Welcome to BiteSize 37 November 2010 #37
In this issue:
(click to view)
Bite 1: Herald Sun iPad app - get on it now  Bite 2: TAC's SuperSponsorship  |  Bite 3: Body+Soul: print, radio, magazines. Next up online  | Special Bite: Herald Sun newspaper rejuvenation  |  Last Bite: The right resource for a partnership


Herald Sun (M-F)
Herald Sun (Sat)
Sunday Herald Sun

Source: *Roy Morgan, Sept 2010. ^ABC, Sept 2010. 'Nielsen Online Market intelligence, Domestic Oct 2010.
Bite One
Herald Sun iPad app - get on it now
The Herald Sun iPad application is hot off the digital presses and ready for market.

For $7.99 per month, subscribers are now privy to the best journalism from the day's print edition, mixed with live updates and exclusive iPad-only videos, photos and articles.

HWT chief digital officer Peter Clark said: "The Herald Sun iPad application is an exciting addition to the Herald Sun's suite of digital and print products. It signals a step into the future of digital journalism and provides us with an excellent opportunity to increase our brand footprint, expand our audience and offer advertisers new ways of reaching their target markets. iPad users are highly engaged, enthusiastic news consumers and big spenders; the perfect storm for both news producers and advertisers."

News Limited chairman and chief executive John Hartigan said: "The new apps will be much more than a static replica of the printed products. They will play to the strengths of the iPad in allowing readers to navigate through our world-class journalism, photography and video content."

We've received an overwhelming response from industry. Launch advertising partners include Harvey Norman, Telstra, National Australia Bank, Museum Victoria and Village Roadshow Theme Parks.

Sister publication The Daily Telegraph is also in market; The Courier-Mail and The Advertiser are set to launch in December.

Click here to purchase the app.

Click here to read more about the Herald Sun app.

For further information or advertising opportunities please contact Spencer Retallack, integration and commercial projects manager, on 03 9292 1117 or email retallacks@hwt.com.au
Bite Two
TAC's SuperSponsorship
Herald Sun TAC SuperCoach is Australia's biggest fantasy football game boasting 346,480 players in 2010.

We recently conducted research amongst 1,000 players which revealed SuperCoach to be very strongly associated with the Herald Sun brand. Players gave the game a very high approval rating, with 84 per cent rating it 'excellent' or 'very good' to play.

In addition, 62 per cent of Victorian SuperCoach players spontaneously recalled TAC as the official sponsor and around three-quarters thought the TAC sponsorship represented a very good brand fit.

Amongst SuperCoach players who own an iPhone, around two-thirds said they had paid to download our SuperCoach iPhone app. We also 'crowdsourced' some great suggestions on how we can make the game even more enjoyable to play next season!

John Thompson, senior manager of road safety & marketing at the Transport Accident Commission, said of the sponsorship: "When we originally sponsored Herald Sun TAC SuperCoach we knew we'd be reaching our core target audience of young men when they were in a highly engaged mindset. But only time would tell how popular the interactive game would turn out to be and how closely our brand would be associated with the game. Fast forward to today, and as sponsor of Australia's number one fantasy footy game and with the recall figures just mentioned, we're delighted with our sponsorship."

SuperCoach advertising opportunities exist across multiple channels including print, online and mobile.

To advertise please contact Matt Cowdell, digital account manager, 03 9292 1245 or email cowdellm@hwt.com.au

Source: I-View Research, August 2010.

Bite One
Body+Soul: print, radio, magazines. Next up online
In early 2011, the Sunday Herald Sun in conjunction with other News Limited mastheads will launch the body+soul website.

What was once a newsprint-only product now offers a complete multi-platform advertising opportunity across radio, magazines and now digital.

News Magazines chief executive officer Sandra Hook said: "Our research and reader feedback has consistently confirmed that body+soul is one of the most trusted health and wellbeing brands in Australia and is phenomenally popular with women. Extending the brand onto the digital platforms is the logical next step."

The Sunday Herald Sun body+soul liftout is read by 91 per cent of women of which over 90 per cent of regular readers are highly engaged with the section spending an average of 16 minutes reading each week. In total more than 1.1 million Sunday Herald Sun readers read body+soul. *

"Consumers are seeking to strengthen their relationship with trusted brands and advertisers are looking for innovative multi-platform solutions and integrated advertising opportunities," says Ms Hook.

To advertise in body+soul please contact Peta Somerville, account manager, on 03 9292 1028 or email somervillep@hwt.com.au

*Source: News Limited Sectional Research Nov, 2009.
Bite One
Herald Sun newspaper rejuvenation
Our iPad app has been born. And our printed newspaper is transforming.

To continue to cater to our reader's needs we commissioned market research company Pollinate to undertake an extensive study. Whilst digital news consumption is taking off our findings reveal Victorians still crave a tangible printed product presented in a format that gives them a holistic view of news and current affairs.

HWT managing director Peter Blunden said: "We are investing heavily in rejuvenating our newspapers to position them best for the future."

As such we're making a number of changes to the Herald Sun newspaper. We introduced Your Time. A daily section offering advice on health, parenting, relationships and shopping, plus brighter horoscopes, dinner recipes and more puzzles.

There is also wider coverage of issues outside metropolitan Melbourne with our new daily Your State page, as well as recruiting Weekly Times editor Ed Gannon to our opinion pages to tackle vital regional matters.

Our BusinessDaily section has a new fresh design to assist readers when following their investments. Plus new columnists, including Miranda Devine, are now writing for us. We've also introduced Public Defender, an initiative where we fight for Victorians.

And this is just the beginning.

Herald Sun editor Simon Pristel said: "How people consume news is changing and we are changing with them."

Herald Sun boasts a readership of 2.2 million Victorians every week. That's close to half the population of this state and the highest readership of any newspaper in the country.

It is their primary source for news.

Source: Roy Morgan, September 2010.
Bite Last
The right resource for a partnership
Choose the right resource and you'll get the desired result.

The Herald Sun was again chosen as the official media partner for the third annual Resources Victoria Conference in Melbourne.

Attended by mining executives, investors, financiers and Government representatives, the three-day conference showcases Victoria's strengths as a premier location for investment in mineral exploration and development. A strategic on-page advertising campaign was developed to entice these key target audiences to attend.

Publisher Paydirt Media general manager Michael Cairnduff said the conference was a huge success. "The conference was very well attended and received a lot of very positive feedback. We hope The Herald and Weekly Times will consider being involved as our print media partner again in 2011."

For information on partnerships please contact Kylie Pritchard, HWT partnerships and major events manager, on 03 9292 2741 or email pritchardk@hwt.com.au
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