Acting Like Animals: GTL Fo’ LIFE!

Apr. 23, 2011

cute baby animals - Acting Like Animals: GTL Fo' LIFE!

Don’t be dissin’ on the shore, yo! We Jersey-born, Jersey proud! All day erryday we GTL it to the MAX! And tonight ain’t gonna be no exception; we need to be in fine form, cuz we’re expected to show up at the clurb ’round 8 p.m. to kick it with our homeboy Pauly D!

Via Afternoon Snooze Button

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Love is Weird…

Apr. 23, 2011

cute baby animals - Love is Weird...

Calm down, itty bitty huggable kitty! You’re not in any danger! Love can be shocking and breathtaking sometimes, I know, but it’s certainly nothing to be afraid of!

Via Magical Nature Tour

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Acting Like Animals: Chicken is a Dangerous Game

Apr. 23, 2011

cute baby animals - Acting Like Animals: Chicken is a Dangerous Game

On the one hand, me and my turtle kin are clad with resilient shell armor… and on the other hand, our crocodilean opponent is clad with GIANT FREAKING TEETH. I don’t really know why we thought this whole “chicken” thing was a good idea… but I’m beginning to reconsider the affair. Turf wars are a part of nature, sure, but can’t we be picking fights with tadpoles or minnows or something? That seems like a better deal in my book.

Via LLBwwb

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Just a Little Camera Shy…

Apr. 23, 2011

cute baby animals - Just a Little Camera Shy...

Awww, squee little squirrel, don’t be shy! You should forego your ball-curling pose in favor of stretching out your wonderful floof for the whole wide world to see! No one’s going to make fun of you; in fact, we all just want to marvel at how squeetastic you are!

Via Cats and Stuff

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Squeeness is as Squeeness Does

Apr. 23, 2011

cute baby animals - Squeeness is as Squeeness Does

Man, I wish it was as easy for me to be squee as it is for these itty bitty goats! They just have so much squee-grace and squee-poise… they make being totally adorable seem completely effortless!

Via LLBwwb

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Bottle Feeding Never Looked So Squee

Apr. 22, 2011

Cute Baby Animals - Bottle Feeding Never Looked So Squee

Milk: it makes the kitty purrrrrrrrrr.

More gifs over here!

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Your Protector Has Come Home

Apr. 22, 2011

cute baby animals - Your Protector Has Come Home

What’s better than an interspecies friendship between an itty bitty kitten and an equally itty bitty chick? An interspecies friendship between an itty bitty kitten and an equally itty bitty chick, soundtracked by one of my favorite bands, Fleet Foxes.

Via LLBwwb

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