Kasey Edwards

Kasey Edwards

Kasey Edwards is the author of two books: Thirty Something and Over It and Thirty Something and the Clock is Ticking.  She has recently acquired a husband and a daughter. Her poodle is unimpressed. http://www.kaseyedwards.com

Articles by Kasey Edwards

Families have dined out on the public long enough

Families have dined out on the public long enough

09 Mar 11 If the internet is to be believed — and I see no good reason why we shouldn’t believe everything we…... Read more

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Anthony Sharwood

"Everyone knows that people who eat poached eggs are the new latte wankers." Say what? Read this. http://tinyurl.com/47vrjf5

Paul Colgan

Malcolm Farr (@farrm51) reveals 3 big concerns about Gillard within the government http://bit.ly/ejAPFV#auspol

Paul Colgan

@FrankSunTimes Ross is always shouting. Maybe someone turned him up to 11 when he was in his late teens and then the knob broke off?

Malcolm Farr

@FitToPrint@mattyhoran It's all very well for you wealthy freelance writers. Some of us can't afford these places.

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Carbon Bob: Can he fix it?

Carbon Bob: Can he fix it?

Thankfully a carbon tax is designed to hit big bad polluters and not working families. I mean, take environmental…

A sizzling, crispy salute to bacon, without the porkies

A sizzling, crispy salute to bacon, without the porkies

First things first. Let us pause to salute the salty goodness of crispy rashers a-fryin’ in the…

Our politically correct war in Afghanistan

Our politically correct war in Afghanistan

From working with U.S forces in Afghanistan, many Commanders observed how Afghanistan had become a politically…

Nosebleed Section

choice ringside rantings

From: Gillard’s guide to regaining her mojo

stevie p says:

Australians, as Ms Gillard keps telling us, are open, frank, embrace change, look the world in the eye, are creative etc etc etc. They are basically also a pretty honest mob of people who don't like being lied to. If she thinks this will go away and gradually ease over the long term, forget it. Australians… [read more]

From: Families have dined out on the public long enough

Zeta says:

Where are these people eating, Sizzler? I eat out more than I eat in and I've never noticed children in restaurants. Maybe I'm just going to nicer restaurants. If you live in the suburbs, and you actually eat in the suburbs, I imagine there are children around, but you get what you deserve, because you… [read more]

Gentle jabs to the ribs

Welcome, Nigerian Facebook friends. Please send money.

Welcome, Nigerian Facebook friends. Please send money.

Readers, as we’re sure you’re well aware, The Punch is Nigeria’s main national newspaper.… Read more



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