The Daily What

Tractor Rampage of the Day

Apr. 11, 2011

Tractor Rampage of the Day: A Walmart Superstore parking lot in Richmond Hill temporarily turned into a demolition derby arena as an unmanned John Deere tractor plowed indiscriminately into any vehicle unfortunate enough to be caught in its destructive path.


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Quote of the Day

Apr. 11, 2011

“At some point, litigation must come to an end. That point has now been reached.”

–9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals chief justice Alex Kozinksi, elaborating on the three-judge panel’s decision to reject a lawsuit brought against Facebook by Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss.

The court said the twins knew what they were signing when they agreed to a $20 million cash settlement with the social network site in 2008, and therefore could not undo the agreement.

The Winklevii are currently reviewing the decision and mulling their next move, which could include taking their case to the Supreme Court.


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What’s In A Name of the Day

Apr. 11, 2011

What's In A Name of the Day

What’s In A Name of the Day: But those unfortunate given name + surname combos wilt in comparison to Mr. No, Seriously, That’s My Real Name after the jump:

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Sure, Why Not of the Day

Apr. 11, 2011

Sure Why Not of the Day: All displayable characters in the unicode range 0 – 65536 shown in order, one character at a time.

Epileptics, avert your gaze.

[jörgpiringer / waxy.]

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Damn Nature U Scary of the Day

Apr. 11, 2011

Damn Nature U Scary of the Day

Damn Nature U Scary of the Day: The Five Horsemen of the Weatherpocalypse struck the US this weekend, dropping hellish hail in North Carolina, unleashing a town-terrorizing tornado on Iowa, setting off wicked wildfires in West Texas, filling up Fargo with frightening floodwaters, and triggering terrible thunderstoms over Wisconsin. Footage from each End Times-evoking event after the jump:

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Afternoon Snack

Apr. 11, 2011

Afternoon Snack: If the noms won’t come to kitty, then kitty must go to the noms.


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Preaching Priorities of the Day

Apr. 11, 2011

Preaching Priorities of the Day: Pastor Steven Anderson warns his flock about the scourge of sissification personified by the likes of Justin Bieber.

Money: “And I pointed it out to my children, because I don’t want them to be brainwashed by it, I said “look at that guy, he looks like girl, isn’t that disgusting,” you know just to put the right idea in their head.”


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Photo of the Day

Apr. 11, 2011

Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day: Firefighter Brett Cunniff provides oxygen to a kitten rescued from a burning house in Missoula’s Rattlesnake Valley.

The kitten was taken to a local veterinary hospital, and was reportedly “doing really good.”


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Corgi-Starring Commercial of the Day

Apr. 11, 2011

Corgi-Starring Commercial of the Day: British free-to-air Digital Terrestrial Television services provider Freeview is promoting an upgrade to HD ahead of the royal wedding broadcast with a spot featuring the corgis from The King’s Speech.

In related news, zOMG CORGIZZZZ!!!1one!


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Interspecies Intermingling of the Day

Apr. 11, 2011

Interspecies Intermingling of the Day: A Disney-esque scene in Buffalo as a deer takes it upon itself to protect a partner-less mother goose guarding her eggs inside a cemetery.

[wgrz / towleroad.]

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