3CR 855am

Studio Hire

Do you need to hire a radio studio?


3CR studios are available for hire to the public, for individuals and organisations.

The cost is:
$44.35 /hr + GST without a 3CR technician
$74.35 /hr + GST with a 3CR technician

Quotes are available for extended and/or multiple hiring.
Please note that there are no mastering facilities at 3CR.

Email Special Projects Coordinator or call (03) 9419 8377 to discuss your hiring needs.

Studios for 3CR programmers

Studio 1

Studio 1 (left) is the main live studio where the majority of our programs are broadcast.

Studio 2 is 3CR's talkback studio and it also serves as a production studio for pre-recorded programs.

Studio 3 (top) is our largest studio and is used to produce many of our national programs and live-to-air music broadcasts.

Studio 4 has been upgraded in terms of both audio equipment and fittings.

Studio 4

The studio has been re-named the Bartlett/ Hartley Studio in honour of two tremendous volunteers at the station, Jan Bartlett (pictured) and Bill Hartley.