Danny Green

Did you hand over $50 to watch the Danny Green fight last night? If you did - and watched all 29 uninteresting seconds of it - you might be feeling a bit of a mug. But so did Green, at least for a while.

Today’s red-hot story online is last night’s non-fight between Green and his overweight rival, Paul Briggs. Green was initially fuming, claiming there was “no way” his jab a matter of seconds into the fight could have knocked Briggs out. But Briggs went down and stayed down.

Adding massive insult to the apparently slight injury, bookies suspended betting on the fight hours before it started after Briggs suddenly firmed for a first round knockout. The Daily Telegraph has detailed coverage of the whole affair, including a video interview with a fuming Green. But today Green said he has watched the footage again and thinks it was a legitimate blow that knocked Briggs out. Maybe the chap doesn’t know his own strength?

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  • Bob H says:

    08:11am | 23/07/10

    I am surprised Briggs lasted so long, it must be the only fight in history where the person ringing the bell used up more calories than one of the fighters Read more »

  • Tony Riley says:

    11:23pm | 22/07/10

    Your comment:. Having just watched Jason Akermanis and Campbell Rose on the Footy Show, I was starting to believe that “Aker” may have been hard done by in his sacking from the Bulldogs.That was until the final few seconds of the interview. As Mr Rose, after shaking hands with Aker,was… Read more »


What the hell happened?

Our 'proudest bogan' wins in record time . Photo:Gregg Porteous.

Like the other 15,000 fight fans at Acer Arena last night, I’m still trying to work out how a tattooed knockabout - who nobody rated a chance – managed to knock Roy Jones Jr out.

Oh – and he did it in less time than it takes to brush your teeth.

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  • The Truth says:

    10:40am | 04/12/09

    Beating Lacy is hardly a special achievement. Lacy is a B grade fighter at best and has been seriously exposed in the past as a technically flawed and one dimensional fighter. It would be dangerous to judge Roy’s form based on his fight with Lacy. Read more »

  • Tim says:

    09:18am | 04/12/09

    The answer Hendo is different weight divisions. When they fought Green looked slow and had lost a lot of power by slimming down to Mundine’s weight. Green is far better at light heavyweight/ cruiserweight. Lets see what happens if Mundine put on the kg’s and fights Green at a heavier… Read more »


A funny thing happened on the way out of the glamorous Punch TV studios yesterday. As we stood in the carpark waiting for Penbo to remember where he’d left the Commodore, a heavy-looking dude called out: “Oy, what’s this show The Punch and how come I’m not on it?”

Danny Green: welcome on our show, any time.

It was world cruiserweight champion Danny Green, stepping out of the shadows with his hand extended and a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

We explained that despite Penbo and Tors being, ahem, avid fight fans, it was in fact a politics and current affairs show (although I reckon there’s a spot for Greeny on the panel somewhere down the track.)

The mood was upbeat until we got around to the topic of the paedophile Dennis Ferguson, whose situation we had just spent a fair slice of the show discussing with Housing Minister Tanya Plibersek.

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  • Terry says:

    08:24pm | 20/09/09

    Faul, I understood that Mundine made comments supporting the terrorist events surrounding 9/11 at that time and the US boxing authorities declared he would never box on US soil, hence he has never fought there and have never really developed a career. Read more »

  • Faul Kinell says:

    09:37am | 19/09/09

    I’ve never understood why Mundine does’nt get on with getting fights to put himself up there in the main league.  He has shown that he outclasses Green by a country mile yet Geen is the one getting all the coverage. Yes it’s all about the footwork alright, in Greens case,… Read more »


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