Far North Queensland is beginning to heal after the devastating effects of Cyclone Yasi, but the region's major tourist centre, Cairns, is open for business. Help rebuild the region by coming to discover what makes it truly unique.

Travel Stories


White water thrills

raging thunder white water rafting

Our region is not known as the Wet Tropics for nothing: we receive a huge amount of rain, ensuring our rivers are the wildest in Australia. And no town in the nation is wetter than Tully, home to the "Golden Gumboot", with an average annual rainfall exceeding 4000mm.

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Christchurch Gallery

Photo gallery of Earthquake in Christchurch

Pictures of the devastating 6.3 Christchurch earthquake
» Christchurch Earthquake Gallery

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Cairns Wet Weather 2011

The Big Wet

Pictures of Cairns in the wet season
» Cairns Wet Weather 2011

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Taipans make play for fans

TAIPANS leader Alex Loughton says the club cannot expect the unconditional support of fans and must earn them back for Saturday's crunch clash against the Melbourne Tigers.

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Event Review: Women In Song

Vika and Linda Bull

With vocals strong enough to lift the lid off Tank 5, Vika and Linda Bull received rousing applause from the full house at the Women In Song concert last Friday. 

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