Media Appearances

AGORA I/O: The Agorist Unconference, March 25-27

The upcoming agorist virtual conference, Agora I/O, features no less than five C4SS speakers.

David D’Amato on The Peter Mac Show, 02/09/11

C4SS News Analyst David D’Amato joins host Peter McCandless to discuss popular uprisings and political developments in the Middle East. 5-6pm Pacific. Live stream.

Sheldon Richman on Antiwar Radio, 02/03/11

C4SS advisory board member Sheldon Richman joins host Scott Horton to discuss his new article on left-libertarianism at The American Conservative. 1:30pm Central. [Flash audio or MP3].

C4SS Events

VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM: Land Tenure and Anarchic Common Law

Lockeans, advocates of occupancy-and-use standards for land tenure, and other anarchists with comparable views of property need not be seen as differing theoretically as much as is often supposed and their preferred property rules could in principle co-exist without conflict in a stateless society.

Conference Call — December 18th, 2010

On Saturday, December 18, 2010 at 12:00PM Eastern time, please join us for our December conference call. The informal agenda is simply open chat on the Center, current events, fundraising and, of course, anarchism.

VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM: Statecraft in the Wikileaks Era

A collaborative effort to consider the effects of ongoing WikiLeaks releases on the state, and what they mean for the advocacy of a stateless society.

Talking Points

Oppose US and European Intervention in Libya

The right of all people to revolt, articulated in the Declaration of Independence among other works, should always be supported — but that by no means implies one ought to support military intervention on behalf of rebels by other states.

Japan’s Earthquake-Damaged Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Facility

It would be correct to attribute to statism any damage resulting from a potential nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi, in addition to the recent earthquake.

A Governmental Campaign Against Bullying? Really?

At a White House meeting on the topic today, the Obamas launched the web site — taking a laudable, if inconsistently held, stand against bullying. Seldom before has so much irony been encapsulated in just the URL for a site alone.

Odds & Ends

Agora I/O: Day 1 Archives

Archives of the live talks given at the Agora I/O virtual conference yesterday are now available. C4SS speakers included Gary Chartier and Darian Worden. The conference continues today and tomorrow.

C4SS Media Coordinator Update, 03/11/11

Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work promoting the Center’s content.

C4SS @ ISU Founding Fiesta 2011 Conference

The Center was well represented at the Individual Soveriegn University “Founding Fiesta” conference in the Kansas City area this past weekend.


The Conscience of an Anarchist

Anarchy happens when people organize their lives peacefully and voluntarily— without the aggressive violence of the state. This simple but powerful book explains why the state is illegitimate, unnecessary, and dangerous, and what we can do to begin achieving real freedom. Paperback, 129 pages.

The Pocket Subversion Edition: Spooner’s The Constitution of No Authority

As Roderick Long once suggested, the Center has published a handy pocket version of Lysander Spooner’s classic critique (evisceration, really) of the U.S. Constitution — The Constitution of No Authority, available for $6.40 from

The Homebrew Industrial Revolution: A Low Overhead Manifesto

Kevin Carson’s third book manuscript is available in unfinished form…

Supporter Updates

C4SS Media Coordinator Update, 03/25/11

Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work.

Agora I/O plus C4SS fundraiser update

Big lineup of C4SS speakers at the Agora I/O virtual conference. Fundraising is coming up short. Please help!

C4SS Media Coordinator Update, 03/18/11

Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work.

Feature Articles

Do Sweatshops Belong in a Free Market?

Michael Kleen asserts that by supporting sweat shops, many libertarians and market anarchists both undermine their philosophy and alienate potential supporters among the working class.

The Last “Political” Essay

Anna Morgenstern on statism, poverty and war.

Romans 13: Ordained by Sin, Ordered by Love

Ricardo Rodriguez and Brennan Lester go after another piece of Scripture erroneously used by Christians to justify the parasitic State. In this case, the controversial (and popularly demanded) Romans 13.


Human Life: Another Dispersed Cost

David D’Amato on the role of war in the state’s system of control.

“Meritocracy” in the Middle East

David D’Amato on Bahraini banker Khalid Abdulla-Janahi’s call for a “culture of meritocracy.”

Hillary Clinton Lets the Cat Out of the Bag

Kevin Carson analyzes Hillary Clinton’s remark that drugs can’t be legalized because there is “just too much money in it”.

News Releases

Release — Wasted: Carson on the Political Class versus Leisure

Per the conventional wisdom, big government and high tax rates reduce the incentive to work. And that may be true — to a degree. But, shows Center for a Stateless Society Research Associate Kevin Carson in a new research study, the modern corporate capitalist economic paradigm utilizes an ethos of waste to enrich the privileged by artificially promoting work over leisure.

RELEASE: Anarchists Launch Wikileaks Mirror, Assistance Program

For Immediate Release 12/05/10 POC Thomas L. Knapp Media Contact: 530-618-C4SS Technical Contact: ANARCHISTS LAUNCH WIKILEAKS MIRROR, ASSISTANCE PROGRAM December 5th — “Censorship has always been wrong and irresponsible,” says Brad Spangler. “Now it’s another thing: Impossible.” Spangler, director of the Center for a Stateless Society, announced on Sunday that the Center is [...]

STUDY: The Market, Not Government, Is The Worker’s Friend

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 30 – In the Center for a Stateless Society’s latest study, “Labor Struggle: A Free Market Model,” C4SS Research Associate Kevin Carson examines the role of state labor regulation in halting the progress of unionism and explores the real source of pre-Wagner Act gains for labor: Direct action and worker solidarity in the face of combined state and corporate power.


The Great Domain of Cost-Plus: The Waste Production Economy

Kevin Carson’s eleventh research study for the Center [fourth quarter 2010].

Labor Struggle: A Free Market Model

In his tenth research study for C4SS, Kevin Carson explains that the state’s labor regulations, far from promoting workers’ bargaining rights, have hindered them. Carson then points the way toward a future of labor radicalism aligned with free market anarchism.

Thermidor of the Progressives

C4SS Research Associate Kevin Carson’s latest research study is now available. Download Thermidor of the Progressives: Managerialist Liberalism’s Hostility to Decentralized Organization[PDF].

Audio Commentary

Audio clip of the day, 8-24-2010: Net Neutrality

Mike Gogulski: Net Neutrality [mp3, 2:49] Podcasters, radio producers and all other media are welcome to replay this clip in its entirety in their productions.

Audio clip of the day, 8-17-2010: The Islamic Cultural Center: Political Misdirection

Mike Gogulski: The Islamic Cultural Center: Political Misdirection [mp3, 1:37]. Podcasters, radio producers and all other media are welcome to replay this clip in its entirety in their productions.

Audio clip of the day, 10-31-2009: Hillary Clinton is a Terrorist

Mike Gogulski: Hillary Clinton is a Terrorist [mp3, 1:30]. Podcasters, radio producers and all other media are welcome to replay this clip in its entirety in their productions.