Last updated: March 12, 2011

Weather: Adelaide 19°C - 31°C . Fine. Mostly sunny.

Megabox 3

The shaking felt like it would never end

Anna Cock-Gibson

STUCK on a boat in the wildest of seas. That's how it felt in Tokyo yesterday afternoon.

Terrified Japanese take to YouTube

Japan earthquake

THE most compelling footage of the disaster has come from ordinary people - shot on just about anything that's come to hand.

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What a mug!

Half afro

Why is this man missing half his afro? Read story | Awesome mugshot gallery

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Movie Premieres

Movie premieres

Check out this week's hottest stars at the latest premieres. Gallery

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Adelaide* Magazine Survey

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Complete our survey for your chance to win one of five $50 petrol vouchers. 

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Win a Trip to London

AN image royal wedding scrollo

Send a message to Kate and Wills and you could win a trip to London.

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SuperCoach 2011

SuperCoach Scrollo

Watch Crawf as a schoolboy for the hottest AFL fantasy game in town.

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Property Guide 2011

Property Guide 2011

What's your home worth? Click here to find out in our Property Guide 2011.

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iPad App is Here

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The Advertiser and Sunday Mail iPad app is here. Download it now.

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Adelaide Confidential

Kylie Minogue

Get the latest local, national and international celebrity gossip.

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Adelaide Fringe 2011

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Click here for the latest Fringe reviews, news and details of what's on.

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Body and Soul

Feeling a little wobbly? Get the balance right in your life with body+soul.

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Latest weather

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A perfect summer day? Get the latest weather forecast here.

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Gibson pleads guilty to battery

Los Angeles Courthouse

MEL Gibson pleaded no contest to misdemeanor battery at a court hearing in LA, in relation to a domestic dispute with ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva.

adelaide style fashion forum

Womad's magical melting pot

Womadelaide 2011

DIVERSITY ruled at a relaxed start to this year's Womadelaide festival. Read the first night reviews here.

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Lohan gets more time to consider jail deal

Lindsay Lohan

TROUBLED star Lindsay Lohan has been given more time to consider a plea deal in her jewellery theft case.

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Pay-TV takes viewers from top shows


THE nation's top rating TV programs are attracting less viewers than they did five years ago as Australians seek out more diversity on our screens.



Editorial: Time to get city pumping

A VIBRANT city centre is vital to the existence of any state capital city - and Adelaide is no exception.




I think somebody needs to do a little work on their algorithm. What happens if you have one from each?

Hugh Jars of Counting all my addresses Posted at 3:45 PM      

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In Depth Features

EducationNow - news from unis and schools


LEARN something new each week with the latest news and features from SA's schools and universities - plus the acclaimed Newspapers in Education site.

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Adelaide's Pandas - Wang Wang and Funi

Wang wang the panda

TWO beautiful giant pandas are living at Adelaide Zoo - click here to meet Wang Wang and Funi via our exclusive videos and photo galleries.

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SA Weekend - all the big reads

SA Weekend promo

ENJOY your weekend with riveting yarns from around the world in Great Weekend and Big Reads, plus plenty more.

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Save The Murray

River Murray

THE River Murray is in crisis. Drastic action is needed now to save it. Get involved in ensuring its survival.

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Feb 20 - Mar 20

Nature abhors a vacuum - but human nature abhors an overly full container. Whenever, for example, we see a sign saying, 'No Vacancies' we turn away. We none of us want to fill... Read more

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