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Sydney City Subaru has several departments with one common goal: to be to our customers “a friend in the business�. 

Many of our customers have seen this phrase in our advertising or heard it on the radio and have asked me what do we mean by it? 

Well I would like to explain what it means to me and to all our managers and staff. To be “a friend in the business� means to ensure that all our departments provide excellent customer service. 

Every industry claims to aim for the best “customer satisfaction�. At Sydney City Subaru we don’t want to claim it…we believe it. 

Tony Bonanno began this business 32 years ago and has succeeded because of this attitude. Each individual purchase in sales or repair in service is treated as a person not a number. Some car dealers are just too big to care much when you walk into their yard. Others are too small and just can't give you the kind of deal you're looking for. At Sydney City Subaru we know you can buy the product anywhere. However at other dealers you won’t get the personalised service and conveniences available here. 


Rosaria Cusumano & the Sydney City Subaru Family

Sydney City Subaru Massive April Sales Event They're turning on the Easter festivities early this weekend offering new Subaru's at incredible prices, and the biggest clearance demo models ever.


Plus Servicing, Spare parts and In-House Finance available at all 19 dealerships at our 7 Locations!


Bryan Byrt Automotive Group Mt Gravatt:

A trusted name in the motor industry

Bryan Byrt Automotive Group has long been recognised as one of Australia's most successful dealerships, achieving levels of customer satisfaction that have become benchmarks for the motor industry nationally.
Since opening at Upper Mt Gravatt in 1972 our dealership has sold and serviced thousands of new and used vehicles and in the process earned a reputation for professionalism, honesty and fair dealing.


Currently ranked as Queensland’s Number One Ford dealer we strive to deliver the highest level satisfaction and choice to our customers.


Through our website, you can now research the entire Ford, FPV and Renault range, view our entire stock of pre-owned vehicles and all special offers on Bryan Byrt Ford and Bryan Byrt Renault. 

You can also arrange car finance, car parts, and schedule a car service (all makes and models) at any of our 3 service locations. So whether you are updating your car or booking in for a service, the team at Bryan Byrt Automotive Group look forward to talking with you.

Great savings on NEW Fiesta, Focus, Escape, Ranger and Territory - Upgrade Today! Bryan Byrt also offers finance, parts, service and has an extensive range of new & quality pre-owned vehicles.

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