3CR 855am

3CR Program maker's toolkit

Here is a collection of tech notes for 3CR broadcasters. You will also find the  hardcopy versions in the training folder in 3CR's Newsroom.

Digital Editing

Cool Edit basics (Pdf)
Cool Edit multitracking (Pdf)
Audacity (Pdf) (yet to come)

Getting copies of your program

From the logger - High quality (Programs that aired within the last 10 days) (Pdf)
From the logger - Medium quality (Programs that aired within the last 2 months) (Pdf) (yet to come)
Burning a program to CD (Pdf)
Saving your work on the 3CR system (Pdf) (yet to come)


How to put a call to air in studio 1 (Pdf)
How to put a call to air in studio 2 (Pdf)
How to put a call to air in studio 3 (Pdf) (yet to come)
How to use the telephone booth (Pdf) (yet to come)
Dumping potentially defamatory audio in Studio 1
Using the 'Dump' button (Pdf)
Studio One in delay (Pdf)
Doing Live Crosses
Doing a cross from studio 1 to studio 3 (Pdf)


Uploading podcasts  - email the Programming Coordinator for a Pdf

What programmers need to know

Defamation basics (Pdf)
Programmer's rights and responsibilities (Pdf) (yet to come)
3CR Station rules and broadcasting code (Pdf)

3CR Cool Edit Training Notes.pdf 79.18 KB
3CR Cool Edit Training Notes.pdf 79.18 KB
3CR Station Rules and Broadcasting Code.pdf 137.32 KB
CD Burning - general.pdf 46.9 KB
Copying Audio past seven weeks.pdf 40.23 KB
<p> Copying audio past ten days </p> 50.05 KB
Putting a call to air in Studio 1 121.99 KB
Uploading podcasts 111.69 KB
Using the DUMP button.pdf 107.88 KB
Defamation Basics.pdf 112.4 KB
Putting Studio 1 Back Into Delay.pdf 54.17 KB