The Daily What

Tweet of the Day

Apr. 21, 2011

Tweet of the Day

Tweet of the Day: Glee showrunner Brad Falchuk tells off (former) series extra Nicole Crowther after the latter tweeted several Glee spoilers, including the identity of the show’s Prom King and Queen.

Crowther has since deleted her Twitter account; her acting career may soon follow suit.

[mtv / nme.]

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Tweet of the Day

Apr. 16, 2011

Tweet of the Day

Tweet of the Day: For more info on Record Store Day go here. For more info on “records” go here.


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Tweet of the Day

Apr. 14, 2011

Tweet of the Day: Popcorn.gif.

[context / @namblaorg / interweber.]

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Tweet of the Day

Apr. 7, 2011

Tweet of the Day

Tweet of the Day: The Bronx Zoo’s Cobra weighs in on her new name, which was apparently inspired by the phrase “missing in action.”


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Tweet of the Day

Mar. 30, 2011

Tweet of the Day

Tweet of the Day: Awesome dad produces awesome daughter — you can explain that!


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Tweet of the Day

Mar. 29, 2011

Tweet of the Day

Tweet of the Day: Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof attempts to sum up his show in one tweet.

Of course. So simple! I totally get it now. (lol j/k still no clue.)

[@damonlindelof / sl-lost.]

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Tweet of the Day: George Takei on Victoria Jackson

Mar. 23, 2011

Tweet of the Day: George Takei on Victoria Jackson

Tweet of the Day: BOOM! Sulu’d.

[context / @georgetakei / h/t: buzzfeed.]

See Also: Top 10 Craziest Victoria Jackson Quotes About Glenn Beck.

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Tweet of the Day [UPDATED]

Mar. 15, 2011

Tweet of the Day

Tweet of the Day: You know you’ve bombed beyond belief when Rebecca Black feels bad for you.


UPDATE: Now with video of said bombing (via ontd):

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Hijacked Twitter Feed of the Day

Mar. 2, 2011

Hijacked Twitter Feed of the Day

Hijacked Twitter Feed of the Day: Ashton Kutcher, who is currently at TED2011, just had his Twitter account hijacked by a fellow attendee who took advantage of Kutcher’s total lack of security.

To be fair, what better place than TED, a technology-centric conference with a stated goal of disseminating “ideas worth spreading,” to learn such a valuable lesson.


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Winning Tweet of the Day

Mar. 2, 2011

Winning Tweet of the Day

Winning Tweet of the Day: The American Red Cross has Charlie Sheen jokes. Then again, could just be another drunk-tweet.


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