Piwik is a downloadable, open source (GPL licensed) real time web analytics software program. It provides you with detailed reports on your website visitors: the search engines and keywords they used, the language they speak, your popular pages… and so much more.

Piwik aims to be an open source alternative to Google Analytics.

Piwik is a PHP MySQL software program that you download and install on your own webserver. At the end of the five minute installation process you will be given a JavaScript code. Simply copy and paste this tag on websites you wish to track (or use an existing plugin to do it automatically for you) and access your analytics reports in real time.

In laymens terms, you can check out who has been visiting your page, when, how and why. You can create Goals and track conversions. You can track unlimited number of websites, and create users with permission to view or administrate one or several websites.

If you don't speak english, fear not. Piwik is available in more than 40 languages (and growing!).

What makes Piwik unique from the competition:

  1. Real time web analytics reports: in Piwik, reports are by default generated in real time. For high traffic websites, you can choose the frequency for reports to be processed (more info)
  2. You own your web analytics data: because Piwik is installed on your server, the data is stored in your own database and you can get all the statistics using the powerful Piwik Analytics API
  3. Modern, easy to use User Interface: you can fully customize your dashboard, drag and drop widgets you want to display.
  4. Piwik features are built inside plugins: you can add new features and remove the ones you don’t need. You can build your own web analytics plugins or hire a consultant to have your custom feature built in Piwik
  5. Vibrant international Open community of more than 100,000 active users (tracking even more websites!)

Here is the example of the Real Time Visitor Log showing you all visits, their actions on your site, how they reached the website (which  keywords they typed or link they clicked on), Custom Variables, and more!

Give it a try

  1. Check out the online demo that shows you the latest Piwik release – Note that the 'Administration' area is protected.
  2. If you need a web host to host Piwik, check out our recommended Hosting partners – they will provide a great hosting service for Piwik
  3. Download the latest Piwik release, upload it on your webserver (you need at least PHP 5.1 and a Mysql database), and open your browser
  4. The installation takes only 5 minutes! How do Install Piwik?

Learn more


Piwik has been made possible thanks to OpenX (the open source adserver) and thanks to all our fantastic sponsors!

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