your best life. A vital part of living the best life you can is to be active in your health and in your wellbeing.
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“Love Yourself the Most”
For women, to be active in their breast health is an important aspect of living healthy lives.
Most women struggle with understanding that there is no such thing as a typical breast. What is normal for one woman may not be for another. Most women say that their breasts feel a little lumpy and uneven. Breasts may also be swollen and tender during a womans cycle, and will look and feel different as you age. A womans breasts are as unique as the woman herself.
The ultimate goal of good breast health is to maintain healthy breasts.
The best way to maintain healthy breasts is to take care of problems as soon as possible. Therefore, early detection is very important for keeping good breast health.
By doing all steps – monthly breast self-exams, annual clinical exams and annual mammograms starting at the age of 40 – you give yourself the best chance to live your best life possible.