Danni’s Little Moment of Win

Apr. 24, 2011

Today I got called down to the principal's office. When I arrived, my friend was there too. Wondering what we could have done, we were pleasantly surprised when our principal said that an organization that promotes safe schools wanted to use the anti-bullying video we had made! It made both our days!

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hmb’s Little Moment of Win

Apr. 24, 2011

Today at the grocery store I saw an eldery man struggling to carry all his bags outside. I rushed to give him a hand, and I could see in his eyes how grateful he was. When he directed me to his car, the decals and stickers said that he was a WWII veteran. Knowing that I touched the heart of someone who so bravely served our country MMD.

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one very lucky girl’s Little Moment of Win

Apr. 23, 2011

My bestfriend (who is of an opposite gender) and I have had a really close friendship since we met in kindergarden. We are both 17 now and have been slowly drifting apart. Yesterday I was very stressed about my exams, i then heard a noise at my window. My bestfriend was standing outside my house holding up his ipod and speakers with my favourite song playing. Knowing that he can tell somethings wrong totally MMD!

Submitted by: one very lucky girl

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Old Fashion Girl’s Little Moment of Win

Apr. 23, 2011

While I enjoy some things about this modern world, in my heart I'm an old fashion girl. So I was thrilled tonight when a gentleman hung up his cellphone just so he could hold open a door for me! IMMD!

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Chocolate lovers’ Little Moment of Win

Apr. 23, 2011

I work in a corner deli. Today, a man who didn't speak english came in and bought chocolates. Since he didn't understand Australian money I helped him count out the right money, despite the long line. As he went to leave, he opened up the box of choccies and gave me one! IMMD!!

Submitted by: Chocolate lovers

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Soon-to-be College Grad’s Little Moment of Win

Apr. 23, 2011

I designed 4×6" party invites that would fit inside my college's graduation announcements and ordered them as photo prints for pick-up at my local Walgreens. My parents picked them up and I was expecting the prints in the usual envelope, but the people in the Photo department included envelopes for them all and packaged them in a little box, too. Their generosity MMD.

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VJ’s Little Moment of Win

Apr. 22, 2011

I found out a while back that my parents were preparing to share their home so that one of my mom's students and his two brothers could stay together and in the same school when they were put into foster care. IMMD

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