Welcome to Piwik Developer Zone

Trac is the place to follow along with the development of Piwik. Piwik is an open source web analytics software that aims to be an alternative to Google analytics.

You can track changes in the Timeline section of this site. There is also an  RSS feed and a  mailing list for those interested.

How to submit a bug report? Read recommendations on writing a good bug report. If you are looking to submit a bug report, please register or login and head on over.

User documentation

The Piwik User Documentation is hosted on the main website piwik.org:

Participate in Piwik

You can also participate, with translations, marketing, website modifications, or by submitting a new patch, plugin, documentation, or new ideas. Learn more about Piwik and how to make a difference.

Developer documentation

Documentation to be migrated from Trac to piwik.org:

The developer zone is maintained by  Matthieu (see his  Travel Blog), Anthon, and the rest of the Piwik team.

SVN Access

You can browse the SVN repository online using Trac.

If you're a developer, you can use the latest cutting edge revision from the SVN repository. Check out the current development trunk with:

svn co http://dev.piwik.org/svn/trunk

Note: the development trunk may be unstable at times. For production use, you should download the latest official version.