The Daily What

Adorable Animal Being Adorable of the Day

Apr. 12, 2011

Adorable Animal Being Adorable

Adorable Animal Being Adorable of the Day: ZSL Whipsnade Zoo‘s biggest attraction is also its smallest — Tiny Tim the Egyptian tortoise, seen here nomming on a grape (he’s on the right).


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Role Model of the Day

Apr. 12, 2011

Role Model of the Day

Role Model of the Day: Redditor mp3thief says: “I’m no longer allowed near my daughter’s coloring books.”


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PSA of the Day: Funny or Die presents Real Men Don’t Buy Girls

Apr. 12, 2011

PSA of the Day: Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore phoned up a bunch of their celeb friends and convinced them to participate in a series of anti-sex-trafficking PSAs that, according to Kutcher, purposely sport the “offbeat feel of Funny or Die.”

Because, as everyone knows, an anti-sex-trafficking PSA can’t possibly be taken seriously unless it has the offbeat feel of Funny or Die.

See the rest after the jump:

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Street Art of the Day

Apr. 12, 2011

Street Art of the Day

Street Art of the Day: Spotted in SoHo.


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AMA of the Day

Apr. 12, 2011

AMA of the Day

AMA of the Day: The Holy Grail of AMAs — a Q&A with the legendary Bruce Campbell — is taking place right now on Reddit.

Sample question: “Hey Bruce Campbell, why don’t you go ahead and do us all a favor and do a collaboration with Nathan Fillion. Please?” Sample response: “Sure, just as soon as I find out who he is.”

Classic Campbell.


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Class-Action Lawsuit of the Day: Unpaid Bloggers Sue HuffPo

Apr. 12, 2011

Class-Action Lawsuit of the Day: Unpaid Bloggers Sue HuffPo

Class-Action Lawsuit of the Day: Union organizer and Huffington Post contributor Jonathan Tasini has filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of HuffPo’s unpaid bloggers seeking $105 million in damages, claiming volunteers generated a third of HuffPo’s revenue and were therefore owed a third of its AOL sale value.

In his complaint, Tasini doesn’t explain how he came to this exact figure, nor does he detail why the site should now pay for work bloggers willingly provided free of charge.

“Instead,” Peter Kafka writes, “Tasini’s argument is in large part directed at the state of Internet content-making today, where users and contributors are frequently asked to help build a Web site without getting any financial compensation.”

AOL, incidentally, is no stranger to this sort of thing, having settled out of court with unpaid writers back in 1999.


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Quote of the Day

Apr. 12, 2011

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day: Don’t mind me, just leaving this here and getting as far away as possible.


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Here We Go Again of the Day

Apr. 12, 2011

Here We Go Again of the Day

Here We Go Again of the Day: J. Crew’s online catalog features a photo of designer Jenna Lyons giving her son Beckett a hot pink pedicure, accompanied by the quote “Lucky for me, I ended up with a boy whose favorite color is pink.”’s Dr. Keith Ablow applauds Lyons’ welcome challenge to the stuffy heteronormativity of the common family dynamic — just kidding: He derides it as “hostile to the gender distinctions that actually are part of the magnificent synergy that creates and sustains the human race.”


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Morning Links

Apr. 12, 2011

Morning Links

Morning Links:

[photo: arbroath.]

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Toothpaste for Dinner

Apr. 12, 2011

Toothpaste for Dinner


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