amazing William Fitzsimmons this week at the intimate upstairs venue in Smith’s Olde Bar, here in Atlanta. I was pleased upon arriving to the show to find that Smith’s is now smoke free, which I have to say, made for an even better night. Immediately upon walking in to Smith’s, it was neat to see William casually having dinner in the bar; they are just like real people, aren’t they?

The show started with Slow Runner, a band I had never heard of previously, but a band that I am infinitely more interested in after seeing live. They were adorable all around (especially the bass player; what a hottie), and their sound reminded me a lot of the Postal Service. They were excellent live, and it is always great to discover a new band.

The show was somewhat of an intimate affair; I have never been to a concert where most of the people actually sat on the floor rather than standing. This started with Slow Runner, and continued on when William took the stage, and it was actually very pleasant, and made the concert even more intimate and enjoyable. One thing that was pretty annoying, was something that I notice at a lot of concerts (especially with acoustic artists); the audience was talking so much that you could hear them almost more than the band playing. Well, that stopped when William got on stage, and after he sang a few songs. He told the audience that there was a “nice bar downstairs if they wanted to have a conversation, but this was a folk show, and if you wanted to stay, then you needed to respect those that come to see that show, and well, shut the fuck up”. Um, that was fucking awesome that he did that; and the audience responded by shutting up for the most part. I love when an artist takes the time to acknowledge those that are there to enjoy them, and demands the respect they so rightfully deserve from that audience, without being a diva about it. William wanted us to enjoy his show, and it was great to have him request that the audience respect everyone that was there to hear him; and not their conversation instead.

What followed was an exquisite, beautiful musical experience. In case you didn’t know, William’s musical style is an incredibly soft, almost whisper-driven type of folk, and his tender voice, aching lyrics, and self-proclaimed “depressed songs” softly echoed with an fragility that was palpable in the bar that night. He could not have performed more beautifully, and his talent was clear from the moment he took the stage; his vocal talent and musical ability are nothing less than studio quality live. It looked effortless to watch him, as he stood there and serenaded the audience with his delicate songs.

Between songs, he quipped about his somber tone, and how he was half-heartedly sorry to bring down the mood for the night; not that any of us really minded, after all, that’s why we were there. I was surprised by how funny he was, and that beneath that delicate voice was such a jokester. Much was said about his epic beard, and he had several funny stories about people getting caught in it as they posed with him for pictures.

Overall, it was an excellent concert, and I was honestly sad when it was over (which is a rarity for me at concerts, I usually cannot wait to get the fuck out of the venue; I have an amazing track record of finding the worst part of the audience to stand near at any show). I can definitely say, it was one of the best shows I’ve ever been to; both the music and the experience were top notch. Afterwards, we stuck around and got to meet William after the show. He was super nice, and seemed genuinely happy that we enjoyed the show and his music. I thanked him for coming to Atlanta, and told him I couldn’t wait for him to return; after such an amazing show, I can’t wait to see this guy live again.

So far, 2011 has been a great year for William Fitzsimmons in my book; a fantastic new album release, Gold In The Shadow (already one of my favorites of 2011 so far), and a truly amazing concert experience. Who could ask for more? Not this guy.

(Pictures here. Sorry, you can only see them if we are friends, because pervs and jerks ruined flickr for me.)

5SS: april 9

Well, looking back at the past (very) few posts, it looks like what used to be a weekly thing has turned into a monthly occurrence. I really hate that too, because I do love to share about music I am listening to, and I hope it can return to a more semi-regular schedule after May… you know, when I get done with school. Anyway, let’s get to the great tunes that I picked for today, shall we?

Alex Clare – Too Close
I mentioned before that I have become a major fan of dubstep, and when you mix an amazing ballad with dubstep, well, you will probably have me on board. That’s exactly what this song does, and the lead singer’s voice is powerful to say the least. His voice reminds me a bit of David Gray, but with more raw soul behind it; he is giving some major vocals on this track. It looks like he’s got an album coming up soon, and I can’t wait to hear more from this guy. And did I mention that he’s quite the hottie? No? Oh well then, I just did. Watch the video for Too Close here.

Nicole Scherzinger – Don’t Hold Your Breath
She’s tried to go solo before, but had less than successful results; which is a shame, because some of the songs she released were pretty brilliant. There is no doubt that this girl can really sing, and I can personally atest to it; I saw the Pussycat Dolls open for Britney Spears, and let’s just say that Nicole was incredible live. All of that being said, I have always been pulling for this girl to succeed as a solo artist all along, and if she has any chance, it is certainly with this song; this song is amazing. It looks like she’s doing pretty well with it overseas (it went to #1 in the UK), but not a blip, or even a release here. What gives record industry? Why no be multinational; and by that, I mean release the artist’s work in their own country!? Either way, I am hoping this fantastic track will be the continuation of more great things from this talented singer. Watch the video for Don’t Hold Your Breath here.

Parade – Louder
I have thank my buddy Deb for turning me on to this one. It’s no secret that I love great pop music, and girl groups that make great pop music are the tops (see The Saturdays, Girls Aloud, Sugababes (well, they used to), etc.). Anytime some new group comes along, it’s a wonder if they have the goods, and in this case, Parade seem to be doing it pretty darn well. The jury has yet to be selected to decide on whether they have the overall brilliance of the Saturdays or Girls Aloud, but Louder is certainly a very, very good start. This is such a fun pop song; what’s not to love? Wow, this is shaping up to be a pretty UK-centered 5SS so far, isn’t it? Watch the video for Louder here.

Young the Giant – My Body
There is something about an amazing, powerful chorus that makes a song irresistible; and that is exactly the case with My Body. This song is a stomping fast-paced rock track, but the power lies in the lead vocalist’s belting the insanely catchy chorus. I first heard this song way back in February, but I haven’t had a real chance to gush about it. It reminds me a lot of bands like White Lies and Glasvegas, and the vocals take it to the next level. It’s like happy emo-rock! I can’t believe I just said that. Either way, a great song all around. Beware though; this is such an earworm. You will be singing it long after you’ve heard it! Watch the video for My Body here.

Fleet Foxes – Helplessness Blues
I’ll admit that a lot of times a group or singer comes along and people heap loads of praise on them, and for whatever reason, I don’t feel the same way. It’s frustrating, because I do the same thing, and I get upset when people don’t see the brilliance that I am pointing out to them, so I definitely sympathize when it happens. My good friend John loves the Fleet Foxes, and tried several times to get me to listen to them, to no avail. Then their new single, Helplessness Blues came out, and I listened to it, and I fell immediately in love with it. This song is epically beautiful, and really shows that sometimes, the good ones find a way of getting the attention they deserve. It may not have happened when I first shown the light, but I definitely see it now. Queue the “told you so dance”! Listen to Helplessness Blues here.

Well, what did you think of the 5 song choices for this 5SS? I hope you enjoyed them, and please let me know what you think in the comments. And as always, tell me what you are listening to as well. Hope to see you again soon!

sotd: Jessie J – Who You Are

I already posted this on Facebook, but it is definitely worth another mention here as my song of the day. I love the message and the sincerity with which she sings this wonderfully beautiful song. I normally don’t feel live versions of things, but this is STELLAR, and sounds just as good as the studio version. I gave her album a listen, and wasn’t really feeling it for whatever reason, but I listened to it again tonight, and was blown away. Jessie J’s album, also called Who You Are, is pretty amazing overall; and as you can see by this video, this girl has some REAL talent.

This took place in a subway in NYC I tell you!!! Those were some lucky subway riders to get to experience this performance first hand. I cannot get enough of this song, and as I am glad I gave Jessie J’s album another go, because it is very, very good. This song is going into very heavy rotation for me as of NOW.

5SS: march 5

So when last we spoke, I was getting ready for the first test of the semester. Well… that didn’t go so well. Top it off with the “threat” that they kept throwing around that the second test was the hardest of the semester, I hit the books and studied as much as I could to prepare. Well, it paid off; I almost got an A on that test, and I feel much better. I meant to do a 5SF yesterday, but was still enjoying the week; especially after having studied so much the two weeks prior. That being said, there’s no harm in bringing it to you today, so let’s get another 5SS underway, shall we?

Jennifer Hudson – Where You At
I was so excited when I saw a new single from one of my favorite divas waiting for me when I opened the iTunes store a couple of weeks ago. Incorrect grammar aside, this is another home-run for Jennifer, and has me very excited for her sophomore album I Remember Me, which will be out later this month on the 22nd. I for one, will be heading out to the store to pick up my copy, because if this is any indicator of what we can expect, it is going to be more amazing stuff from this amazing singer. Her debut made my year end list back in 2008, and looks like my love for Ms. Hudson isn’t going to slow down any time soon. My only complaint about this song, is that they cut her off at the end when she starts to do her big diva-belting-moment; it just sounds as if they were leaving a little prematurely… let the girl belt, she’s great at it! Watch the video for Where You At here.

Jessie J – Abracadabra
A big thanks is in order to a great blog I follow, Coffee and Bars for this gem. Jessie J’s new album Who You Are came out this week in the UK, and I’ll admit that I wasn’t really paying attention, mostly because I didn’t care for either of the two singles that she’s released to date (to be fair, I don’t dislike Price Tag, it just didn’t blow me away). That being said, Coffee and Bars alerted me to this amazing track, and forced me to take a second listen to Jessie J, and boy I am glad I did. This song is fantastic, and stylistically, reminds me a lot of JoJo. I love the pop-feel and the strong vocals. I’m definitely glad I gave Jessie J another chance! Listen to Abracadbra here.

Clare Maguire – Last Dance
A big thanks goes out to my buddy Deb for this one. She posted the video to her Facebook a couple of weeks ago, and I have been loving it ever since. It reminds me a bit of Sharleen Spiteri vocally, and the backing dance track just invokes a little taste of something Sophie Ellis Bextor would probably release. Overall, the song is almost tribal, and most certainly enchanting; I love it more and more with each listen. A great find for sure… thanks Deb! Watch the video for Last Dance here.

Audio Bullys – Only Man
I saw the (quite violent) video for this one, and was struck by how much this song reminded me of the Ting Ting’s stylistically. It sounds a lot like Shut Up and Let Me Go; which is a personal favorite of mine (maybe that’s why I like this one so much?) and as such, I wanted to hear it more and more. That being said, while similar, it has its own flair, and I’m glad to have stumbled onto this track. Also, I can’t help but notice that the lead singer of the group is quite the hottie. Double bonus. Watch the video for Only Man here.

Nero – Me & You
I heard this one afternoon randomly on BBC Radio 1, and was blown away. This, ladies and gents (well, for those of you that don’t know what it is), is dubstep, the bass-centered electro straight out of South East London. Since discovering this track, I have been seeking out more and more dubstep, because I love the undulating lower bass range that is the hallmark of dubstep, which is essentially when the beat “drops”. Feel how deep that bass goes!! Overall, it is a great genre of music, and this is a great example of high energy dubstep; which has taken my attention by storm. Special request: any dubstep suggestions are more than welcome; I am craving it more and more!! Watch the video for Me & You here.

Well, what did you think? As always, head to the comments and let me know, and please let me know what you are listening to as well!!

5SF: february 4

I’ve been studying up today for the first test of this final semester (!!!), but I am studied out for the day, so I had a few songs I wanted to share with you guys. Let’s get right to it, shall we?

The Rescues – Teenage Dream
Everyone loves Katy Perry but me it seems. I’ve written about her anti-gay antics before, and I never heard an apology from her about it, so my disdain continues, and as such, I don’t have anything to do with her music. That being said, I was so excited when Glee (amazingly) covered Teenage Dream, Perry’s number one hit, because it allowed me to enjoy it guilt free (that, and it is far and above better than the original). I didn’t feel the need to post about that version, however, because practically everyone heard it, but I just found this AMAZING cover of the same song that gives the Glee version some stiff competition. This is BEAUTIFUL. All of these guys and gals can sing, and their harmony’s make Perry’s original seem amateur at best. What can I say, another refreshing take on an otherwise great pop song, allowing me even more guilt-free enjoyment of it! Win-win baby! Watch the video for Teenage Dream here.

Plan B – Love Goes Down
I really wanted to get into Plan B’s album, the Defamation of Strickland Banks last year, especially after loving his vocal on Chase & Status’ End Credits, but alas, it just didn’t happen. Well, a new year, and a new perspective, and I am wishing I would have given it a proper chance. There are several choice songs on the album, and this one is my current favorite; it’s smooth and easy on the ears, and Plan B is pretty easy on the eyes himself. I love when an artist can reinvent themselves, and seeing as Plan B is a British rapper and has turned out something so slick and soulful as this, I would say he’s doing just that; and doing it quite well. I may have missed it in 2010, but I am all ears now. Watch the video for Love Goes Down here.

The Naked and Famous – Young Blood
I heard this song on this week’s Chuck, and thanks to the power of Shazam, I found it and immediately went and downloaded this fantastic track. I’ve been reading people on the internet rightly say it sounds like a melding of Passion Pit and MGMT, but I say it definitely sounds more like Passion Pit (probably because I like them way more than I like MGMT). Regardless of the similarity, it brings enough newness and flavor to the table, and the harpsichord-sounding effect throughout is lovely. I will keep my eye out for more from these guys, because this song is top notch. Watch the video for Young Blood here.

Jesse McCartney – Shake
While I never got the chance to feature it on a 5SF before, this (still pretty) new track from Jesse McCartney did make my year end songs of 2010 list. It’s a refreshing pop song from someone who surprised me a few years ago with Leavin’, as well as his album Depature (which had a lot of great stuff on it); he’s growing up quite nicely, don’t you think? Now, he’s back on his game with Shake, which is certainly an ear worm; I find myself loving it more and more with each listen. While I don’t care too much for the video, I definitely love the song, and look forward to more new stuff from this guy in the coming months. Watch the video for Shake here.

The White Stripes – Blue Orchid
Since they apparently officially decided to disband this week, I thought I would share my very favorite song by the strange, yet pretty amazing White Stripes. I don’t claim to be a big fan by any means, as a lot of their stuff just didn’t mesh with me for whatever reason, but when they were on point, they were sharper than a pin. While most love Seven Nation Army (myself included!) this is the duo at their finest for me, it is a thumper, and makes me want to learn to play the drums so I can bang out raw energy like this. This song has me stomping my feet and gets me amped up every time I hear it. I hope these two can make more excellent stuff like this at some point in the future; regardless if it is together as the White Stripes, or as something new. Watch the video for Blue Orchid here.

Well, what did you think of these fine 5? Let me know! Also, let me know what you are listening to as well!

sotd: Martin Solveig and Dragonette – Hello

After seeing this cute video, I have fallen head over heels for this delightful song!! Currently, it’s on repeat, and it is one worth song of the day status (especially since I didn’t have 4 other tracks to bring y’all a formal 5SF this fine Friday afternoon). Hope you enjoy it!

2010: my 14 favorite albums

So instead of dragging this thing out any longer, and seeing as how my motivation has been at an all time low recently, I am just going to be sort of brief this year. There are 14 albums that I would say are solid 5 star albums (actually there were 15, but one was a greatest hits album, and sorry kids, but those aren’t eligible), so I will rank those for you in one nice little post (that is, if anyone even reads this anymore). The “rest” will be briefly presented following the top 14 as well, because, hey, they just barely missed the mark, and it isn’t fair to count them as down an out when they were really close in some cases. Let’s do this:

My top 14 albums of 2010:

1. Robyn – Body Talk: All I can really say is wow; Robyn killed it this year, and dominated my ear drums and my attention. I had a hunch that she had the top spot the moment I heard Dancing On My Own, and release after release of singles from the three stellar EPs Body Talk parts 1-3 proved that hunch to be true; only to be punctuated with an exclamation point with the full album release, Body Talk (which compiles tracks from the three EPs). I am glad Robyn is making music this fantastic, because there is no one even close to her making pop right now. Seeing her live in November was delightful icing on the cake; it was sincerely the best concert I’ve seen in a long time. Standout Tracks: Dancing On My Own, Hang With Me, Indestructible, Fembot, Time Machine.

2. Sara Bareilles – Kaleidoscope Heart: Those of you that know this blog know that I have a special place in my heart for Ms. Bareilles, and this is because she is such an incredibly talented musician. Her sophomore effort was on par with her debut; it was chock full of fantastic songs about love and loss, all set to beautiful melodies and pop sensibility. She showed a bit of growth with this album without abandoning that sound that lets you know it is Sara B; the sound that I fell in love with the very first time I saw her live. Overall, a great follow up to an amazing debut; she clearly has the talent to back up the hype I’ve been building about her. Standout Tracks: Basket Case, Hold My Heart, Machine Gun, King Of Anything.

3. Marina and the Diamonds – Family Jewels: Marina had me salivating for the last half of 2009 for more material after I fell head over heels with the amazing I Am Not a Robot, and with her debut Family Jewels, she did more than just deliver; she nailed it! Marina is a breath of fresh air, and a true artist. She isn’t afraid to experiment with different sounds, but in the end, knows how to write a killer hook with an irresistible backing track. This album is fun from beginning to end, and it was well worth waiting until 2010 to get my hands on it. Standout Tracks: Oh No!, Hollywood, I Am Not A Robot, Obsessions.

4. The Script – Science and Faith: Wow, this was a major surprise for me; while I really enjoyed their debut, I had no idea they had this much punch hidden in their arsenal. This is the album that many pop-rock outfits wish they were good enough to make, and the Script make it seem effortless. Almost every song on this album screams hit, and it’s funny that the song they have currently on the radio still spinning is from their debut that came out three years ago (especially when they have a whole new album of would-be replacements). Perhaps with the recent proper release of this album stateside, the Script can go from two “old” hits kicking around on US radio, to bona fide stars; this album has the grit, and the pure strength to back them up on that quest. Standout Tracks: This = Love, For The First Time, If You Ever Come Back, You Won’t Feel A Thing.

5. The National – High Violet: The National were one of those bands that I had heard people talk about, but for whatever reason, I wasn’t listening. Well, in comes the video for Bloodbuzz Ohio, and I am suddenly all ears. These guys are wrought with emotion both in the music and lyrics; it goes all of the way through to the core. This album is melancholy, damaged, but beautiful in its quest to be loved. I’m glad I paid attention. Standout Tracks: Bloodbuzz Ohio, England, Sorrow, Lemonworld.

6. Sleigh Bells – Treats: This is one that we will either agree is brilliant, or you will disagree and hate it; either way, it’s one of my favorites of 2010 hands down. I first heard of Sleigh Bells when I saw them open for Major Lazer, and I was blown away. They are raw energy, and their debut rattles your eardrums from beginning to end. The more I listened to this album, the more I came to appreciate the nuances of each song, and the way in which they danced so close to the edge of the insane to make such powerful rock-hip-hop driven music. This is album conveys pure untapped energy, an energy that captured me completely; and I am so glad to have discovered them in 2010. Favorite Tracks: A/B Machines, Tell ‘Em, Infinity Guitars, Riot Rhythm.

7. Laura Marling – I Speak Because I Can: I feel bad, because I kind of wrote off Laura Marling previously; I liked her first single a few years ago, but didn’t really feel the rest of her debut. After a fellow blogger turned my attention the incredible Rambling Man, I quickly snapped up her new release, and loved it from beginning to end. This is a powerful album, and comparing Marling to a second coming of Joni Mitchell is more than clearly hitting the nail on the head; this woman is extremely talented, and we should all be glad that she has chosen to speak (and sing) so beautifully. Standout Tracks: Rambling Man, Goodbye England (Covered In Snow), Maid By Maid, I Speak Because I Can.

8. Mumford and Sons – Sigh No More
I actually heard this at the very end of 2009, but luckily, it wasn’t released in the US until 2010, so it gets to make the list. This album is beautiful from beginning to end, and the tone and quality of the lead singer’s voice is amazing. This album really has its ups and downs, going from all out strumming rock and roll to tender ballads; both of which they do very, very well. These guys have been getting a lot of attention, and it is all well deserved; after one song, you too will notice the raw talent they possess (but listen to the whole album, because it is all fantastic!). Standout Tracks: The Cave, After The Storm, Little Lion Man, Timshel.

9. Antony and the Johnsons – Swanlights
While I don’t want this to be a criticism, this album didn’t blow me away nearly as much as 2009′s number 2 album, The Crying Light; simply because that album is perfect in every way, and perfect is hard to follow. That being said, on Swanlights, Antony coos that ‘everything is new’, and while his tender broken-ness is still forefront, he tries a few new things musically, and makes for some very beautiful results. Overall, another wonderful album from one of my favorite artists, which is always a welcome treat. Standout Tracks: Fletta, The Spirit Was Gone, Thank You For Your Love, Christina’s Farm.

10. Jonsi – Go
I’ll be honest, I was never a fan of Sigur Ros; not because I didn’t like them, but simply because I haven’t heard their music. While I may not know them, the band’s lead singer Jonsi stepped out on his own, and I am all ears now. The first time I heard Go Do, I was mesmerized; I thought, what the fuck is the amazing fairy music, and why in the hell do I love the shit out of it?! Well, shortly after, I heard the impressive album Go, and I was hooked on this fantastic out artist’s solo effort, which is filled to the brim with whimsy and delight. His style reminds me a little of Bjork; simply in the way that he so comfortably dances a strange, yet completely delightful jig outside of the box, and couldn’t seem any happier to be doing it that way (well that, and they both hail from Iceland!). This album took me by storm, and it is one that I have seen rightfully on many other’s top album lists for 2010 as well. Standout Tracks: Go Do, Animal Arithmetic, Tornado, Hengilas.

11. Melissa Etheridge – Fearless Love
Melissa is the ultimate rock and roll chick, and she shows with this new album that she still firmly has it. After beating cancer, and a break up, Melissa turns to expressing her feelings in the music, and has made a passionate and very well crafted pop/rock album. I have always been a fan of her lyrics, and she doesn’t disappoint on Fearless Love. She may not have reinvented her style or the wheel with this album, but what she does is what she has been doing well all along; make some great music. This is one artist that proves that longevity is possible in the music industry, and that quality is at the forefront of their craft; Melissa seems to only be getting better with age. Standout Tracks: Fearless Love, Company, Heaven On Earth, To Be Loved

12. Kate Nash – My Best Friend Is You
While it becomes clear early on that Kate was noticeably harder, and more in your face on this album, I was more than pleased that she didn’t totally abandon her whimsical charm and cleverness in the process. I absolutely love the way in which she crafts her lyrics, and the way she tells stories in her songs, and she keeps that going on this album. I can’t help but think, however, that Kate was a bit upset at times during the recording of this album, because she goes a bit off the deep end at moments, but manages to pull it back and has made a great sophomore album overall. It’s not as radio friendly as her debut for sure, but it’s Kate through and through, and as a fan, I definitely enjoyed it. Standout Tracks: Do-Wah-Doo, Paris, Pickpocket, Kiss That Grrrl, I Hate Seagulls.

13. Vampire Weekend – Contra
I was unnecessarily hard on Vampire Weekend last year. When Horchata came out, I was really disappointed, because I LOVED their debut, and I didn’t really care for that song at all. Well, my disdain maintained, and I largely ignored this album for way too long. Looking back, I don’t know what my problem was, because this album is actually a great build on their amazing debut, and is wonderful throughout. I guess I was in a bit of a funk, and I took it out on them, which, in hindsight, I wish I hadn’t, because again, Contra is wonderful. Oh well, I guess this means I am making amends, because it is turned out to be one of my favorite albums of 2010. Standout Tracks: Giving Up The Gun, California English, Cousins, White Sky.

14. Erik Hassle – Pieces
While this album should have come out in 2009 (it was released in Sweden only as Hassle) it got renamed and slightly tweaked, and finally got the chance to be released early in 2010. Despite featuring brilliant pop song after brilliant pop song, this album didn’t really go anywhere, and even though his amazing ballad Hurtful was a free download on iTunes a while back, people still aren’t paying this guy the attention he deserves. His music is fresh, and he is making fantastic pop music that deserves to dominate the airwaves. I just don’t get how people this talented get grossly overlooked (and in this case time and time again), but I can only hope this guy knows that there are those of us that love his music, and hope that he keeps doing his thing, and keeps killing it like he did on Pieces (and Hassle for that matter). Standout Tracks: Hurtful, Amelia, Isn’t It Obvious, Back To Bed.

…and the rest:
These are the albums that almost made the cut, but for whatever reason, fell a little short of five-stardom. I’ll make a few brief comments about each. In alphabetical order:

  • A1 – Waiting For Daylight: A great surprise from the reforming of a late 90′s- early 00′s boyband. Favorite Track: Perfect Disaster.
  • Aqualung – Magnetic North: I’ll always love this band; great sound, consistently great music. Favorite Track: Remember Us feat. Sara Bareilles.
  • Broken Bells – Broken Bells: Pairing Danger Mouse with the James Mercer of the Shins; great idea! Favorite Track: Vaporize.
  • Cee Lo Green – The Lady Killer: Besides the amazing Fuck You! (no, NOT Forget You, the shit radio version; sorry Cee Lo), great album overall. Favorite Track: Love Gun feat. Lauren Bennett.
  • Elizabeth and the Catapult – The Other Side of Zero: A little more up and down than their amazing debut, last year’s Taller Children, but still wonderful overall. Favorite Track: Do Not Hang Your Head.
  • Goldfrapp – Head First: Almost five stars; just barely missed the mark for me. Full of energy and great danceable tracks; I love how Goldfrapp reinvent themselves with each new album and continue to create such fantastic music. Favorite Track: Rocket.
  • Hot Chip – One Life Stand: This one surprised me; I liked the whole album more than I have their previous efforts (which usually just had a track or two to catch my full attention). Favorite Track: I Feel Better.
  • Kelis – Flesh Tone: Wow, what a re-invention. She shows that she can kill whatever she attempts. Welcome back Kelis, we missed your sassy ass. Favorite Track: 22nd Century.
  • Kylie – Aphrodite: I know my fellow gays will weep that I didn’t declare this second coming, but it didn’t blow me away. I really liked most of it though! Favorite Track: Get Outta My Way.
  • Greg Laswell – Take A Bow: Finally got see him live this year, and another great album as well. Favorite Track: Lie To Me.
  • P!nk – The Greatest Hits… So Far!! This one is a definite five star album, but it’s a greatest hits compilation, so it doesn’t qualify for album of the year (no matter how great it truly is; P!nk has had a great career… so far!!). Favorite (new) Track: Raise Your Glass.
  • Scissor Sisters – Night Work: It starts off and ends brilliantly; really, most of the album holds some of the best stuff of their career. As one of my favorite bands I really wanted to love this wholeheartedly, but I can’t ignore the middle to near-end where things seem to just go weird. Eh, can’t win ‘em all, can you? Favorite Track: Whole New Way.
  • Stars – Five Ghosts: I love these guys. Great stuff; not many other bands sound like them, and their uniqueness is refreshing and the music is hauntingly beautiful. Favorite Track: We Don’t Want Your Body.
  • The Bird and the Bee – Interpreting the Masters Vol. 1: A Tribute to Daryl Hall and John Oates: Great band does a great tribute/cover album; I only hope there are many more up their sleeve. Favorite Track (which is original to them, and not a cover, actually): Heard It On The Radio.
  • The Saturdays – Headlines EP: An EP with a couple of recycled tracks, but some AMAZING new songs. These ladies keep on taking their pop higher. Favorite Track: Higher.
  • Shayne Ward – Obsession: After two amazing albums, with the last being his best, I had high hopes. Some songs are beautiful and great pop, but it really goes tits up in several places; which is surprising given his track record. The Nickelback cover is completely unnecessary. Favorite Track: Foolish (sadly, the best track wasn’t even on the album; Future Love was just a B-side on the aforementioned Nickelback cover, Gotta Be Somebody).
  • Westlife – Gravity: What can I say, it’s Westlife, and here they do what they’ve always done, consistently and wonderfully. More great ballads, and boy band pop that I have loved for more than a decade from these beautiful men; what’s not to love? Favorite Track: Safe.

Honorable mentions:
The Wanted – The Wanted: Some great singles, guys!!
Step Up 3D Soundtrack: There are some MAJOR tracks on this album; my number 3 song of the year came from it!
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Soundtrack: The music in this movie is so much fun!

Well, there it is, my favorite albums of 2010. There was a lot that fell to the wayside this year, because of how busy I was, but there is some really great music on this list. I feel like I didn’t get to know each album like I would have wanted to, again, because of being so busy, and I missed a lot of potentially other great albums out there, but overall, I have to say this list isn’t bad. What do you think? What do you think I missed? Do you think I nailed it? Let me know your thoughts! Now… to start collecting great music for 2011′s best of list!!

2010: my favorite songs

So here are the rules:
1. No artist may appear more than once (not including collaborations, because honestly, I didn’t even think about that until just this moment, and the damn list is together), otherwise some artists would have literally 10 spots on the list. (ahem, Robyn).
2. These are my favorite songs from 2010; they aren’t all singles, and some of them were even better than the released singles by those artists.
3. This is a pretty representative song sample of 2010, IMHO; even though some of you may be pissed not to see certain Billboard “hits” on my list.
4. This really highlights how all over the place my music tastes are, doesn’t it?
5. Enjoy.

Here’s my “top” 80 songs of 2010:

  • 1. Robyn – Dancing On My Own
  • 2. Sara Bareilles – Basket Case
  • 3. Sophia Fresh- This Instant
  • 4. Goldfrapp – Rocket
  • 5. Alphabeat- DJ
  • 6. Kelly Rowland- Commander
  • 7. The Saturdays- Higher
  • 8. Marina & The Diamonds – Oh No!
  • 9. Laura Marling – Rambling Man
  • 10. Sleigh Bells – A/B Machines
  • 11. Rihanna – Only Girl (In The World)
  • 12. Antony And The Johnsons – Flétta
  • 13. The Script – This = Love
  • 14. Scissor Sisters – Whole New Way
  • 15. The National – Bloodbuzz Ohio
  • 16. Sky Ferreira – One
  • 17. Adele – Rolling In The Deep
  • 18. P!nk – Raise Your Glass
  • 19. Jónsi – Go Do
  • 20. Ciara – Gimmie Dat
  • 21. Cee-Lo Green – Fuck You!
  • 22. Mumford & Sons – After The Storm
  • 23. Glee Cast – Teenage Dream (Glee Cast Version)
  • 24. Christina Perri – Jar of Hearts
  • 25. Sarah McLachlan – Forgiveness
  • 26. City & Colour – At The Bird’s Foot
  • 27. Toni Braxton – Make My Heart
  • 28. Kylie Minogue – Get Outta My Way
  • 29. Westlife – Safe
  • 30. Daft Punk – Derezzed
  • 31. Keane – Stop For A Minute (feat. K’naan)
  • 32. Sia – I’m In Here (Piano/Vocal Version)
  • 33. Nadine Coyle – Insatiable
  • 34. Melissa Etheridge – Fearless Love
  • 35. Kelis – Acapella
  • 36. Janelle Monáe – Tightrope (feat. Big Boi)
  • 37. Alexis Jordan – Happiness
  • 38. Jesse McCartney – Shake
  • 39. Shayne Ward – Future Love
  • 40. The Pipettes – Stop The Music
  • 41. Hot Chip – I Feel Better
  • 42. Willow – Whip My Hair
  • 43. The Bird And The Bee – Heard It On The Radio
  • 44. Broken Bells – Vaporize
  • 45. Erik Hassle – Amelia
  • 46. Elizabeth & The Catapult – You and Me
  • 47. The-Dream – Love King
  • 48. Vampire Weekend – Giving Up The Gun
  • 49. Christina Aguilera – You Lost Me
  • 50. Charice – Pyramid (feat. Iyaz)
  • 51. Drake – Find Your Love
  • 52. William Fitzsimmons – So This Is Goodbye (Pink Ganter Remix)
  • 53. B.o.B – Airplanes (feat. Hayley Williams of Paramore)
  • 54. The Courteeners – You Overdid It Doll
  • 55. Selena Gomez & The Scene – A Year Without Rain
  • 56. M.I.A. – XXXO
  • 57. Ke$ha – We R Who We R
  • 58. Stars – We Don’t Want Your Body
  • 59. Aqualung – Remember Us
  • 60. Kate Nash – Do-Wah-Doo
  • 61. The Wanted – All Time Low
  • 62. Tracey Thorn – Oh! the Divorces
  • 63. Usher – DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love (feat. Pitbull)
  • 64. Flo Rida (Feat David Guetta) – Club Cant Handle Me
  • 65. Taio Cruz – Dynamite
  • 66. Chase Coy – Airplanes
  • 67. Robbie Williams & Gary Barlow – Shame
  • 68. Laura Bell Bundy – Drop On By
  • 69. Grum – Through the Night
  • 70. Jessica Mauboy – Handle It
  • 71. Foxy Shazam – Oh Lord
  • 72. JES – Closer
  • 73. A1 – Perfect Disaster
  • 74. Greyson Chance – Waiting Outside the Lines
  • 75. LCD Soundsystem – Drunk Girls
  • 76. Fitz & The Tantrums – MoneyGrabber
  • 77. Sounds Under Radio – All You Wanted
  • 78. Groove Armada – History (ft. Will Young)
  • 79. Nashville Skyline – Carry You Home
  • 80. AnnaGrace – Love Keeps Calling (Radio Edit)

What did you think? Surprises? I know that I will one day look back at this list and think, “what the fuck was I thinking with #__?”, but over all, it’s pretty representative for 2010, and I like that. Hope you do too.

I know, I know…

I know I should have already done my year end albums countdown (especially seeing as it is 2011 already), but I have just been relaxing, and frankly, I have been incredibly lazy following last semester. I will try to get it up soon though; I WILL be doing something (probably just not as elaborate as previous years). Stay tuned!

