Crisis line: 613-789-1141   
Crisis Counselling Services 

What's New?
Aboriginal Career Paths Event
Employment Readiness & Training
Upcoming Computer Training
Aboriginal Career Fair - Feb. 9, 2011

Minwaashin Lodge's Elder Lillian Pitawanakwat

Employment Opportunities
Child and Youth Programs Manager
STORM Outreach Worker

Counselling Services

Culture Program

Courage To Soar

Employment & Training
Readiness Program

Elder Guidance

Oshki Kizis Lodge -
Shelter for Women and Children

Sacred Child Program

Spirit Movers and Firekeepers
Youth Program

Sex Trade Out Reach Mobile (STORM) 

Transitional Support
and Housing Program

Wahbung Youth Diversion Program 


Our charitable number is 136843026RR0001 

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Minwaashin's Blog 

"We envision a world where all of creation, the earth, the air, the waters, animals and people are safe, honoured and respected; where children and elders are valued; where culture and diversity are celebrated."   

The mission of Minwaashin Lodge is to provide prevention and intervention services and programs for grandmothers, women, children and youth who are survivors of family violence and the residential school system, including those impacted by intergenerational effects. A full range of violence prevention and intervention programs and services is provided in the context of reclaiming the wisdom of First Nations, Métis and Inuit cultural teachings. 


If you or someone you care about is being abused or at risk of being abused, please contact our Violence Against Aboriginal Women's Shelter, Oshki Kizis Lodge, by calling our crisis line  613-789-1141.  We accept collect phone calls.



Minwaashin Lodge provides a range of programs and services to First Nations, Inuit and Métis women and children (regardless of status) who are survivors of domestic and other forms of violence, and who may also be suffering the effects of the residential school system. All programs and services are provided in the context of cultural beliefs and values to ensure a holistic approach is used as part of the healing journey. Services and programs include: 

Aboriginal Career Paths - Mark Your Calendars!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011:   Exploring the Journey to Post Secondary Education and Training
Saturday, March 5, 2011:  Aboriginal Economic Bridging Event, Connecting Choice Employers with Skilled Aboriginal Job Seekers


For more information contact:

Cindy Gaudet AWPI Project Coordinator,

(613)601-1647 or email

Click here for poster. 

 Interested in Volunteering?

We rely on volunteers at Minwaashin Lodge and offer training for anyone interested in providing support to our clients. There are many different tasks that volunteers can do, that will involve you in the on-going programs at Minwaashin Lodge. If you would like to contribute some time to an exciting and dynamic agency, and if you would like to learn more about native culture, please call Irene Compton at (613) 741-5590 ext. 224.

Respecting Women is Our Culture