WordCamp San Francisco was held on May 1, 2010. This year's event was attended by over 700 people from around the world. See what we learned and who was there. Or, check out photos from Flickr and what folks are saying on Twitter.

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Live stream

We are streaming WordCamp San Francisco live. Continue reading

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Genius Bar Help Desk

My Canadian income taxes are filed, and now with a clear mind I can get to enjoying WordCamp San Francisco 2010… once I share with you info about the all day WordCamp Genius Bar Help Desk. Over the last few … Continue reading

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Registration is Closed

Advanced registration is now closed. If you did not yet buy a ticket, you will be able to buy a ticket as a walk-in at the event for $60. There are a few people who were having trouble buying a … Continue reading

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Check-in with foursquare

While attending WordCamp SF this Saturday at the Mission Bay Conference Center or the developer day on Sunday at Pier 38, we’ll have a special way for you to tell the world that you are present — a check-in using … Continue reading

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Are You Ready to Party?

(mt) Media Temple was an early adopter in supporting WordPress as the world’s best blogging platform, and is proud to be a returning sponsor at the 2010 WordCamp in San Francisco! We’re returning this year in a more suitable role … Continue reading

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Bodysurfing the Blogosphere; or, It’s Okay To Talk About Money, Right?

Ever since Nina Paley released her critically-acclaimed film Sita Sings the Blues under a free license, people have been asking her “But how does it make money?” That was never the most important question to Paley — most of all she wanted … Continue reading

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Hey kids. As you start chattering online about WordCamp SF, try to use the hashtag #wcsf. We’ve used #wordcamp in the past, but let’s face it, that takes up twice as much room in your tweets! So remember, follow us … Continue reading

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Party Down with Media Temple!

Media Temple has been a sponsor of WordCamp San Francisco before, but this year they chose to focus their sponsorship on the afterparty. Their generous platinum sponsorship will provide for the open bar and a dancetastic DJ, and I fully … Continue reading

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WordPress and blogging: old enough to have a past

Scott Berkun is the guy who’s talking first thing in the morning about the future of WordPress. Among many other things, Scott is the author of a great book about how to be a good public speaker. So go to … Continue reading

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Microsoft at a WordPress Conference, Huh?

Yes, you saw that correctly, Microsoft. You are probably asking yourself right now why Microsoft would be interested in sponsoring a WordCamp. The answer is simple: we <3 WordPress. We talk about it at our events, our blogging tool lets you easily create … Continue reading

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