Why CareerOne?

Find the world’s best candidates
With CareerOne and Monster’s international network

CareerOne now offers advertisers the ability to purchase international job listings and resume database across Monster’s global network of sites through our Australian team.

You will be able to attract the world’s best candidates from over 60 countries, including the UK and Ireland, USA, Canada, China and Singapore. Your local CareerOne BDM can manage the entire process end to end for you.

To access the world now

Advertisers can reach candidates through enhanced job listings, corporate profiles with the ability to upload photos and video, and a variety of flexible advertising opportunities, including display, location based advertising and sponsorship of e-newsletters.

Whether you're looking for a single new recruit or an entire team, CareerOne.com.au makes it easy to advertise online, offering solutions to advertisers of all types and sizes.

Advantages of Advertising with CareerOne

National Reach

Strong national reach every month. CareerOne delivered over 1.6 million unique browsers in October 2010.1

Exclusive Audience

Over of our 1.6 million unique browsers 982,828 did not visit Seek for job searching and over 1,100,000 unique browsers did not visit MyCareer in October 2010. 1

Power of News Digital Media Network

CareerOne is the jobs supplier to over 7 major News Digital Media sites, including realestate.com.au; news.com.au; carsguide.com.au and others, reaching a combined audience of over 20 million unique browsers a month. 2

Extensive alliances and partnerships

All CareerOne jobs are searchable from over 25 targeted and industry specific websites, including eBay.com.au; myspace.com.au CPA.com.au; CIO.com.au; ByronEmployment.com.au along with many others.

1Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, Market Intelligence, Domestic Employment Category – October 2010
2Source: Nielsen//NetRatings Site Census, October 2010.

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