3CR 855am

Who we are

What kind of radio station is 3CR? Find out who's involved and our radical history.

Read the latest 3CR Annual Report.

About 3CR

3CR Community Radio station's new mural 3CR is a dynamic, community hub that has produced radio since 1976.

We live in an old rabbit warren of a terrace building in Melbourne that has an exciting new mural by local artists Bindi Cole, Tom Civil and Reko Rennie.

3CR broadcasters present over 120 radio programs every week and listeners can tune in on 855AM, stream live through the web or download podcasts of our shows.

The radio station was established in 1976 to provide a voice for those denied access to the mass media, particularly the working class, women, Indigenous people and the many community groups and community issues discriminated against in and by the mass media.


3CR broadcasts from the Stolenwealth Games 2006 Many 3CR broadcasters are community activists and therefore uniquely placed to present alternative current affairs, news and views.

3CR stages a number of special broadcasts annually to promote human rights issues including Aboriginal rights, women’s rights and worker’s rights.

When major social justice events are happening in Melbourne such as strikes, rallies and demonstrations 3CR is usually the first place socially justice minded people tune into. Read about our story below.


3CR Breakfast Presenters Over 300 volunteer programmers present more than 120 programs that go to air each week. The station broadcasts in approximately 20 languages including English, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Unlike almost all other media organisations in Australia, 3CR is genuinely owned by the community - by the groups and individuals who broadcast, and by the people who listen to the station.

Find out about volunteering.


3CR actively discriminates in favour of independent Australian artists and composers, and plays at least 55% Australian music.


3CR Mural

3CR provides programming of interest to a broad general audience and to specific interests groups.

The expertise of presenters comes from their involvement in issues and their activism in the community.

Groups broadcasting on 3CR cover the areas of social justice, the environment, ethnic communities, the arts and music, and trade unions.

Program Policy

Maria and Mohammed SAAY XABA3CR was established to provide a voice for communities and issues denied access to the mass media, particularly the working class, women, Indigenous people.

3CR Programs are either Station Programs initiated by individuals or groups who approach the station or Affiliate Programs (presenters come from one organisation whose interests they represent).

Some of the affiliated organisations are Hepatitis C Council, Vic Jazz Club, Yarra Bicycle Users Group, Federation of Community LegalCentres, Anarchist Media Institute, CFMEU Building Division and the Bouyancy Foundation. 

Read more about programming.



3CR is financially independent, relying on memberships and donations for financial support. We do not advertise, nor do our programmes rely on commercial sponsorship (effectively this is advertising). Government funding is accepted in the form of one-off grants for specific projects or programs, as well as grant money through the Community Broadcasting Foundation. The station welcomes paid announcements from community groups, local council and government as well as encouraging program sponsors. 


3CR is owned by the Community Radio Federation Ltd., which is made up of Affiliate, Station Worker and Subscriber representatives. An elected management committee is responsible for policy development, correspondence and reports, the budget, and employment of staff.

3CR produces an annual report each calendar year, available for download here (pdf reader required). 

2009 Annual Report

2008 Annual Report

2007 Annual Report

Umbrella Cartoon by Darcy Hudson

3CR's current website was designed and launched in December 2007. It was created by volunteers Jane Curtis, Glenn Todd, Greg Craske, Elanor McInerney, Tom Civil, Nicole Hurtubise and former staff member Bree McKilligan and is coordinated by 3CR Special Projects Coordinator Juliet Fox.

2008 work on the website was supported by a grant from the Community Broadcasting Foundation.

The 2010 3CR Web Team includes the above people (except Glenn, Tom and Greg Craske) as well as Lucas Hodge whose Media Insights company now hosts the website, John Jacobs and Christie Stott.  Please email us if you have any comments or would like to join the team!
Cartoon above by Darby Hudson, a former 3CR volunteer.