Welcome to BiteSize 32 June 2010 #32
In this issue:
(click to view)
Bite 1: Special Herald Sun circulates in CBD; Australia's first female PM  Bite 2: Readers dash for Socceroos Scarf, circulation spikes  |  Bite 3: New sections working wonders for readers and advertisers  | Special Bite: High-end brands choose Herald Sun  |  Last Bite: Partnership secures gymnastics routine  Extra Bite: Magazine with plenty of flavour


Herald Sun (M-F av)
Herald Sun (Sat)
Sunday Herald Sun

Source: *Roy Morgan, March 2010. ^ABC, March 2010. ′Nielsen Online Market Intelligence, domestic May 2010.
Bite One
Special Herald Sun circulates in CBD; Australia's first female PM
Victorians have proved once again that they turn to the Herald Sun when big news breaks.

Yesterday's special edition of the newspaper, marking the announcement of Australia's first female Prime Minister, was an instant sell out.

And heraldsun.com.au was swamped with viewers keen to devour the latest breaking news as Julia Gillard took her place as Government leader.

The Herald Sun reacted quickly to produce a special CBD midday edition detailing Gillard's historic elevation.

Herald Sun editor Simon Pristel said 20,000 copies of the special edition were available within the CBD and at selected newsagents in major suburban shopping centres.

He said the sell out proved the continued relevance of newspapers as the go-to source for breaking news, despite increased competition and media options available to consumers.

Within hours around 20,000 Victorians had also cast their vote on heraldsun.com.au for their preferred prime minister at a federal election. A live forum attracted 20,000 visitors and generated more than 3,000 comments.

Today's edition features a souvenir 12-page wrap-around and more detailed analysis and coverage inside.

For further information please contact Gen Brammall, HWT communications director, on 03 9292 2060 or email brammallg@hwt.com.au
Bite Two
Readers dash for Socceroos Scarf, circulation spikes
In true Herald Sun fashion, our Socceroos scarf promotion - timed to coincide with the 2010 FIFA World Cup - went off with a bang.

The offer of a $2 Socceroos scarf with the Saturday Herald Sun on June 12 was our most popular single-day promotion on record: sales increased by more than 37,000 copies in one day.

Senior marketing manager Ben Godkin said: "Timing-wise, we deliberately held off until the eve of the Socceroos first match, when support was at fever pitch. And we delivered a quality product that captured the imagination of fans and allowed them to show their true colours."

Print and online underpinned our marketing strategy which was supplemented by a significant television campaign on all the main commercial networks as well as SBS and Fox Sports. It was complemented by a PR drive which saw the entire audience and cast of Hey Hey it's Saturday plug the product (as pictured).

For further information on promotions please contact Ben Godkin, senior marketing manager, on 03 9292 2899 or email godkinb@hwt.com.au
Daryl Somers on set
Bite Three
New sections working wonders for readers and advertisers
Our new Monday section Feeling Great is doing as the name suggests: helping people feel great.

Our reader panel results reveal 71 per cent - or 661,000 - of Monday Herald Sun readers are reading Feeling Great.

Eighty per cent of female Herald Sun readers read the section. And 57 per cent of them read it regularly*. When asked about the changes, two thirds said they liked the new section; one third liked it a lot. They particularly complimented the tips, snippets, layout and design and really appreciate and are motivated by the practical information.

And the new-look carsguide, featured in BiteSize last month, is attracting record bookings. This month, we published the first pure 72-page carsguide: the result of huge demand from print advertisers.

Classified advertising manager Agostino Giramondo said: "carsguide truly represents the breadth of the automotive industry. We attract a spread of advertisers from Holden Barina through to Jaguar which reinforces the relevance of automotive advertising in the printed form."

For advertising opportunities please contact:

Feeling Great
Marie Vivet
Account manager
P: 03 9292 2457
E: vivetml@hwt.com.au

Matt Heggie
Sales manager
P: 03 9292 1284
E: heggiem@hwt.com.au

Bite One
High-end brands choose Herald Sun
From niche retailers through to premium brands, advertisers know that if they want results they need the Herald Sun.

Langham Hotel marketing communications executive Liberty Phillips said; "When running an advertising campaign, The Langham, Melbourne relies on the Herald Sun to yield positive and measurable results. We are always ensured good positioning and ongoing support from their sales team. Therefore the Herald Sun will continue to be our publication of choice."

The 5-star Langham Hotel in Melbourne was recently crowned the top city hotel in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific and has built a strong reputation among sophisticated business and leisure travelers.

To advertise please contact your account manager today.

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Bite Last
Partnership secures gymnastics routine
The Herald Sun's partnership with the 2010 Pacific Rim Gymnastics Championship was a sensation.

Held in Melbourne at Hisense arena, the major biennial event drew competitors from far and wide including the USA, China, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand and Russia.

David Culbert, director of Jump Media & Marketing, who negotiated the partnership deal, said: "The two-page feature in [Herald Sun] sport... delivered an immediate increase in ticket sales and a flow-on boost in coverage across a range of media. There is no better method of reaching a broad, sports-loving audience in Victoria and the advice, service and delivery of the team at the Herald Sun is second to none."

For information on partnerships please contact Elisa Dillon, major events and partnerships, on 03 9292 2602 or email dillone@hwt.com.au
Extra Bite
Magazine with plenty of flavour
On Saturday, August 21, the Herald Sun will publish a special 48-page Flavour of Victoria gloss magazine.

The magazine will feature fresh-grown produce from across Victoria, including where to buy it at farmers' markets and how to use it in tasty, healthy recipes.

The comprehensive listing of regional and metropolitan farmers' markets, including all dates and locations, will be a highlight and will enhance the magazine's high retention value.

Inserted in a full run of the Herald Sun in Victoria, reaching 1.3 million readers, Flavour of Victoria will capture the passion and innovative spirit of our local food producers. Today's interest in food and cooking across all media platforms indicates this magazine will resonate strongly with readers.

Booking deadline: Friday, July 16, 2010.

For further information or to advertise please contact:

Marie Vivet
Account manager
P: 03 9292 2457
E vivetml@hwt.com.au

Eryk Sobczyk
Account manager
P: 03 9292 1409
E: sobczyke@hwt.com.au

Kerri Urquhart Steel
Account manager
P: 03 9292 1838
E: urquhartk@hwt.com.au

Please click here: Subscribe.

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