Julia Gillard is engaged in the most prized foreign assignment for an Australian Prime Minister - the lavish hospitality of an American president in Washington.

Cartoon: Jos Valdman

But at home opinion polls are sending the much less hospitable message that Ms Gillard is Prime Minister in name only, that voters want her out of the job.

By any measure, an election right now would see Liberal Leader Tony Abbott replace her. Labor has hit a record low in its primary result in polling.

Julia Gillard two weeks ago announced a determination to bring in a carbon price, to force reductions in emissions, by 2012 without being able to provide the detail of the scheme.

Mr Abbott was willing to fill in the information gap with his own interpretation of carbon pricing and the Government has been on the defensive ever since.

But it has not been just a debate on climate change. Mr Abbott has made it about Ms Gillard herself and opinion surveys are now benchmarking the success of his campaign.

It is a savage electoral reckoning. Even Kevin Rudd is preferred as leader over her.

Two polls in two days registered the extraordinary hostility roused by the Opposition over Ms Gillard’s broken promise on what Tony Abbott has successfully marketed as a “climate tax”.

An Essential Media survey found 59 per cent of voters believed Ms Gillard had gone back on her word; 48 per cent opposed her broadly outlined carbon pricing scheme.

And this morning Newspoll reports findings that are even worse for the Gillard office. For starters, Newspoll found that 53 per cent of voters were against a carbon pricing scheme.

Ms Gillard’s satisfaction rating has slumped to 39 per cent, and her dissatisfaction level is for the first time just over 51 per cent.

It is a quirk of polling that her satisfaction/dissatisfaction ratings of 39 per cent and 51 per cent are exactly repeated for Tony Abbott.

And Ms Gillard remains preferred Prime Minister over Mr Abbott, 45 per cent to 36 per cent after a serious decline over the past two weeks.

But the polling, basically a running commentary by the electorate, is making clear that the Government has failed in selling its climate change program, and in particular has not convinced households they would be protected from major increases in expenses.

And in what would surely be the most personal sting for Ms Gillard, her former leader Kevin Rudd, now a rarely-at-home Foreign Minister, is considered best to head the ALP by 44 per cent to her 37 per cent.

Senior Labor figures are talking of a long battle ahead and the policy strength of the Government’s carbon reduction program compared to the Coalition’s Direct Action plan, which would involve buying carbon entitlements from industries with taxpayer money.

They believe they have the might of logic and, despite the broken promise claims, the consistency of purpose which Mr Abbott could not claim.

However, there will be others who see the Government starting the race of its life, but giving the Coalition a massive electoral start.


Show oldest | newest first

    • Tubesteak says:

      08:02am | 08/03/11

      Thankfully, we’re not going to the polls now. We don’t have to for about another 2.5 years. I couldn’t stand having to sit through more of those amateurish election ads and it’s bad enough watching them for the NSW election.

      What will matter in 2.5 years is yet to be determined. Who cares about a bunch of polls now. If political parties had any sense of leadership these days they’d ignore them until an election was called and get on with leading the country.

    • Aussie Born and Bred says:

      10:14am | 08/03/11

      @ Tubesteak - That would be great if Labor were leading the country.  However, Bob Brown has snatched the reigns from Gillard and is forcing the Greens’ agenda on the country.

      I look forward to seeing the Labor powerbrokers tap Julia on the shoulder as they slide the knife into her back.

    • Blind Freddie says:

      10:24am | 08/03/11

      If only the election slogans were the worst of it!
      I would prefer to endure them for another couple of months now, than to have another minute or the pretender (Joo-Liar) telling me that she didn’t lie to me, but it is merely that I misunderstood her.
      The ALP has done enough damage to the economy to take us through several lifetimes, and why the ‘independents’ continue to support her beggars belief. 
      Talk about having a Government that is open to the highest bidder!—it wouldn’t be quite as bad if they were using their own money, but they are not - they are using our money, and also pledging that of our kids for generations to come.

    • Super D says:

      10:27am | 08/03/11

      The ads for the next election have already been written.  Every single one will feature Ms Gillard stating “There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead”

      That is if she’s still the leader by the time the next election is called.

    • Jordan says:

      10:29am | 08/03/11

      Polls? So what? The media and commentators are misreading this situation. Labor lost votes during at the last election because they turned away from dealing with climate change - amongst other things. The Green consequently pick up labor’s lost votes in respect of climate change. There is NO DOUBT that there is broad community support for action on climate change - Rudd gained that mandate earlier. Abbott says he’ll get rid of the carbon price at the next election. Once a price on carbon is in place, the public going to be VERY reluctant to vote for Abbot if he says he will remove it. Its actually Abbott that has painted himself into a corner and the one most likely to back-flip. The issue may even cause a leadership change in the Liberal Party before the next election. Lets face it - Abbott’s not popular because he is a CREEP. So the problem long-term is not with Labor - it’s with the Liberals position on the matter. If Gillard maintains her line and gets the carbon price through - she’ll bolt in - all other things remaining equal. PS - before u make assumptions -  I’ve never voted for Labor.

    • Matt says:

      10:38am | 08/03/11

      I’m sure most people would assume you voted for the Greens.  I also think there is some doubt as to the “broad support” for a carbon tax, as seen in the latest polls. That’s kind of the point of the article.

    • chloe says:

      10:47am | 08/03/11

      Jordon the public lost faith in Rudd because he dumped the greatest moral challenge of our time, it was about his LIE don’t you understand that?
      Now it’s about Gillard’s Great Big Lie, then the denial of the lie then the confession over 24 hours later that it was a LIE, only it didn’t matter because she had talked about it before the LIE.
      We all know she told Rudd to dump the ETS in order to have him stabbed in the back.
      She is a ruthless, backstabbing LIAR who will sell her soul to the devil if need be (she did) to get what she wants.

    • Cancera Vota says:

      10:47am | 08/03/11

      I read some comments her and I wonder how people survive in this country when they believe nonsense without ever questioning it.

      The Newspoll admits it didn’t cover the whole country (it left out flood ravaged areas). Thus it is NOT representational.

      People believe in Climate Change until some politician yells as loudly as possible “it’ll cost you”. Well stuff and nonsense. Abbott’s scheme will cost you more—or you’ll end up with NO services to pay for it. And still they want low income earners to pay my Health Insurance. How anyone with any sense believes his rubbish is beyond me.

      The current govt relies on compromise. That is a very good thing. Abbott wants to be a dictator running a ‘guided democracy’. Take the time to look it up. You’ll be enlightened about the motives of the Coalition.

    • Brian Taylor says:

      11:48am | 08/03/11

      you haven’t got a button to turn off ads on your remote? maybe turn TV off might be a clue for you, and queen bee julia won’t last 2.5 years, take that to the bank

    • Jordan says:

      11:59am | 08/03/11

      @ Matt - didn’t vote for the Greens either. But I know a few people - including my flatmate who switched votes from Labor to Greens over Gillard dropping climate change from the agenda. Gillard’s mistake was saying what she said before the election. Getting back on track with climate change now is not a mistake. Having worked in the ‘Sustainability Industry’ last year - people need to realise that electricity prices will increase irrespective of whether there is a carbon price or not. So the choice is this - increasing electricity prices with a switch to low carbon AND low income households subsidised OR increasing electricity prices with no switch to low carbon AND no subsidised support to low income households. This is the reality and this message is being lost in all the irrelevant talk about climate change. Households are consuming more electricity. People are buying big LCD TV’s not realising that they use more electricity in a month when they’re turned OFF (in standby), than when they are turned ON. Unless under-investment in the electricity sector is sorted out quick smart, Sydney going top have ‘brown outs’ in 2 years time. Who going to care about the price of electricity when the power goes out at dinner time because everyone’s got their aircon’s going flat out? Everyone needs to ‘grow-up’,  step back and get a handle on the situation in respect of the impending electricity supply crisis facing Australia - in particular NSW and Sydney!!

    • you must be kidding says:

      12:06pm | 08/03/11

      whatever Jordan is smoking it should be shared around so that we all live in the same delusional universe Jordn occupies. Clearly w=one of the watermelons who support PM Bob (never elected but I am running the show) Brown and his flakey lacky Gillard.  hate to tell you this but climate changes all the time,. Personally I suspect Jordan is probably a brain dead uni studnet with a serious latte obsession and has never actually worked for a quid in thier lives.

    • Jordan says:

      12:24pm | 08/03/11

      @  you must be kidding says - you see - its these types of ignorant comments are unhelpful. For your information I’m 43 and own my own business. I attended a conference last year and spoke with the people at Schinder lifts. They’re worried that when the ‘brown outs’ commence, the transformers that they’ve installed all over Sydney are going to burn out because they were designed to operate in ‘brown out’ conditions. This is the simple fact - and I’ve reviewed the numbers and I’ve discussed this issue with an employee in the NSW Treasury - on current projections - NSW does not have the capacity to met the steadily increasing household electricity consumption. Why did State Labor sell off energy assets? Because when the shit hits the fan - they want to carry the can. ‘Not our responsibility - we don’t supply electricity”.

    • Everyman says:

      12:35pm | 08/03/11

      Get rid of Gillard.

    • Neil Campbell says:

      12:46pm | 08/03/11

      Jordan - you say that there is NO DOUBT that the consensus is in; the majority has spoken!!! Jordan backed by your ‘moral righteous indignation’ it should be a shoo in; but OOOPS, the majority of Australian’s dont want a carbon tax that will do bugger all to help the environment - it is only the powers that be (politicians, academics and the tertiary educated) who want this delusion & deceit called CT/ETS.

    • PatC says:

      01:25pm | 08/03/11

      @ Jordan… (and anyone else who cares to answer)

      Okay simple question, please tell us what X (below) equals…

      A carbon tax will lower the plants temperature by X degrees.
      (Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin will be fine, I can do the conversion)

      After all that is what this is all about isn’t it? A need - nay moral imperative - to lower carbon outputs to reduce the planets temperature.

    • Scott H says:

      03:40pm | 08/03/11

      This is just a re-run of the FUD campaign run against the ETS. Big Business, the MSM and the opposition are running a fear campaign full steam ahead, each for their own selfish reasons.  The Big Miners were very successful in removing (with the help of the Murdoch Media and an unthinking public) both our elected PM and the leader of the opposition. They’ll be feeling very smug and all powerful now; ready to remove anyone who they percieve stands between them and their mountainous profits.

    • Jill says:

      05:22pm | 08/03/11

      Why is reducing CO2 by 5% of our 1% total - or 0.05% the number one issue for this government. There are real issues around and people have woken up to the climate tax con. This issue should be dropped like a hot potato and get on with real issues out there. It’s disgraceful that our fart in the atmosphere on a global perspective is the main focus of this rabble of a government.

    • Peter says:

      06:05pm | 08/03/11

      @Jordan says:11:59am | 08/03/11
      Having worked in the ‘Sustainability Industry’ last year - people need to realise that electricity prices will increase irrespective of whether there is a carbon price or not.
      NOT TRUE,  Brown and Gillard can dance sing and whistle, but nothing takes away the truth each has a copy of the New Technology Obahma, Gillard and Brown so welcome.  Half price electricity, no Carbon, no Coal burning base load electricity 24/7, to which Gillard and the Greens have fought against all the way.  One would would be amazed at the lengths they have gone to to stop Australian developed technology getting a toe hold in Australia.

    • Matthew says:

      06:08pm | 08/03/11

      The point is that people WANT an election. This Labor government have lied and bribed their way into power and finally the suckers that fell for it before are starting to wake up.

    • julie says:

      06:13pm | 08/03/11

      Party members elect ‘leaders’. The electorate elect a representative.
      There’s a big difference. I don’t need someone to ‘lead’ me, I need a representative.

    • acotrel says:

      06:51pm | 08/03/11

      ‘And Ms Gillard remains preferred Prime Minister over Mr Abbott, 45 per cent to 36 per cent after a serious decline over the past two weeks.’

      Tony Abbott is the true face of the LIberal Party.  However is he the true face of Australia? Every voter knows that if he became PM, the rest of the world would judge us with him as a reference point!

    • The liberal party says, says:

      07:52pm | 08/03/11

      “Gee, I hope all these climate skeptics dont revolt over our climate change policy when we bring it in after we win an election, after all, its hard enough just trying to find an economist that’s willing to back our plan at the moment”.....

    • ZSRenn says:

      10:02pm | 08/03/11

      Australia has just donated to Washington! Yes Washington folks! Washington!

      That’s $3.5 million dollars courtesy of the Queen of Tax for a Vietnam Veterans Education Centre in Washington DC United States of America.

      I am old enough to have a couple of older mates who went through the drill. I am sure after all the legal fees and drama these guys went to proving to governments from both sides that they had been affected by Agent Orange that maybe they could use an additional $3.5 million to assist in their later life problems in later life due to their exposure. 

      But No it goes to fucking Washington DC United States of America! Is there no end to this madness!

    • Lance says:

      02:13am | 09/03/11

      Broad support for a massive tax on carbon (the base of life). You have to be kidding .. the only people supporting it are brainwashed idiots, and the ‘scientists’ paid to produce studies that ‘prove’ it.

    • yourjoking says:

      06:27am | 09/03/11

      has everyone forgotten obama was due to come here twice! then changed his mind after all our security and military arrangements were already in place -  she had to go to him, like the lackey the ALP are to the united states. then gave them 3.3 million dollars of our money for some memorial without the consultation of our own RSL.  She and this government are an embarrassment to history full stop

    • Elphaba says:

      08:06am | 08/03/11

      Labor is getting what they deserve - no one likes to be talked down to, and that is all this govt has done since they got in.

      Best news so far today…

    • John says:

      09:36am | 08/03/11

      Moral condescension is the very name of their game unfortunately.  They’ll never get it… the Left never do… and the further left you go, the worse it gets… they just want to tell people how to live their lives, and anyone who disagrees is an idiot.

      The only way to control them is to send them back to their natural habitat – opposition.

      Julia will be gone in a matter of months, the rest of the Labor and Green clowns at the next election.

    • Tax, Fees & Charges Weary says:

      09:43am | 08/03/11

      I am so with you Elphaba. Labor (and others) seem to think that if we don’t support the tax or future ETS it’s because we don’t care about the environment or that we’re simpletons, uneducated, ‘flat earthers’ or, according to Wayne Swan, just a bit confused and being lead by the nose by the likes of Tony Abbot. Well Labor, the more I learn (for myself) the less I like. And, Greg Combet, could you please be sure to include both sides of the coin next time you tell us about all those ‘others’ that have a tax or ETS?

    • Elphaba says:

      09:45am | 08/03/11

      @John, do you think a deposing of Julia would only ruin Labor’s standing further?

      People might get spooked by the uncertainty and punish Labor further.

      Don’t get me wrong, it would be spectacular if it happened, but I wonder whether the factions see this as a storm they can weather.

      Theories, theories…

    • BobM says:

      10:02am | 08/03/11

      The reason they punted Rudd when he was pushing for this unpopular TAX was because they were only a few months out from an election that they knew they would lose. Unfortunately, we still have a couple of more years until the next scheduled election, so there is less pressure on the back room boys to punt Julia. She just has to keep bending over for the Greens and appeasing the ‘independents’ till then…..

    • John says:

      10:18am | 08/03/11

      Deposing Julia would be very difficult… any challenger would have to secure the support of the Greens and independents for it to be possible.  Not that I think they’d back the Coalition instead in any case.

      But I also reckon there’s many Labor MPs who are very ambitious and far from willing to watch Julia subject their party to a generation in the political wilderness.

      Ultimately – they rolled Kevin07, I reckon they’d find a way to roll Julia.  It’s not just policy – her personal standing is damaged, perhaps irrevocably.  They’d probably find a way to convince her to “resign the leadership”.

      Not sure about it “ruining Labor’s standing further”.  How much worse can it get?  It would seem from polling that everybody aside from the absolute core has abandoned them anyway.

    • Elphaba says:

      10:34am | 08/03/11

      @John, all good points.  It certainly will be interesting to watch, and like you said, I wonder how many people in the Labor camp have bitten their fingernails down to the quick wondering about how they’re going to turn this around.

      Things will be extremely tense for the next few months - the inevitable result of the NSW election will shake them up, I think.

    • Concera Vota says:

      10:52am | 08/03/11

      Have you honestly looked at the oppositions motivation Elphaba? And have you honestly looked at the poll questions? Talk about ‘leading’ in its phraseology.

      Labor is a damn sight more inclusive than the Coalition. They would never deign to ask the populace for their opinion. Look up ‘guided democracy’. Then come back and say you’d prefer the coalition and it’s policies.

    • Elphaba says:

      11:19am | 08/03/11

      @Concera Vota

      I cannot, will not, support a carbon tax.  It is a sham, has nothing to do with ‘saving’ the environment, and will not work.

      Whilst I don’t agree with some of Abbott’s policies (his paid maternity scheme wasn’t going to work), I simply can’t vote for a government who believes a carbon tax is the way to go.  It’s foolish.

      Anything else is rhetoric. 

      Sorry if it’s not what you wantto hear, but I won’t abide the fiasco I’ve witnessed.  And the implication that I’m not well read or understanding of both sides of politics is offensive.  Just ask any regular Puncher who has read my stuff about how serious I am about informed voting.

    • Fiona says:

      11:27am | 08/03/11

      This is Labor moving forward, on the great ship Australia, that has collided at full speed with an iceberg and is rapidly sinking into oblivion. The question is, will anyone get a life boat? (I suspect Shorten might have hidden them.)

    • Catching up says:

      01:42pm | 08/03/11

      You would rather have Mr. Abbott insult you by talking in three word slogans, the words made up of very few letters.
      Even then Mr. Abbott has to say them over and over, does that make them true, or is it to ensure people understand.

    • Elphaba says:

      01:50pm | 08/03/11

      @Catching up, voting is about picking the lesser of two evils.

      I am happy in my choice.

    • dinkidi says:

      03:11pm | 08/03/11

      “I will stop the boats”
      “There will not be a carbon tax in any government I lead”

      enough said.

    • Jade says:

      08:06am | 08/03/11

      I hope Julia gets the message this is sending…. we don’t want any more taxes!

    • Elphaba says:

      10:05am | 08/03/11

      Oh please, that would be far too easy.  Listening to the Australian public?  Surely you jest! wink

    • Space Kidette says:

      10:13am | 08/03/11

      Jade, Julia is not taxing you. She is putting a price on carbon pollution to encourage Great Big Polluters to spew less pollution into the atmosphere.
      Tony Abbott will be taking your tax payers money and giving it to the Great Big Polluters. This will put an enormous burden on the budget and Tony will have to cut other services like health, education,and policing. And guess what, the Great Big Polluters will continue to spew forth carbon. Tony’s approach will not encourage them to find ways to reduce the amount of carbon they spew forth.

      And let’s be clear. Investment in this country will slow to a stop because we don’t have a clear policy in place. Without investment we will lose infrastructure, jobs and prosperity.

    • Elphaba says:

      10:44am | 08/03/11

      @Space Kidette, if you actually think that Julia’s carbon price is not going to dip into your pocket, you’re dreaming.

      A carbon price will not stop carbon emissions, because businesses will pollute above the cap, pay the difference, and pass the costs onto the consumer.  Because carbon and electricity for the backbone of just about everything, everything will rise in price.  Because people use carbon differently (some people feed 5 mouths and drive an SUV, others drive a Eurobox and feed only themselves), compensating people will be impossible.  So compo will be means-tested - which means low income families will get the bulk, the middle (maybe) something, and the high income earners nothing.

      Any government (and this applies to the LNP as well), who is serious about carbon emissions and securing Australia as a world leader in energy, will implement nuclear power ASAP.

      This Labor party ideology you’re spruiking - my friend, you’ve been sold a lie.  An absolute whopper.  But your writing suggests you’re a Labor party staffer.  Or a 16 yr old living the idyllic dream with Mum and Dad picking up the tab.

      Whoever you are, know this - Labor’s carbon plan will not do anything to reduce emissions.  It is about fleecing the Australian public for everything they’ve got because they’re such woeful administrators of public money.

      The writing is on the wall…

    • Janno says:

      10:57am | 08/03/11

      Agree Jade. We are buckling under massive increases in just about everything. A carbon tax (and that’s what it is) is a further imposition on taxpayers.  We have given until we can’t give any more. Politicians need to understand the rest of us don’t have our noses stuck in the trough as they do. We poor suckers have the “privilege” of paying for them to take every financial advantage of their position to bolster their personal wealth.

    • Mike W says:

      11:01am | 08/03/11

      Space Kidette
      I respectfully suggest you go back to basics and learn a little - Labor is only ever interested in raising taxes to redistribute income to non performing parts of the economy. It’s in its DNA. This (additional) ‘tax’ will not achieve a thing toward assisting the environment - what it will do is raise more money for the government and sting everyone through cost of living increases. Labor would like you to believe what you have espoused but it’s fairyland. Once again we see Labor offering great big ‘symbolic’ policies they state will have an effect - none has to date have you noticed? Of course if you don’t agree with them, they once again wheel out the moral arguments - ‘don’t you care for the environment?’ And if you dare mention refugees you are labled ‘racist’ I am afraid this Labor government will go down as one of the most inept and morally bankrupt in history and they are damaging this country so well done all you Labor voters. I’m not saying the libs are perfect but they sure as heck beat this bunch - at least they are generally honest (even if you disagre with them) and they have the countries best interests at heart and will assist small business (remember them? They employ people!) as opposed to Labor - hit em every which way you can. What a sick joke….

    • Fiona says:

      11:31am | 08/03/11

      @Space Kidette -  Let me understand you correctly. You believe that PM Brown and Deputy PM Gillard can hike the taxes of companies and somehow consumers are not going to have those costs passed onto them? If this is what you believe, you are either delusional or having us on.

    • Jade says:

      12:16pm | 08/03/11

      I would answer your comment Space Kidette… but everyone else has done a good enough job at it for me!

      @ Janno , they need to step back into the real world for a while and see how the people are dealing with their taxes and price increases.

    • PaulB says:

      04:43pm | 08/03/11

      Space Kidette.  You are either naive in the extreme or you just aren’t very good with how to spin your talking points.  Not easy this astro-turfing is it?

      Some awareness of how the real world works would have been a requisite for the job I’d have thought.

    • Erick says:

      08:08am | 08/03/11

      At last, some good news this morning! I’m looking forward to the end of this misandrist government and its hate campaigns against men.

    • Jordan says:

      10:45am | 08/03/11

      Are you referring the the domestic violence campaigns? I’m against DV all the way. But I’m sick of men always being portrayed as perpetrators of DV. The SA Ombudsman recent corrected misinformation about these matters saying “we know that at least 1-in-3 men are victims of DV”? What about DV against the elderly? Lets have a ‘Minister of the Status of Men’ at a Federal level!!! After all - men pay taxes too!

    • MB says:

      11:24am | 08/03/11

      Agree with you Erick. I’ll take one inth of interest in “women’s issues” when father’s rights are equal to women’s when it comes to alimony and child custody.

      I’ll further give a toss when women’s names are revealed that allege rape when they are proven fabricated.

      I’ll also start to care when we have the same zeal espoused for men’s health issues and we too have a Men’s Day and International Day for Men etc. Y’know, this being a ‘equal’ world ‘n all.

      Don’t hold your breath for women to fight against this injustice. After all they have the upper hand in this, the rest is just candy on top.

    • Plain Jane says:

      12:20pm | 08/03/11

      I’m a female chauvinist! Women’s liberation/feminism etc has a lot to answer for. I like a man that works hard, supports and leads his family. Personally I’d rather be in the kitchen then in the workforce… Being a housewife/mum is a darn tough job but the best in the world. I don’t mind our PM being a woman- I just don’t like the one we have in power. I certainly didn’t vote for her! Abbott has his faults- but he places value on honesty and integrity- something not valued by a fair proportion of society- hence he’s often labeled a “creep”!
      Now wait for all the venomous remarks from women about what a terrible person I am!!

    • Erick says:

      03:26pm | 08/03/11

      Yes, Jordan, I am referring to the domestic violence campaigns - which we see here on The Punch in full flight today.

      Domestic violence is wrong, and it should be campaigned against. But this government is specifically attacking men by depicting them as perpetrators, while ignoring victims. And vice-versa for women.

      Furthermore, the ALP has an “affirmative action” system of discrimination that works to suppress men getting into positions of political power.

      No man should vote for Labor. The whole party is against men.

    • Janet A says:

      08:20pm | 08/03/11

      Ummm, I am sure that it is true that men are also victims of domestic violence, however, it is still the case that far more women are subjected to more extreme violence, including sexual violence and homicide (have a look at the numbers of women as opposed to men who are killed by their intimate partners).  So to call the Government’s anti-domestic violence campaign a hate campaign against men is to attempt to trivialise the scale and nature of this problem.  And if anyone wants any evidence that attitudes towards women have not changed in this country, all they need to do is look at the level of vitriol that has been directed at our Prime Minister.  It is extremely disrespectful and often carries the theme that her leadership is illegitimate.  I suspect the hung parliament is not the only reason for this suggested illegitimacy, but that gender is also a factor here.

    • Daniel says:

      08:09am | 08/03/11

      Abbott was always going to be ahead on this one. He just trots out his lines of “a big new tax” and the suckers fall for it. People need to read up on this and get some further details. Its not that dificult to be honest. I have known about carbon pricing for well over a decade and the basics of it. Gillard needs to be out there selling and explaining. If she does that she will flog Abbott and his useless direct action plan that will do nothing to stop emmissions.

    • simon says:

      09:15am | 08/03/11

      Actually Daniel, 2 million trees would dramatically reduce emissions!!!!

    • Kosta says:

      09:39am | 08/03/11

      It’s simple, it’s all about making energy more expensive in Australia for a minuscule possible reduction in world emmisions and don’t give me that emiisons per head rubbish, Australia’s population is hardly a small town in global terms.

    • Adam Diver says:

      09:43am | 08/03/11

      “People need to read up on this”

      Well Daniel this is the perfect forum to start, how about instead of following Labors example of talking down to individuals, you engage them by providing some sources of your wisdom.

      I will start, I recommend everyone read the following article on the science behind climate change/AGW

      Quadrant article

    • Lesley says:

      09:50am | 08/03/11

      Daniel you are showing your Green ignorance as usual.

    • Utopiandreamer says:

      10:14am | 08/03/11

      Are we all suckers Daniel? I didn’t beleive Gillard for one second, when she promised “NO CARBON TAX” but it seems all the disillusioned diehard lefties who couldn’t bring themseves to vote consevatively, voted Greens after all.

    • Adam says:

      10:23am | 08/03/11

      @Adam Diver: Is that supposed to be a technical / scientific paper? It is written by 2 businessmen and a poet. No peer review by anyone of scientific credibility.

      Although i accept that people may disagree with the science on man made climate change, would you at least reference scientific peer reviewed research that supports such a claim.

    • John Margan says:

      11:09am | 08/03/11

      Surely Daniel, the only thing you know about carbon pollution is when you read Flim Flam Flannery, and Ross Garnaut. Both men with extensive self interests in the global warming scam. If you choose to read an INDEPENDENT report, by thousand of REAL experts in the area, you will find out that even if we turn Australia off, totally, for one whole year,  we will make a difference of .0005 of 1degree centigrade to the global climate. In the meantime we export 300 million tonnes of coal per year. What do you think happens to that coal? Fool!

    • Fiona says:

      11:35am | 08/03/11

      Daniel, you know I don’t mean to rain on your parade but Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant and it is good for the world. So when Gillard says she’s gonna slug us with an Oxygen Tax (cos that’s what it really is), there are plenty of well-read people (and more still who remember primary school science) that know that the very basis for “reducing the emissions” (the air you breathe) to save the world is a furphy. Gillard could be the best saleperson in the world, sadly, this is still akin to selling ice to eskimos. People don’t want their oxygen taxed.

    • judy from the ridge says:

      04:12pm | 08/03/11

      Gillard is unable to formulate any policy let alone implement them. Think stop the boats and detention centres (think East timor) BER rorts, insulation (think Batts) Wonder if she consulted Obama about why he is going wireless when we have the NBN, why we have carbon dioxide tax when he has given it away because it can be rorted. I wonder why…why…why

    • Graham B says:

      04:16pm | 08/03/11

      Are you sitting down?  Okay, here’s the bombshell.

      In just FOUR DAYS, the volcanic eruption in Iceland, since its’ first spewing of volcanic ash, NEGATED EVERY SINGLE EFFORT you have made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet - all of us.

      Of course you know about this evil carbon dioxide that we are trying to suppress - it’s that vital chemical compound that every plant requires to live and grow and to synthesize into oxygen for us humans and all animal life.

      I know, it’s very disheartening to realize that all of the carbon emission savings you have accomplished while suffering the inconvenience and expense of: driving Prius hybrids, buying fabric grocery bags, sitting up till midnight to finish your kid’s “The Green Revolution” science project, throwing out all of your non-green cleaning supplies, using only two squares of toilet paper, putting a brick in your toilet tank reservoir, selling your SUV and speedboat, holidays at home instead of abroad, nearly getting hit every day on your bicycle, replacing all of your 50 cent light bulbs with $10.00 light bulbs ...well, all of those things you have done have all gone down the tubes in just four days.

      The volcanic ash emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere in just FOUR DAYS by that volcano in Iceland, has totally erased every single effort you have made to reduce the evil beast, carbon.  And there are around 200 active volcanoes on the planet spewing out this crud out at any one time - EVERY DAY.

      I don’t really want to rain on your parade too much, but I should mention that when the volcano Mt Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it spewed out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the entire human race had emitted in its entire time on earth.  Yes folks, Mt Pinatubo was active for over one year - think about it.

      Of course I shouldn’t spoil this touchy-feely tree-hugging moment and mention the effect of solar and cosmic activity and the well recognised 800 year global heating and cooling cycles, which keep happening, despite our completely insignificant efforts to affect climate change.  I do wish I had a silver lining to this volcanic ash cloud, but the fact of the matter is that the bush fire season across the western USA and Australia this year alone will negate your efforts to reduce carbon in our world for the next two to three years…and it happens every year.

      Just remember that our government is trying to impose a whopping carbon tax on you on the basis of the bogus “human-caused” climate change scenario.  Hey, isn’t it interesting how they don’t mention “Global Warming” any more, but just “Climate Change” - you know why?  It’s because the planet has COOLED by 0.7 degrees in the past century and these global warming bull artists got caught with their pants down.

      Just keep in mind that you might yet have an Emissions Trading Scheme - that whopping new tax - imposed on you, that will achieve absolutely nothing except make you poorer.  It won’t stop any volcanoes from erupting, that’s for sure.

      But hey, relax, give the world a hug and have a nice day!

    • Dick J says:

      04:51pm | 08/03/11

      It is a scam this carbon tax. It is baloney to suggest that this will force power producers to look for better energy solutions. It is just a revenue device for Swannys surplus lie- yet another one. Presently they are pannicking as this will be one lie too far.

      The secret if you are an AGW believer is to fund research to make green energy more cheaper. At the moment green energy is supported by governments and runs inneficiently at at a great cost to the taxpayer. The carbon tax model is wrong.A window tax would make more sense.

    • Frustrated by shortsighted morons says:

      05:52pm | 08/03/11

      up until the 80’s or 90’s we were mostly concerned with air pollution and smog (smoke or other atmospheric pollutants combined with fog in an unhealthy or irritating mixture), caused by cars and industry. The smog, often visible over large cities, wass accepted as a health risk back then, is it not still?.

      All of you out there in Lib land, shouldn’t we still be concerned about, and keen to reduce smog? I’m not sure how to go about it, but anybody who believes the basic problem (by any other name) is crap, isn’t going to be the best to fight against it. Being minister of health for so long didn’t teach your beloved leader anything.

      The media was right behind efforts to lessen smog, encouraging renewable energy etc, but when greed became god and the greedies realised they couldn’t buy and sell the sun and wind, they started to trash solar and wind power. Also, the spread of greed made people reluctant to pay any taxes that might be used for ‘green’ initiatives.

      Why am I bothering, most of you have been brainwashed by the 3-4word slogans of a very dishonest man in red speedos.

    • Steve Woy Woy says:

      09:53pm | 08/03/11

      @Adam Diver I’m with Adam and his comment “It is written by 2 businessmen and a poet. No peer review by anyone of scientific credibility.” Adam there is research from when the late great mountebank Johnny was around which more than likely prompted this response http://youtu.be/e5jtiJPlv4Y

      CANBERRA, Australia, May 10, 2005

    • paulh says:

      07:05am | 09/03/11

      The problem is that the figures stated by Abbott are based on the LABOR figures supplied when Rudd tried with his carbon tax, if the greens get their way the amount will be higher.If EVERY nation cut emissions as stated scientists predict that there MAY be a .5 degree cut in temp.Therefor Australias is too small to forecast.Note these are forecasts and guess’ based on an incomplete science using computer models that do NOT even use solar activity and cloud info.Finally when in opposition Labor opposed everything ?

    • Vince says:

      08:16am | 08/03/11

      Gillard has dug “her own” grave. A lot of media and Labor themselves are blaming Abbott and his scare campaign, but it’s Gillard that is the problem. You will notice according to the polls Greens popularity has actually risen, so it’s not all about her carbon tax (although obviously a lot of it is). It’s about Gillard herself. And the electorate don’t need Abbott to tell them, they already know. This is the end of the Gillard experiment. You would have to say she is done as PM, the electorate will never trust her word again.

    • Valma says:

      09:47am | 08/03/11

      Yes what the poll shows is the public woke up to the fact that Gillard and Swan (and perhaps all of their crew) are LIARS.
      If they can lie about something that will ruin many of us then what other lies are being told?

    • Space Kidette says:

      10:25am | 08/03/11

      Are you going to be side tracked by the Great Big Lie or are you going to ask yourself what is the real issue here?

      The real issue is carbon pollution. The Great Big Polluters get to spew carbon into the atmosphere. The same atmosphere you breath. If it continues we will continue to see more natural disasters.

      The real questions are Do you believe it is real and if you do you want it to stop? If you want it to stop then what is the best method for doing so?

      Then you need to look, without the emotive language, at the pro’s and cons of each of the proposed policies.

      What you will notice is that Tony is taking money from you the taxpayer and giving it to the Great Big Polluters. You get no compensation for your increased costs. The Great Big Polluters continue to spew forth their filth. It puts an enormous burden on the Australian Budget and does not encourage the Great Big Polluters to reduce their pollution levels. Additionally it does not encourage investment into this country which will result in lost jobs, lost infrastructure, lost money.

      Julia is proposing to put a carbon price on pollution. She is going to take money from the Great Big Polluters and she is going to give it to taxpayers to compensate them for the inevitable price increases that will flow on from putting a price on carbon so the net affect on your home budget is nil.  This will encourage Great Big Polluters to find ways that will reduce carbon pollution.

      Because investors know we have a Carbon Price and how it works they will be able to make the investment decisions based on facts and investment money will continue to flow into this country increasing jobs, infrastruce and prosperity.

    • Norma says:

      10:38am | 08/03/11

      Thanks Vince. Spared me typing pretty much the same thing. The lie mattered big time. If Labor continue to deny this, encouraged by their many friends in the media, Federal Labor will fall to NSW Labor territory. The sooner they call an election, the less the damage will be.

    • simon says:

      10:53am | 08/03/11

      So Space Kidette, you think it’s ok to lie on big issues. Glad I don’t know you, and you name Space Kidette sounds tailor made for you!!!!

    • Kelvin says:

      11:34am | 08/03/11

      Space Kiddette - you are a fool. No doubt about it.

      You can’t seriously believe anything that you wrote here.

      Climate Change, man made global warming - call it what you like is a scientific hypothesis that is unproven in the same way that the scientists told us that the Y2K bug would destroy our computers unless we bought their patches.

      That was a con and this is a con put out by a whole new industry of scientists who have their snouts in the climate change money trough.

      Gillard is both a liar and a servant to the Greens - not a leader’s boot lace but as this policy on the run involves a big tax that will trickle down on everything that you buy she has embraced it with her left wing, socialist arms.

      She is completely delusional as are her colleagues. If she has the guts (and we know that she doesn’t) let her put her/Bob Brown/Christine Milne tax that’s only a semantic tax to the ultimate test before the electorate and see how far she gets. It will look similar to what is coming NSW Labor’s way in a few weeks time.

    • Fiona says:

      11:38am | 08/03/11

      Space Kidette doesn’t remember primary school science. CO2 is the air you breathe out. It’s plant food. Its harmless. Tell you what, spacey, we’ll call it the oxygen tax because that’s what it is and maybe then you’ll understand why people don’t want it.

    • Joe says:

      11:44am | 08/03/11

      Kidette, do you know that there is a difference between Carbon and Carbon Dioxide? This isn’t a tax on Carbon. Carbon Dioxide isn’t pollution. Please study a little and don’t believe everything your teachers tell you.

    • Space Kidette says:

      12:25pm | 08/03/11

      You can bury yourself in the Great big lie sold to you by Abbott or you can address the issue. Do you want your Australian government to address the burning issues of the day or do you want them to be swept under the carpet?  Do you want your government to address this particular issue? If you do then it requires a solution. And before we get into the science arguement please note that Abbott believes that Climate Change is real and it is caused by Man, hence he has a policy on it. They just have a different solution to the same problem.

      All I am asking you to do is bury the emotion and examine the personal and national economic facts and impacts based soley on the facts not on the emotional garbage that surrounds this debate.

      The fact is that the current PM is Julia Gillard. Senator Bob Brown is the leader of the Greens in a hung parliament. Hung parliaments require that there is a degree of consultation, collaboration, negotiation and compromise. Brown and the other independants, in fact any MP, chooses to vote either with their party or on their beliefs.

      When it comes to a solution of this magnitude I am glad that their is a hung parliament because it ensures the solution has included and represented the greatest numbers of people in this country. An original idea expanded and improved from the input of a great number of minds and people from differing perspectives. It is an approach that should be embraced not put down.

      Fiona, I know my science. I am using the parlance that every one is using and understands.

    • Ben81 says:

      02:14pm | 08/03/11

      @ Space Kidette “All I am asking you to do is bury the emotion and examine the personal and national economic facts and impacts based soley on the facts not on the emotional garbage that surrounds this debate.”

      Raw facts - this tax can’t reduce emissions unless a whole lot of individual people, that being the entire population, are forced to change the way they live through an increased cost of living.  That is what it’s meant to do by design.

      You are calling for facts, while saying things like “She is going to take money from the Great Big Polluters and she is going to give it to taxpayers to compensate them for the inevitable price increases that will flow on from putting a price on carbon so the net affect on your home budget is nil.”, - things that are nothing more than speculation about ‘facts’ that don’t exist yet and make the whole point of the tax pointless in the first place.
      Collecting more tax that a company merely passes on to consumers that is then paid back to consumers by the government is just plain stupid and doesn’t encourage individuals or companies to do a damn thing.

      On the other hand, if there is no assistance, we’re seriously hurting households to achieve an emissions cut that other countries will overtake in a matter of weeks.  It is not justified when out actual impact is so small. 
      We’re talking about a complete cessation of all emissions contributing to about 100th of a degree by the year 2100.

      Now tell me, what impact will our slight reduction of emissions have in light of this fact, and how is the means in any way justified?

    • Confused says:

      05:53pm | 08/03/11

      @ Space Kidette you say “She is going to take money from the Great Big Polluters and she is going to give it to taxpayers to compensate them for the inevitable price increases that will flow on from putting a price on carbon so the net affect on your home budget is nil.  This will encourage Great Big Polluters to find ways that will reduce carbon pollution.”

      So let me get what your saying correct (ill keep the maths simple for you): Government taxes big polluters $10. Big polluters charges consumer extra $10. Government compensates consumer $10 so net affect on budget is nil. —so who exactly is paying? and how exactly is that going to encourace big polluters to stop polluting?

    • Fred Bloggs says:

      08:16am | 08/03/11

      Out of the two idiots, a former idiot gets the preference for PM? Spare me days and bring back a Mr Kerr-do-a-like and dismiss this labor rabble. We’re fast becoming the negative talk of the world

    • L. says:

      10:01am | 08/03/11

      “We’re fast becoming the negative talk of the world “

      No.. Not even close. Lybia and Egypt have that sewn up… But thanks for the hyperbole.

    • Bloggs says:

      02:52pm | 08/03/11

      Well, certainly the negative talk of the Western World!

    • joe says:

      08:36pm | 08/03/11

      The western world is on it’s last legs and is being proped up by governments printing money on a massive scale(devaluing their currencies). Standards of living have already started to decline in western world countries and no doubt we will be joining them. The carbon tax will only speed up the process.

    • Tony of Poorakistan says:

      08:17am | 08/03/11

      Of course she has failed to convince us that we would be protected from increases, because we know we won’t be. 
      Only her sychophantic, welfare-receiving ALP voters will be. The working families (and singles) get shafted again.

    • Daniel says:

      11:07am | 08/03/11

      Funny, Australia became more dependant on Welfare under the last Liberal government. It’s how they stayed in power for 11 years.

      Perhaps take a look at the alternative being spruiked by Abbott, that is being seen as more expensive than the Carbon Tax.

    • dinkidi says:

      03:21pm | 08/03/11

      This is simply what the ALP does-everytime they are voted in. They cannot help themselves, their egos outstrip their capabilities and away goes Australia again, down the drainpipe. Always the same.

    • Daniel says:

      05:00pm | 08/03/11

      Yeah dinkidi, Australia is doing awful currently. Just horrible… in another dimension perhaps, where the Liberals win and refuse to do anything to help Australia other than more middle class welfare to win the next election.

    • Over it says:

      08:18am | 08/03/11

      Would the leader of the girls club, the GG, please show the same balls as Kerr and sack this goby asthey clearly do not have mandate to govern

    • Reg says:

      09:52am | 08/03/11

      Never happen.

      The GG is merely a ceremonial figure these days, appointed for the purpose of eating cucumber sandwhiches. Whilst she has the power, she doesn’t have the balls to do anything with it (metaphorical balls that is).

      Which is a shame, considering I hear Bryce was a pretty tough old bat back when she was Sex Discrimination Commissioner. She is too weak now, or comfortably living the ceremonial life of a GG to actually be bothered working.

    • Ricky says:

      10:08am | 08/03/11

      The GG who couldn’t afford to give war veterans an afternoon tea, but spends over $110,000.00 a year on flowers for her publicly funded residence? A relative of another unemploayed alp thug Bill Shorten, do you think this excuse for a figure head will threaten her own publicly funded lifestyle??? Don’t think so. The ALP is all about bribes, pretending to hold the high moral ground on all subjetcs and condecension. They are all academic elites today, nothing like the ALP of old.

    • BobM says:

      10:12am | 08/03/11

      Reg, she’s also BillShorten’s mother in law, so she’s not going to make any hasty decisions regarding the best interests of Australia if it will see her little boy (by marriage) out of a job. Don’t hold your breath, and anyway, she’s way too busy buying flowers and seeing important people. Good job for a repulican, eh?

      But if you want to contact her and let her know how you feel, here arethe details from her website:

      To contact the Governor-General or Government House, the postal address is:
      Government House
      Dunrossil Drive
      Tel: (02) 6283 3533
      Fax: (02) 6281 3760
      You can also e-mail her office at:  governor-general@gg.gov.au (however all correspondence is processed by the Office before coming to the attention of the Governor-General).

    • Ryan says:

      10:18am | 08/03/11

      @Ricky: couldn’t agree more, this is the problem with Labor today, its filled with the entitled and elitist scum who would just as soon stab their closest working mate in the back as look at you. Lets not even go into the way they treat the Australian people as mugs, lying to us to get into power then delivering nothing.

    • mandy says:

      10:21am | 08/03/11

      Ricky in fairness she did give them a cup of tea just nothing else, not even a crumb.
      She did not turn up at all, sending her husband along to explain they could not afford biscuits( due to cut backs.)
      What a disgraceful slap in the face to our diggers.
      I would not be surprised if this too is a plot to have Australia scream for a Republic, can’t trust them as we now know.

    • James says:

      12:48pm | 08/03/11

      Be real, the GG, Quentin (the Price is Right) Bryce won’t sack the Labor government, who will pay for her $1,000.00 a day flower habit, her private chef/s and untold secretaries who fly around with her and do nothing but eat up tax payer money, at least Kerr did something for the country.

    • jo says:

      08:22am | 08/03/11

      I will never vote labour, because of how they got rid of Kevin Rudd, overnight,
      and how Mark Aribb was in conversation with America about dumping Kevin Rudd, One year before they dumped him. 
      As for Julia Gillard her backstabbing ways will come back to haunt her. She is not Prime Minister material, and the way she rants and raves in parliament, has only one remedy turn the TV off. Labour blamed Kevin Rudd, for their failures, but it is plain to see now that It was a big fat lie.
      I would love to have a women Prime Minister, But Julia Gillard. is sitting on a stolen throne.

    • loxy says:

      09:55am | 08/03/11

      I agree that the way Rudd was dumped was awful, I agree Julia isn’t doing a good job, however the opposition isn’t really much of an opposition. Abbott is about as far away as you can get from PM material and I wouldn’t trust him for a second, he’s an extremist trying very hard to fool us all that he’s not. He takes spiritual advice from Cardinal Pell, a man known to have covered up child abuse and a man who no doubt will heavily push his own agenda through Abbott if he ever got into power.

      The liberals need to boot Abbott and bring back Turnball and then they will get my vote, however as long as they keep Abbott as there leader they will never, ever get my vote.

    • L. says:

      10:04am | 08/03/11

      “The liberals need to boot Abbott and bring back Turnball and then they will get my vote”

      So you want a carbon price? Because that is what Turnball stands for.

    • Nan says:

      10:08am | 08/03/11

      @ loxy - don’t worry, Liberal don’t need your solitary vote sweetie

    • PeterinSydney says:

      10:37am | 08/03/11

      Loxy well written. I agree with all you said. I would support both Turnbull and Joe Hockey as leader. I think many like you are turned totally cold by Abbott.

    • maggie says:

      01:53pm | 08/03/11

      Everyone wanting Turnbull back in as Leader, step back.
      We know you are Labor supporters because no one wants someone who wanted us to willingly succumb to a great big new tax.
      He was not putting up an argument against this.
      He too was willing to sell us down the river of poverty distribution.
      Under this as Maggie Thatcher once said
      “to lesson the gap by making business poorer, you make the poor poorer ” but Labor does not get it.

    • PeterinSydney says:

      04:13pm | 08/03/11

      Oh maggie! You have been listening to 2GB too much and so you think that it is easy to categorise people you don’t like. Actually my preference is for Joe Hockey to lead them. Mr Turnbull is far more qualified to lead than Mr Abbott could ever be. Not even John Howard thought Abbott was suitable to lead the party of Menzies.

    • Sandy says:

      06:33pm | 08/03/11

      @ loxy - don’t worry, Liberal don’t need your solitary vote sweetie

      No Nan, the liberals needs lots of solitary votes from swinging voters or they are not going to get back in. They already have thier conservative voters rusted on and pounding the airwaves and comment sites.
      Its the swinging voters they cannot get because of Mr Abbotts type of leadership. So if we hold another election it may be the Liberals with a hung parliament and he will have the same problems as Ms Gillard.

    • Gary D says:

      08:24am | 08/03/11

      Taxing carbon will never reduce it, the same as taxing cigarettes did not reduce the production of tobacco and taxing fuel didn’t reduce fuel, In fact tobacco obtained legitimacy by being taxed as it then made it a legal product as long as it was taxed and the governments collected tax from it and the damage caused by this product was overlooked for almost a century.  Only when the costs of the damage exceeded the taxes collected did the government do something and that something was to increase the taxes on tobacco, not reduce the production of it by banning it in the market place. So tobacco is ok as long as you pay a higher tax on it, if you don’t pay the tax on it, penalties and fines are steep, but even so black market tobacco in the UK was found to increase to 27% of cigarettes and 68% roll your own sales after increasing tobacco taxes and there is no reason to believe that the same didn’t happen here in Australia. So the consumption didn’t decrease, just that now it has become a clouded figure of the correct consumption. The same will happen to carbon

    • Bill Grant says:

      09:26am | 08/03/11

      Gary, the facts do not support you here.  Tobacco use has fallen - price, and reinvestment of the tax revenue in education has been effective.  Similarly, increases in fuel price (due to the market, not tax) have driven purchasing of more efficient vehicles - check the stats on this over the past 5 years in Australia and the US - it is a dramatic fall.  Pricing carbon (or other pollution) does drive efficiency, and there is a wealth of data internationally to show this is the case. Even better, a small tax on polluters (a tax we can avoid by using less polluting energy)  can generate funds to invest in a low carbon future.  The sort of price increases the average householder will experience will be less than typical costs increases due to commodity price fluctuations.  The carbon pricing model proposed by the government is to move a to a trading system (probably when we can link into international trading, where Australia stands to gain in a big way) and have a lower fixed price in the interim - this could start low, and rise gradually to reduce the ‘shock’ of the the higher international carbon price.  It makes sense when you ignore Abbott’s fear campaign.

    • FIona says:

      11:42am | 08/03/11

      Bills says “it makes sense when you ignore Abbott’s scare campaign” except that CO2 (which Brown and Gillard want to tax) is the air you breathe out and Australians don’t want their oxygen taxed.

    • Justin says:

      12:16pm | 08/03/11

      Bill Grant makes a good point - increasing taxes on tobacco has lead to a drastic reduction in use.

      A carbon tax could do the same for energy use here.

      Now, seeing as this is a global issue, I suppose we should look at the reduction in smoking rates in China due to tobacco taxes in Australia.

      Oh dear.

    • bill says:

      12:50pm | 08/03/11

      FIona - if you really believe that this debate is about the CO2 you breathe out, then you probably shouldn’t be joining the debate.  We are talking about releasing fossil carbon at a rate that is changing the amount of the sun’s energy that is kept in the atmosphere and warms the planet.  This is indisputable physics.  Your point re: breathing is either ignorant or wilfully misleading (a ‘lie’ in fact). 

      Justin - what is your point?  should Australia not try to kerb our emissions when we generate over 20 times more emissions per head more than the Chinese and are in the top 15 emitters as a Nation (even more so when you count our exports of fossil fuels).  The Chinese are doing more to address climate change than we are.  If every nation tales your position, then nobody will act (which is the fossil fuel industry’s objective).  Pricing carbon isn’t going to hurt as much as you think - many other nations have done it or are doing it.

    • Gary D says:

      02:41pm | 08/03/11

      Bill Grant,-  you need to read the facts, tobacco use didn’t decrease, it is just sold more on the black market the more the taxes went up. It is just that now the government has lost control of the statistics as they have no way of counting sales. Taxing Carbon will be like Taxing fuel or tobacco. We pay 85% tax on fuel yet year after year more and more fuel is used, Taxing it was supposed to reduce consumption to save reserves, but the opposite has happened we use more and the fuel efficiency of family cars is still under 30mpg, the same as when fuel was 15c a litre. So taxes didn’t do a single thing to halt our use and save oil. Taxes will not stop our need for energy and the production of carbon from the need for this energy.
      You cannot reduce CO2 levels without costing Jobs, this is why Labour is taxing a gas, that is not a pollutant but an essential part of the environment because they believe there is no economic way to reduce man made carbon without causing an economic disaster.
      If you cut man made CO2 by 800% you have to reduce coal, oil and fuel use, therefore production. If you do this Australia will have no trading partners and economically the planets economies will collapse.
      If I produced an engine for cars and trucks, that is 800% more efficient and these were fitted into cars and trucks and they used 800% less fuel, It is estimated that over 1,700,000 jobs in Australia will be lost as a direct result of being more efficient, So the trick is to be more efficient and at the same time have a parallel industry that can employ those that would become redundant. (Liberals Plan) Duplicating such a scheme world wide would never be able to happen as peoples economies are all different and not all countries have the ability to produce a similar offset parallel industry as Australia does.

    • Gary D says:

      02:43pm | 08/03/11

      I wonder what the carbon tax will be on cremations where it is estimated that 2.5 ton of carbon is produced at each and every one and will there be a carbon tax on the back yard BBQ?

    • whatever says:

      07:08pm | 08/03/11

      Gary D, if you get your wish and the desperate one takes office, he will probably reduce the tobacco taxes as he is beholden to the tobacco companies (Large political donations).

    • Bo says:

      08:25am | 08/03/11

      This poll probably also shows a backlash against the push for gay marriage by many senior Labor Party hacks.

    • clive says:

      09:55am | 08/03/11

      The public votes in the polls not Senior Labor Party Hacks,
      this about a great big lie, compounded by the public seeing Brown as the real PM.
      No one much cares about gay marriage it’s a matter of priorities.

    • Matt says:

      10:16am | 08/03/11

      Have to agree with you Bo. Pushing the Greens’ agenda like gay marriage which many of the rank and file Labor constituents don’t approve of is also what is adding to her poor polling. There are so many major issues facing the country and gay marriage is not even the minutest contemplation in peoples’ minds yet there it is front and centre day after day, pushed forward by the Greens.

      Labor’s way back is simple. Move to the centre, dump the Greens and restore old Labor values. Maybe then, maybe, even those that have turned to the Libs may return but for now, while she has a Green alliance, she loses her base. If you hop into a Green bed, something Brown will ooze. S’true.

    • Tony says:

      08:27am | 08/03/11

      “Senior Labor figures are talking of a long battle ahead and the policy strength of the Government’s carbon reduction program”

      Nuh, they have demonstrated again and again that they have no stomach whatsoever for a ‘long battle’ and they have not yet been able to produce a policy with strength.

      Julia is gone and so are Labor. They have no capacity to turn it around. All we need is a trigger. Hey Windsor, want to redeem yourself and resign?

    • BobM says:

      10:18am | 08/03/11

      The voters in Tony Windsor’s electorate need to put the heat on him to resign - he’s retiring at the next election anyway (so that he doesn’t have to face his constituents - the man has no ticker). Then we’ll see how popular his decision was, to go with Julia and the Greens.

    • Danny B says:

      11:35am | 08/03/11

      Now that you mention it, all it will take will be one byelection in a Labor seat.

    • Space Kidette says:

      12:12pm | 08/03/11


      Tony Windsor, has in fact, stated that “He isn’t going anywhere” in answer to the question about him retiring after this term.

    • biff says:

      08:27am | 08/03/11

      Julia Gillard must be perplexed. She was handed a report by the three wise men of the ALP which said she had to do something green to win back the ALP supporters who had drifted to The Greens. She announced a carbon tax yet all it has achieved is to drive more voters away. I think it’s a safe bet that we will see ‘suggestions’ boxes placed outside all federal ALP MP’s offices.

    • Sean McHugh says:

      08:28am | 08/03/11

      This poll is not only bad news for Gillard and the Greens; it is another blow for Turnbull. Who recalls the line from ‘Cool Hand Luke’ where the prison warden says, “What we have here is failure to communicate”? That was just before he applied a rifle butt to the prisoner’s head. The ‘Global Warming’ elite are telling us that better communication is needed. They are right; they need to listen.

    • GT says:

      08:32am | 08/03/11

      This is the problem with our current “PC” culture. Gillard was a dud Minister in a dud Government, but, with the help of a complicit lefty media, Australians thought it would be nice to have a female PM. Unsuprisingly, she has continued to be a dud and way out of her depth since knifing Kev. It’s time to go back to the basics. Don’t let “PC” nonsense make us overlook the fact that gender is irrelevant to this current mob- Rudd, Gillard, Swan, they are all a joke. Australians desperately need a change in government. I’m looking at YOU, Windsor and Oakshott!

    • Concera Vota says:

      12:14pm | 08/03/11

      Okay—I hear this rubbish from a lot of barrow minded people who talk before they think. I’d like evidence for what you say.

      Our country’s finances is better than it has ever been while the rest of the world is in or emerging from recession. How can you say this govt or Gillard is a dud? None of this is a result of PC one way or another.

      The PM’s gender has NOTHING to do with her capabilities. She has shown she can be more successful than her male adversary ... otherwise he’d be currently in her position and he is not.

      The hung parliament is the MOST democratic way of governing. It means all views will be canvassed—not just one extreme or another. It has a better chance of “keeping the bastards honest” than at any other time in our history. And it means policy will be based on best outcomes, not party political advantage. A good thing!

      Finally. Go and look up ‘Guided Democracy’. That is what Abbott advocates. How much say do you think YOU will have in such a situation? Not a lot I’ll wager.

    • brickbat says:

      02:31pm | 08/03/11

      Concera Vota
      don’t know what planet you live on but life is a shocker under this Gov.
      People are anxious, worried and angry.
      The bills are going up daily,
      there is great uncertainty because we have a Gov that is chasing it’s tail instead of doing anything.
      We are sick of the Lies and BS and wish John Howard was still running the place because it was good while he was steering the wheel.
      This Gov has too many trying to steer that wheel in too many directions.
      Result CRASH!

    • Mark W says:

      08:32am | 08/03/11

      The government needs more tax for mismanaging the economy. They make up an excuse they hope people will swallow, unfortunatly for them everyone has woken up to their deciept. They would be better off increasing the GST by 2% and being honest with the people.

    • simon says:

      09:12am | 08/03/11

      The only thing is that GST goes back to the states, good old JuLiar and Goose wouldn’t be able to get their filthy hands on it!!!

    • thatmosis says:

      08:33am | 08/03/11

      I can believe that but what I cant remember is her name, is it Jooliar Gillrudd, Bob Gillrudd, Jooliar Brown, for the life of me she seems to be becoming invisible to the public as her own “personality”, lol, and her actual being is absorbed by those who really wield the power and its not Labor. The puppet master is taking over the country with Labor’s complete consent and abdication of their authority, if they ever had any.

    • John says:

      08:33am | 08/03/11

      Gillard is the joke of the world with her carbon tax when no country in the world would dare to impose such stupidity on their citizens just to make them uncompetitive.It is like Thorpe swimming a 100 meter freestyle race with a 20 kg lead ball attached to his ankle.Get rid of her and her communist green party before we go to the abyss like Zimbabwe.

    • fml says:

      10:32am | 08/03/11

      ahh not true,

      Its idiots like you who spread ignorance and fear into a rational argument.

      Here is a list of countries that have implemented some form of carbon tax/emissions trading scheme.
      South Africa, India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, New Zealand, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Netherlands, UK,  Sweden, Norway, Switzerland and various Canadian and US States.


      Please do a little research first before making uniformed, emotive comments.

      P.S. Please dont vote.

    • C1 says:

      11:03am | 08/03/11


      If you are going to provide citations, at least do a little better than wikipedia. I would say the same thing to you about doing a little research yourself.
      Also why is John an Idiot, simply because he puts forward an opposing view.

    • john says:

      11:09am | 08/03/11

      @John@fml its not an emissions trading scheme -yet, doubt it will ever be, imposing such stupidity on their citizens might stop us living like the consumer obese whores we have become in the last 10-15 years.

      I don’t like paying more tax, but had we not become filthy capitalist consumers and prostitute our mineral wealth to other nations in the unapologetic way that we do,  I doubt we would have had a carbon problem like we do now, or the need for the carbon tax.

    • John says:

      11:22am | 08/03/11

      “Please do a little research”… followed by a citation from Wikipedia.


      It’s the way of the Left – anyone who disagrees is an idiot.  Thankfully it would seem people are waking up to it.

    • fml says:

      03:09pm | 08/03/11

      booo hooo im not listening because its wikipedia,

      still doesnt detract from the fact that there are countries in the world which do have a carbon tax. Would it be ok if i quote a news.com.au article?

      ““Coming from Europe, that sounds slightly bizarre because there are 30 countries in Europe that have had a carbon price ... since the beginning of 2005.”

      Read more: http://www.news.com.au/national/bizarre-are-bigger-whingers-than-brits-on-carbon-tax-eu-expert-jill-duggan-says/story-e6frfkvr-1226017748557#ixzz1FytdGzmO”

      poo poo wikipedia all you like but my point stands, as the original john said, “No country in the world would dare to impose such stupidity on their citizens just to make them uncompetitive”. Which is untrue. There are already countries which do.

      also how do you know im from the left? was it something i said?

      @c1 john is an idiot because he made a statement saying “NO” country in the world would implement a carbon tax. This is not an opposing opinion. This is incorrect. Despite the source, the fact of the matter remains. There are countries which have a carbon tax and john is an idiot because he said there wasnt any.

      Opinion is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Start crying it was only your opinion when you are stating untruths?

      @john you say its the way of the left, at least there i tried to show a little of proof, the way of the right is, im just going to talk rubbish and not provide any proof and bag the left.

      Go on then, show proof that no countries in the world have a carbon tax?
      all you got is a load of left bashing rhetoric.

    • Matt Samson says:

      08:34am | 08/03/11

      Just what Australia needs, the politics of short sound bites and policy controlled by opinion polls!

    • Diamantina Dick says:

      09:21am | 08/03/11

      We had that but Kevin Rudd is gone…

    • Mark says:

      09:31am | 08/03/11

      And this how is different from the last Labor leader?

    • PeterinSydney says:

      08:35am | 08/03/11

      Well I wonder if Mr Abbott will treat the Australian people the same way he has treated Ms Gillard in the last six months. What has he done to inspire anyone?

    • simon says:

      09:20am | 08/03/11

      I would take Abbott in a second over this two faced lying dictator.

    • TCB 24 X 7 says:

      09:41am | 08/03/11

      Hey peter.
      For Starters, Border Protection and No Carbon tax Policies.

    • Sue Millar says:

      09:57am | 08/03/11

      Take the blinkers off, Peter, and you’ll be able to answer your own question. Guaranteed!

    • Blossom says:

      10:08am | 08/03/11

      Gillard has treated the Australian public like they are 5 year olds in school.
      She talks down to us and commands us rather than listens.

      But above all of that SHE LIED to get her nose over the line in the Election.
      We don’t trust her, it’s that simple.

    • PeterinSydney says:

      10:28am | 08/03/11

      Sue do you want me take off my blinkers - if I have any, and put on your blinkers instead !!!

    • Sue says:

      12:19pm | 08/03/11

      Going by the numbers in today’s Newspoll, Peter, I’d suggest you at least get your blinkers checked. It seems a substantial majority of Australians can answer the question you posed. Don’t bother telling me about Abbott’s numbers v Gillard’s. The ALP is gone.

    • PeterinSydney says:

      01:59pm | 08/03/11

      Sue as another contributor said the election is two and half years away. A long time in politics. So I suggest you might be protesting too much too early. But go on listening to Alan Jones so you can be consoled by a fellow traveller. By then we might all be sick of the Liberals in state governments in NSW and Victoria. Already some are not happy in Victoria I notice.

    • Steve Smith says:

      02:42pm | 08/03/11

      Tony Abbott said “Don’t believe everything I say” and also said that   “The statements that need to be taken absolutely as the gospel truth are those carefully prepared scripted remarks.”
      I am not as simple as you Simon, and that is why I wouldn’t support a radical racist redneck, like you would.

    • Malleeringneck says:

      08:35am | 08/03/11

      Her satisfaction rating with me was zero before she grabbed power.
      Her second in charge , Brown, won’t want an election either, because that will possibly get rid of his one member in the lower house.

    • Kevin says:

      12:15pm | 08/03/11

      Greens and Brown only teamed up with Gillard Labour because they knew 2 things for sure.
      1. They could control Gillard
      2. Gillard would never call an early election because she knew she would lose in a big way
      Because Brown recognised that he would also lose in the next election, but needed to stay in power for as long as possible.
      (possibly so he could retire with a multi million dollar payout).

    • Beanodle says:

      08:38am | 08/03/11

      Labors unpopularity has nothing to do with Tony Abbot and the Liberal’s pushing.
      It’s Labor’s and Gillard’s pandering to the unpopular Green’s and their carbon Tax that has the general voters upset.
      The non cozy arrangement’s with the independents haven’t helped either.
      That press conference announcing the Carbon Tax with the independents and Boob Brown to the fore was a stupid gambit.

    • Sandy says:

      06:43pm | 08/03/11

      Unpopular Greens? they were the ones that increased thier vote in the last national election - where were you?

    • Andrew says:

      08:38am | 08/03/11

      If I hear Gillard and Swan blaming a fear campaign from Abbott as the excuse for all their problems I think I’ll throw my bowling ball at the TV.  Time to take some responsibility you idiots!

    • simon says:

      09:01am | 08/03/11

      It’s a standard Labor tactic to blame everything on the opposition. Well Australia can see right through that now. Abbott is listening to Australians while Gillard and Brown have their heads in the sand!!!

    • HeatherG says:

      09:21am | 08/03/11

      I would be laughing at the constant references to the “scare campaign by the Opposition about a carbon tax” if I wasn’t so stunned that she actually thinks we’re stupid enough to *fall* for that nonsense. Er, it’s only a “scare campaign” if it’s not actually true, you doofus, Julia.

      As for Mr Swan, given you almost lost your seat (and only held it narrowly because of the Greens), I’d suggest you have no laurels at all to rest on, Mr “it’s not really a carbon tax even though Julia Herself called it a carbon tax.” Do you even know what a tax IS, Mr Treasurer? Holy criminy.

      I’ve also realised how naive I am. I actually am surprised that some people are so rusted on that 39% of people still think she’s okay.

    • Sunbeam says:

      10:14am | 08/03/11

      Gillard listens to her boss Bob Brown instead of listening to her people.
      She has to does she not?
      Else lose her “PM” throne.

    • the Truth says:

      08:41am | 08/03/11

      Whilst Gillard is away the meetings will be going on , the numbers being counted and knives sharpened - she will not last long.

    • stevem says:

      12:00pm | 08/03/11

      I don’t think that’s on the cards. The electorate was furious that she stabbed Rudd in the back and I don’t think doing the same to Gillard will win them any votes. In order to win back the support they have lost they need her to resign due to ill health - either hers or a close family member.

    • Mark says:

      08:41am | 08/03/11

      The faceless party hacks will have the knives out. Adios Julia.

    • CD says:

      08:41am | 08/03/11

      Amazing. This is purported to be a piece on Gillard, carbon tax and the popularity of both but somehow you still manage to make it all about Abbott and his failings. Carbon tax..oh wait apparently that’s a scare tactic by Abbott not a fact right? And it won’t cost the taxpayer a thing will it?

      Well Labor haven’t given any details right so of course Abbott is lying about households being hurt right? So explain to me what the point of this tax would be again

      I’m a swinging voter and enjoy reading both sides of a debate but have yet to read anything I would consider unbiased by you. 

      Guess the polls must he hurting Mal so keep pushing that one sided barrow won’t you

    • GB says:

      08:44am | 08/03/11

      I see Gillard, Swan and Combet have come out blaming Abbott and his scare campaign for these latest opinion polls. Utter rot. The Australian public, by and large, aren’t stupid, and hate being blatantly lied to. We don’t need Tony Abbott to tell us that. We’re also seeing through this tax for what it is, a wealth redistribution exercise which has bugger all to do with saving the planet and more to do with saving their own skins. And yet again, middle to high income earners will be the ones footing the bill. First the $900 handouts, then the Flood Levy, and now this. While all this is happening the traditional Labor demographic gets to sit on their arse and congratulate their comrade leader for taking a stance. Easy to do when you aren’t the ones paying for it. They can keep pressing ahead with this all they like but all they’re doing is signing their own political death warrant by doing so. Enough is enough.

    • Peter says:

      10:45am | 08/03/11

      GB you state “The Australian public, by and large, aren’t stupid…” how can you say this with a straight face when they re elected the worst federal Government in history and gave the Greens the balance of power in the Senate?

    • GB says:

      11:48am | 08/03/11

      @Peter. Fair point mate. I was trying to be pragmatic grin

    • moonwalker says:

      02:51pm | 08/03/11

      it was approx 50/50 that elected the party with the help of the Independents.
      That is no mandate and does show that about 50% of the population did not like what happened, and don’t like being called deniers, heretics etc.
      They have been outraged at the shenanigans of this mishmash lot in power.
      So more now agree with us ...Gillard/Swan must go.

    • Christopher says:

      08:46am | 08/03/11

      Has labour learnt nothing from the Kevin Rudd incident. You cannot just introduce a huge new tax and give absolutely no details on how it is going to work.

      I do think that eventually we will need a tax on carbon because we need to protect the environment for our future. But what is the point it doing it when non of the major greenhouse gas emitters are doing anything to curb their emissions??

      We also have to think about the cost of the thing, Julia has talked about how it will reduce the emissions from the mining companies, production companies and so on and so fourth. But the thing is, they are just going to pass along all of those taxes onto the consumer and probably a bit more just for the sake of it so eventually the only people it will really hurt by this tax will be US!!

      Julia is also continually going on about how the hardworking australian is barely able to pay their bills so how are they going to afford things if the price of absolutely everything is going up???

      Get your head out of your arse labour and actually think about the ramifications that a tax like this can cause. In theory it is a good idea but until you can iron out all the problems that it will most definitely cause, the australian public will fight it off like the black plague just as we did the Mining Tax.

    • Lesley says:

      08:47am | 08/03/11

      A carbon price will cripple already struggling households whether families, pensioners singles or anyone. We have to stop it before it destroys us to the point we can no longer cope.

      Sign an eptition here http://www.stopgillardscarbontax.com/

    • Denny Crane says:

      08:49am | 08/03/11

      It really must burn you up Malcolm that no matter how hard you and other members of the Canberra press gallery deride Abbott and put him down, that he keeps coming back. You have been successful at fooling the people for a couple of years now but people are starting to wake up.

      Policy failure after policy failure is reported as trail blazing successes. Lies are forgiven, disgusting smears of Abbott are ignored, and blaming “shock jocks” for the aggressive nature of politics, are turning the tide against your bias.

      Gillard deserves to be condemned for her lies. Why is it that the left ahve been so slow in responding. You would be all over Abbott, but you seem to hold him to a different level of accountability. Its getting harder and harder to take you guys seriously. Wake up and start telling us like it is rather han how you want it to be.

    • Paul says:

      08:49am | 08/03/11

      Bob Brown must be chortling with glee.

    • Peter says:

      08:58am | 08/03/11

      Why would Bob Brown be happy in the current situation?  It’s his policy that is being rejected by the majority of Australians.

    • belinda says:

      10:24am | 08/03/11

      Because they have gone up in the polls while Gillard has gone down, that’s why.
      Labor will end up with less points at the polls than the Greens soon.
      Then what?

    • David says:

      08:51am | 08/03/11

      Gillard will go in history as a Prime Minister never elected in her own right to lead the country.
      If we thought Whitlam & Fraser were terrible Prime Ministers, Gillard hits the bottom of the barrel.

    • james milton says:

      08:51am | 08/03/11

      Kick her out before she does any more damage to Australia. This woman is an absolute joke and every day drives Australia further into debt. We cannot afford to have someone as uneducated as her to lead our country. Everything she has touched since Labor came into power has been plagued by corruption, waste and failure.

      Enough is enough, it’s time for an election so she can get her mandate on climate change. Which she won’t get because Australia has too many sane people.

    • Rosie says:

      08:52am | 08/03/11

      The Polls are saying “People’s Revolt” Gillard is saying “Tony Abbott’s fear campaign”

      Gillard is deluded and will continue to live in “Alice In Wonderland.”

    • Alice of Wonderland says:

      09:03am | 08/03/11

      I haven’t seen the poll Rosie….is Abbott now the preferred PM? - What a nightmarish thought if he is.

    • Mark says:

      09:35am | 08/03/11

      Alice, Abbott being PM could not be worse than the nightmare of Gillard and Brown

    • S says:

      10:19am | 08/03/11


      Welcome to the Westminster system, please learn it.  We vote and elect the Party.

      The leader is irelevant, they are only a figure head and a spokeman. 

      Stop whinging, “Tony Abbot is a nightmare”...sook.

      The only nightmare is the Labor/Green Alliance

    • Rosie says:

      01:21pm | 08/03/11

      Alice of Wonderland

      No not Abbott but Kevin Rudd the people’s PM that Gillard shafted to take over! He is now the preferred PM.

    • Que says:

      08:53am | 08/03/11

      Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person.
      I suspect the electorate is more outraged that she denied that she lied rather than she lied in the first place. Lies, lies, lies and more lies

    • CD says:

      09:33am | 08/03/11

      I suspect you could be right Que. Amazing what you can get people to accept if you explain things in terminology they understand and will acknowledge as making sense.

      Gillard may have won over those sitting on the fence of man made CC if she had admitted outright she had erred rather than avoid the ‘big lie’ scenario.

      I’m fed up with all the jargon and being treated like a schoolchild so dumb that teacher Julia can explain it away but don’t worry about the facts. Teacher Julia has it all in hand.

      No she doesn’t and coming to the electorate with a mere proposal and no details whatsoever is showing disdain for the people this will affect.

      Where are the answers to questions asked over and over again eg how will this better the environment?
      How can this be a positive to industry when bigger polluters do nothing but encourage their own country’s economies. China, India etc
      What is in and what is out with the carbon tax? Do the Greens get the final say?

      Amazing to me that people aka died the wool Laborites just want us to sit back, say nothing and merely accept a future without any details just because a party named Labor with cohorts Greens and Indies say so.

      Oh that’s right. Everything will be sorted by July 2012. No need to worry our pretty little heads about it.

    • simon says:

      08:57am | 08/03/11

      I have never recognised her as PM, she is a liar and a dictator that doesn’t listen to the people. This is without doubt the most negative and destructive government we have ever had!!!!

    • Emily says:

      09:00am | 08/03/11

      The irony is even after paying the tax, there will not be a single benefit.  It will only have a placebo effect.  So Gillard is selling snake oil to us, trying to con us into “Just pay us (Labor government) the money, and we will give your blue sky back.”  What does she think she is?  God?

    • Cuppy says:

      09:21am | 08/03/11

      Yep, Emily, Atheists unfortunately see themselves as God. Now, Australia gets to see the consequences of having an atheist PM. Looks socialist to me…who would’ve thought?

    • S says:

      10:46am | 08/03/11

      Please don’t use Ms Gillard as a bench mark to judge the rest of us Atheist.

      I for one, do not think i am God…....

      Gillard is nothing more then an Idiot

    • Evan says:

      09:01am | 08/03/11

      How must the likes of Swan, Shorten, Arbib & Farrell be feeling now?
      Was it really worth knifing Rudd in the first place?
      Julia is a dud, & very much on the nose, but Labor is stuck with her and the Carbon Tax until the next election - dumping either or both would be electoral suicide for them, but Gillard will lose the next election anyway.
      Labor have got themselves into a mess.
      The only Labor person smiling today would be a certain Foreign Minister.

    • simon says:

      09:10am | 08/03/11

      Kevin has a chance to do the ultimate payback on Gillard. If the carbon tax ever gets to a vote Kevin Rudd should cross the floor and vote with the coalition. Now that would be a blockbuster!!

    • Claudia says:

      10:59am | 08/03/11

      They are just using Gillard the way they used Rudd.
      Two egos so big they didn’t not recognise it.

    • GT says:

      11:54am | 08/03/11

      We’d say no Evan, but Swan etc would say yes - think about it. They “won” the last election because so many nitwits in Australia thought it would be “nice” to have a female PM - completely overlooking the fact she was an absolute dud as a Minister! If they hadn’t tricked a gullible electorate, they would have lost under Rudd

    • Ian says:

      09:03am | 08/03/11

      Gillard is in the USA criticising Abbot! What? I’m embarrassed to think that she is representing me and Americans all over will believe that we are a bunch of bogans.

    • Martin Hopes says:

      09:18am | 08/03/11

      Ian - I believe they would be correct. let’s face it, we are the undoubted redneck bogan capital of the world, the yanks will have no trouble understanding rednecks, they may struggle with the term bogan though!

    • herme says:

      09:25am | 08/03/11

      Agreed, I cringed when I heard her on RN this morning. When on a diplomatic visit to the USA is not the time or place to play the usual petty internal politics. The Americans have probably never heard of Tony Abbott…well, until the next election, that is…

    • Flexo says:

      09:33am | 08/03/11

      I wonder if Tim is doing Michelle Obama’s hair?

      Anyway, Gillard has proven my point that the ALP has become dangerously irrelevent to Australia and its future.

      Time to vote out these clowns.

      Sorry Julia you are so finished.

    • Nan says:

      10:14am | 08/03/11

      @ flexo -“I wonder if Tim is doing Michelle Obama’s hair?” So funny!!

    • Ronda says:

      10:18am | 08/03/11

      Fact: is Victoria is Bogan central . Listen to Tanner, Wong & Gillard on the “econo-ME”  Comba / Shortnin are lightweights there is not a leader in sight de register them.

    • vickie says:

      11:23am | 08/03/11

      The body language isn’t friendly despite Obama’s smile.
      Knees pointing oopsite from each other while crossed , arms across the chest etc .
      I bet he would like a big distance between them if he could.
      He didn’t visit Rudd either, not enjoying the LOSER company because it may rub off on him.

    • Anna C says:

      09:16am | 08/03/11

      Gillard was only ever PM in name only, because everyone knows that it is really the Greens who are in charge.  She (with the help of the Greens and so called independents) connived her way into the Lodge, even though she didn’t have a mandate to govern and even after the election results clearly showed there was momentum towards a Liberal/National Cooaltion (which the independents flagrantly disregarded).  Julia does not have legitimacy in the eyes of many and it is now only a matter of time before she is deposed by the likes of Greg Combet or Bill Shorten.  She deserves to go the same way as her predecessor Kevin Rudd, who no doubt is rubbing his hands with glee; what goes around comes around.

    • Anna C says:

      09:16am | 08/03/11

      Gillard was only ever PM in name only, because everyone knows that it is really the Greens who are in charge.  She (with the help of the Greens and so called independents) connived her way into the Lodge, even though she didn’t have a mandate to govern and even after the election results clearly showed there was momentum towards a Liberal/National Cooaltion (which the independents flagrantly disregarded).  Julia does not have legitimacy in the eyes of many and it is now only a matter of time before she is deposed by the likes of Greg Combet or Bill Shorten.  She deserves to go the same way as her predecessor Kevin Rudd, who no doubt is rubbing his hands with glee; what goes around comes around.

    • Daniel says:

      11:31am | 08/03/11

      What’s your point? If Abbott was PM now it would only be in name only. And if the election was held a week earlier, it would have been a clear win to Labor. If it was held last week, Labor would win. If it was held this week, the Libs would win. All it does is show the fickleness of uninformed public opinion. Crying about the Greens and ‘so-called’ independants is hilarious, and saying Gillard ‘connived’ her way into the lodge is laughable. Abbott would have a killed a first born to get in.

    • Michael says:

      12:18pm | 08/03/11

      Amazing how blinkered supporters of one side can claim a lack of legitimacy to govern.  Correct me if I’m wrong but I could have sworn that Abbott didn’t win the election either?  And he had as much opportunity to govern with the independents as Gillard?  But no, silly me - it’s all just a big conspiracy.

    • mel says:

      03:36pm | 08/03/11

      Daniel you little creep how dare you say Abbott would kill a fist born to get in.
      You loathsome little grub so very typical of you and your creepy little posts.

    • Graham B says:

      04:26pm | 08/03/11

      Some reading for you Daniel:    Are you sitting down?  Okay, here’s the bombshell.

      In just FOUR DAYS, the volcanic eruption in Iceland, since its’ first spewing of volcanic ash, NEGATED EVERY SINGLE EFFORT you have made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet - all of us.

      Of course you know about this evil carbon dioxide that we are trying to suppress - it’s that vital chemical compound that every plant requires to live and grow and to synthesize into oxygen for us humans and all animal life.

      I know, it’s very disheartening to realize that all of the carbon emission savings you have accomplished while suffering the inconvenience and expense of: driving Prius hybrids, buying fabric grocery bags, sitting up till midnight to finish your kid’s “The Green Revolution” science project, throwing out all of your non-green cleaning supplies, using only two squares of toilet paper, putting a brick in your toilet tank reservoir, selling your SUV and speedboat, holidays at home instead of abroad, nearly getting hit every day on your bicycle, replacing all of your 50 cent light bulbs with $10.00 light bulbs ...well, all of those things you have done have all gone down the tubes in just four days.

      The volcanic ash emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere in just FOUR DAYS by that volcano in Iceland, has totally erased every single effort you have made to reduce the evil beast, carbon.  And there are around 200 active volcanoes on the planet spewing out this crud out at any one time - EVERY DAY.

      I don’t really want to rain on your parade too much, but I should mention that when the volcano Mt Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it spewed out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the entire human race had emitted in its entire time on earth.  Yes folks, Mt Pinatubo was active for over one year - think about it.

      Of course I shouldn’t spoil this touchy-feely tree-hugging moment and mention the effect of solar and cosmic activity and the well recognised 800 year global heating and cooling cycles, which keep happening, despite our completely insignificant efforts to affect climate change.  I do wish I had a silver lining to this volcanic ash cloud, but the fact of the matter is that the bush fire season across the western USA and Australia this year alone will negate your efforts to reduce carbon in our world for the next two to three years…and it happens every year.

      Just remember that our government is trying to impose a whopping carbon tax on you on the basis of the bogus “human-caused” climate change scenario.  Hey, isn’t it interesting how they don’t mention “Global Warming” any more, but just “Climate Change” - you know why?  It’s because the planet has COOLED by 0.7 degrees in the past century and these global warming bull artists got caught with their pants down.

      Just keep in mind that you might yet have an Emissions Trading Scheme - that whopping new tax - imposed on you, that will achieve absolutely nothing except make you poorer.  It won’t stop any volcanoes from erupting, that’s for sure.

      But hey, relax, give the world a hug and have a nice day!

    • Daniel says:

      05:04pm | 08/03/11

      Wow Graham B, that was a whole lot of dribble not at related to what I posted. But hey, whatever lets you get it off your chest I guess. Since you obviously don’t believe in ‘Global Warming’ do you think there are possibly any other reasons we might want to encourage less reliance on fossil fuels? Any? At all? Give it a try.

    • Daniel says:

      05:12pm | 08/03/11

      mel: You know it’s true though.

      However i’m not sure what other posts of mine you’re referring to. Maybe there is some freak coincidence, and there’s someone else on earth with the same name as me, however unlikely.

    • Diamantina Dick says:

      09:16am | 08/03/11

      I would sincerely like to thank all Labor voters for ousting the Howard Government in 2007. If that Government had been re-elected we would have in place an ETS and in all liklihood Malcom Turnbull as Prime Minister.

      The Election of Kevin Rudd and the subsequent shenannigans of the ALP have ensured that neither of these will ever happen. It’s a shame that we had a ham fisted and over priced approach to economic stimulus and fiscal mangement as collateral damage but in the long run it will be seen as a small price to pay. Time though to resume normal programming and put the adults back in charge at the first available opportunity… This current lot have ensured that the change will be long lasting, at least for a generation.

    • S says:

      12:35pm | 08/03/11

      Would Peter Costello still have resigned?

      I doubt Malcom Turnbull would have got the job of PM over Costello

    • Space Kidette says:

      09:20am | 08/03/11

      Gillard is PM in name only? Truly, what a lot a drivel.

      What is sad about this is that in one of the biggest challenges ever, one that threatens our very survival, one man’s personal ambitions, have created the biggest scare campaign in living memory.

      At a time when bipartisanship is called for, Tony Abbott, with a lazy and compliant media, is more interested in the keys to the Lodge than he is with the survival of this planet.

      Let’s be clear here. Tony proposes to take money from Australian taxpayers and give it to Great Big Polluters - no compensation to the already struggling Australian taxpayers. Julia proposes to take money from the Great Big Polluters and compensate Australian taxpayers for the inevitable price rises that will be passed on to Australians. Using the money she takes from the Great Big Polluters for putting pollution into our atmosphere she will also compensate small businesses and for innovative new programs that aim to reduce carbon emissions.

      Tony’s supposed approach has the taxpayers only bearing the burden for the sins of the Great Big Polluters. It puts a heavy, heavy burden on the Australian budget and does nothing to encourage Great Big Polluters to reduce the amount of carbon they spew out everyday.

      There is a story waiting for an intrepid, investigative journalist who is prepared to take the time and do the analysis of the pro’s and cons of both Carbon Pricing policies.

      The Australian Public deserve the truth. They deserve to be presented with the facts. Their children’s childrens lives could depend on it.

    • Mark says:

      09:52am | 08/03/11

      Dont care. Not listening.
      Global Warming is a socialist scare campaign of epic proportions designed to legislate wealth from the rich and redistribute it to the poor.

    • Ted says:

      09:57am | 08/03/11

      Dear Space Kidette,

      Your message makes one horrendous assumption, and several other significant ones.

      1. You assume that monies raised in this Carbon Tax will be used wisely…. not a Labor strong point I’m afraid. When the process is more important than the goal, it’s hard to celebrate any tangible achievements.
      2. Australia’s contributions (or conversely corrective behaviours) are significant on a global scale…. which quite plainly they are not. 
      3. Labor is not interested in the keys to the Lodge any more than Liberal… an absolutely ridiculous contention.
      Your idealism and naivity is alarming. Your advocacy and anyone elses’ in this situation will not lend support to tangible climate outcomes…. despite this being what you are actually hoping to have achieved. Your support unfortunately will lead to a licence to print money. Climate change is not and should not ever be about making money… neither for Govt nor Business. It is not the next “.com” fad. Unfortunately the Labor party is heading that way, and the gravy train is looking forward to a new cash source.

    • Aitch B says:

      09:59am | 08/03/11

      @Space Kidette

      “..... biggest scare campaign in living memory…..”

      No…. I would put the “Workchoices” scare campaign run by the ALP and the unions in both the 2007 and 2010 elections above this one. And I would suggest that the majority of those against the tax were against it long before any “scare campaign” by the Coalition.

      “Julia proposes to take money from the Great Big Polluters and compensate Australian taxpayers for the inevitable price rises that will be passed on to Australians.”

      Incorrect. Julia’s proposes to compensate SOME of the Australian taxpayers…. mostly the ALP demographic. Many will get none whatsoever because they earn too much or don’t have any dependents. Middle income singles or couples with no dependents will just have to bend over and cop it.

      “The Australian Public deserve the truth. They deserve to be presented with the facts.”

      Can’t dispute that. Julia told us the truth, right? She’s given us facts, right?


    • Barge says:

      10:00am | 08/03/11

      Where do you think the ‘Great Big Polluters’ will get the money from to pay Juliar. They will get it from us by increasing their prices.

    • Anna C says:

      10:01am | 08/03/11

      Space Kidette, people’s opposition to a Carbon TAX has nothing to do with Abbott’s scare campaign.  Why is it so hard for people like you to understand that we are not stupid and know that this tax has nothing to do with fixing the environment; it is another cash grab pure and simple. With cost of living pressures increasingly high, this is the last thing that we need.  A lot of people like myself are not convinced about human induced climate change and are more focussed on just surviving the day to day, which has become increasingly harder due to this government’s economic incompetence and mismanagement.

    • Grounded says:

      10:02am | 08/03/11

      “The Australian Public deserve the truth” - Well we all know we aren’t going to get the truth from Ms. Gillard and co. don’t we.  And what’s all this hogwash about our children’s childrens lives depending on a Labor government carbon tax being introduced and Tony giving money to big polluters from Australian taxpayers ..... Whaaaat?  What an apt name of “Space Kidette”.  You need to spend more time on earth Spacey.

    • Adam Diver says:

      10:03am | 08/03/11

      “one of the biggest challenges ever, one that threatens our very survival”

      You know this is not true, when we disregard nuclear power.

      In any case, she doesn’t need public support, she needs numbers in the senate and HOR. If she knows the extinction of mankind, I am sure she would go futher than a price on carbon. 

      Some logic goes a long way

    • Mick In The Hills says:

      10:19am | 08/03/11

      OK here’s a fact to start with - Aust produces only 1.4% of the world’s emissions.  We could all die out today and the planet’s atmosphere would not notice any difference at all.  We are just not a factor in this issue.  To think we are is delusional.  That’s what the Gillard govt is demonstrating.  Is this truth enough for you, Space Kidette?

    • L. says:

      11:49am | 08/03/11

      “one man’s personal ambitions, have created the biggest scare campaign in living memory”

      Yeah, and his name is Al Gore..

    • hermes says:

      03:54pm | 08/03/11

      @Space Kidette, or should I call you Persephone perchance? Or one of the other ALP apologists too embarrassed to reveal their allegiance, and hiding under a new pseudonym?

    • GediWorrier says:

      09:21am | 08/03/11

      Polls aside, the status quo will remain as long as the two leaders remain. Change one of them, and the whole dynamic changes. Turnbull replaces Abbot, and the Coalition threatens to win in a landslide. Combet replaces Gillard, and Labor looks like a landslide.

    • donna says:

      10:34am | 08/03/11

      Rubbish Abbott is doing a fine job, he will see these “PM” out the door too.

    • Jedi_T says:

      09:28am | 08/03/11

      What a joke!
      What will it take for Australia to get another election short of waiting for another 2+ years.
      The longer we leave this inept Govt in power, the longer Australians will suffer into the future.
      This Govt has managed 3 taxes in 6 months. Does that mean they are aiming for 18 by 3 years? I for one wouldn’t put it past them.

    • Wazza says:

      09:34am | 08/03/11

      Three points.

      First point the Carbon tax is a con. You tax emitters, who pass on the cost of the tax to consumers who are reimburssed by the government. No price signal there.

      Secondly the claims by the greens that people will die if we dont legislate this tax are about as dishonest a claim as i have ever heard from a politian. Our legislating this tax wich wont reduce emissions, wont reduce the world temperature and wont save any people.

      Third point relates to the second in as much as the Greens now have 15% of the primary vote, although the press gallery may be sympothetic to the green agenda, to continually let Christine Milnes nonsense go through to the keeper is more a reflection on the press gallery. They will keep troting out this tripe and stripping Labors left unless the gallery start pulling them up.

    • Pete #205 says:

      11:57am | 08/03/11

      You do realise that you, as a responsible consumer, are free to go and buy your services and products from non-emitters (wind farms for example) and still be reimburssed by the govenment.  That’s your price signal there.

    • NicoleG says:

      09:38am | 08/03/11

      And just who is surprised by this? This carbon tax is the end of her. Thank God for that. I also think she is going to suffer the same fate as Rudd. Watch your back Gillard. Karma’s a biarch.

    • Aasq says:

      12:07pm | 08/03/11

      I’m very surprised that despite being, (according to some of these comments), the worst person to ever live ever, Tony Abbott is still considered as worse. How does he do it, Nicole ?

    • Eduardo says:

      09:38am | 08/03/11

      Several Labor figures have tried to suggest that their scheme mirrors that advocated by the Howard Govt…. there is however one huge difference!
      The then Liberal Govt delivered a $20 billion surplus and left the nation financially sound when they instituted significant policies like this. At least we collectively had a sense that something sensible and accountable was happening with the money, even if the nation didn’t always agree with it. The bottomless pit that is Labor will never be able to achieve that…. there are too many bureaucrats and cronies that need a slice of the pie.
      At least you get the sense that under Abbott there would be an earnest attempt at getting the money to achieve a defined goal, as distinct from Labor “processes” that fail to achieve any goals but look the part.

    • carol says:

      04:03pm | 08/03/11

      And Australia was in safe hands.
      Alas no more.

    • Bazza the Oracle says:

      09:40am | 08/03/11

      aren’t the facts simple enough. We supposedly produce1.5-8 % of the worlds emissions.Some countries have a scheme but those countries also have hydro and nuclear electricity therefore their electricity bills aren’t affected.The major polluters China , USA and India are still charging on increasing emissions and we sell China our coal.If power stations are taxed everything will go up in price.Why is this government and the unions prepared to axe thousands of Aussie jobs for no result?

    • FelicityC says:

      09:42am | 08/03/11

      Wonderful to see the Greens Primary support at a near record high in the latest Newspoll. Whilst Labor and Liberals slug away at each other more and more people are turning to the Greens. Interesting to also note that despite Gillards wishy washy performance her main opponent from the Liberals Dr Strangelove remains universally disliked. Bob Brown from the Greens remains the leader Australians have the most respect for.

    • MB says:

      10:41am | 08/03/11

      Oh get over yourself. 15% is hardly something to be crowing about. What matters is on the polling day and on that day it’s a two horse race. This Greens poll showing is like the last Fed election and Victorian election. The Greens polled high but it was not reflected on election day - because people are not stupid and don’t buy the socialism under the guise of “environmentalism”.  Brown is a leftwing loon and 85%+ of people know it and he will be history eventually. You obviously need to mature a little then you will understand what it is the Greens are, radical socialists.

    • MB says:

      10:42am | 08/03/11

      Oh get over yourself. 15% is hardly something to be crowing about. What matters is on the polling day and on that day it’s a two horse race. This Greens poll showing is like the last Fed election and Victorian election. The Greens polled high but it was not reflected on election day - because people are not stupid and don’t buy the socialism under the guise of “environmentalism”.  Brown is a leftwing loon and 85%+ of people know it and he will be history eventually. You obviously need to mature a little then you will understand what it is the Greens are, radical socialists.

    • FelictyC says:

      11:34am | 08/03/11

      MB poor MB you arnt related to TimB are you ? Well fof a left wing loon Bob Brown is doing well to increase the vote for the Greens MB. Now if we are talking about loons lets look at the leader of the Liberals Dr Strangelove. Hes still way behind the redhead Labor leader in popularity. In fact I would say the Liberals are dragging a large anchor by the name of Abbott. Jettison him and they might just get in but then anothe rproblem arises as they will have to work with the Greens. Maybe Turnbull could do that but not Abbott. See your problems MB ?

    • Louisa says:

      09:44am | 08/03/11

      Game Over!

      Leave the keys under the mat Julia

    • Democrat says:

      09:50am | 08/03/11

      Once people realise the hocus pocus of what Abbott is proposing as his plan to reduce carbon in the atmosphere - at a cost of 30 billion dollars which is all to be taken from the existing budget requiring massive cuts to Health and Education - they will turn on Abbott for the charlatan that he is.  This is a policy that no economist will support. It should also be noted that even in the latest poll Gillard is still the preferred Prime Minister over Abbott.  The man is toxic.

    • TCB 24 X 7 says:

      10:30am | 08/03/11

      Hey democrat.
      Hocus Pocus,your stupid labor has lost billions, you know pink bats etc. Cant protect our borders,Stab elected leader in the back and now Uncle bob is riding gillard like a horse.
      This has got to be the Dumbest and Worst Labor Party Ever to be in Office.

    • Daniel says:

      11:13am | 08/03/11

      Get over the Pink Batts, that’s old news for incessant desperate grasping Libs looking for something to be negative about - the same fools that expected stimulus spending to be extremely efficient during the GFC (omg it didn’t happen!). Also, Australia’s current treatment of Refugees (omg boats) is as per the UN, the alternative (turn the boats around!) is universally panned as inhumane garbage.

    • Denny Crane says:

      12:40pm | 08/03/11

      Daniel - Pink batts may be old news to you but not to those who lost loved ones or watched their house burn down. To me, and anyone with a a brain, it inhumane to entice people onto boats that leads them to their death. Over 200 people have died thanks to Gillards humane policy.

    • Wazza says:

      02:29pm | 08/03/11


      Pink Bats aren’t old news to me, Im having my ceiling inspected 11am Thursday to check for faulty government implementation.

      Did you mean the north Atlantic financial crisis, where debt ridden economies had to pay the ferryman.

      Wake up

    • Daniel says:

      05:10pm | 08/03/11

      Houses burning down, and people dying had nothing to do with the Government.

      Oh, and we ENTICE people to get on death trap boats? Really? Do we send invitations? Does it only count if they are in Australian waters when they die?

      Wazza: Keep pretending re: the GFC. I guess it helps some people maintain the rage.

    • Mattb says:

      08:54pm | 08/03/11

      Oh crap, someone has commented on the liberals climate change policy, quick, change the subject, PINK BATTS, PINK BATTS!.....

    • Steve of Cornubia says:

      09:51am | 08/03/11

      Typical Labor PR from Marr. Trying to suggest that the people’s anger over Gillard’s lying and weak leadership is because the Liberals have whipped it up, is an insult, to Abbott AND to the people.

    • mandy says:

      11:28am | 08/03/11

      Marr has Bats in his Belfry,
      he is just an out and out nutter.

      Just laugh at his antics it’s all they are good for.
      Navel Gazer Marr pffft!

    • BobM says:

      09:55am | 08/03/11

      You are exactly right Malcolm - VOTERS want her out of the job. They have seen first hand that she is a liar and there is no going back from there. The polls will only get worse for her and her. They don’t want this TAX, and they don’t want their country run by the Greens, who polled only 14% in the last election and won ONE seat. The ‘Independents’ have a lot to answer for…..

    • glen says:

      09:57am | 08/03/11

      This red headed slag is an embarrassment to our country

    • Rocket Surgeon says:

      12:36pm | 08/03/11

      Seriously, anyone who thinks referring to the Prime Minister, no matter what you think of their performance, as a “red headed slag” is the embarrassment.

      I used to think the left wing attacks on John Howard were over the top and counterproductive. They have nothing on the venom and drivel that is being spat here.

    • Alan Scott says:

      09:58am | 08/03/11

      The night of the long knives is fast approaching for Julia as it did for Rudd

    • Joan says:

      10:00am | 08/03/11

      2% gain for Greens,  Rejection of Gillard lies or recognition of leadership of Bob Brown PM style role .??.... Both I would say

    • Rick says:

      10:05am | 08/03/11

      While the people of Egypt-Tunisia and Libya are revolting against their autocratic system trying to get some democracy.

      In Australia we are witnessing and experiencing autocracy in action by parti politic and democracy is fading away without any resistance from the people.

      Where the bloody hell are you ?

    • TCB 24 X 7 says:

      10:19am | 08/03/11

      Checkout the internet for dates and times for proposed rallies against carbon tax.

    • Tinman says:

      11:58am | 08/03/11

      Spot on Rick ! Not to mention that all this talk of replacing a leader ( cough we have none ! ) is exactly what the Labor party want. the PARTY is using Juliar to get the PARTIES AGENDA of a Carbon tax up . If they find the tax is still an issue at the next election. They will tap Julawillingscapegoat on the shoulder . This then allows them to change the cover but keep the text ( or taxed)  and tell the masses that they listened. They get their new tax to fix their budget . While poor old Juliar will have to console herself in her new job for the boys ! All political parties will gladly trade a leader to achieve the PARTIES agenda ambitions ! Just as deceitful though are the liberals whom just like Labor with the GST are actually salivating at the thought of a new scam tax to pork barrel elections and fund their agendas etc etc etc. Publicly though they will oppose it. Until the time comes to backflip to the default party $ettings. Two $ides of the $ame coin are our political Partie$. The sad fact is “we the people” like most trapped gamblers, are the losers at each and every toss of the coin ! We talk up our small wins but ignore our great losses ! Both parties do their upmost to subvert our constitutional rights and the very constitution that is the foundation of politicians and laws very existence. If they as parties are willing to subvert the constitution how can we ever trust them not to subvert our rights ! Educate yourselves , read the Constitution , this takes away the parties powers to hoodwink the population . One wonders why the constitution is not taught in schools ?  After all it is suppose to be an education revolution ?  Perhaps that is the point. educating the population as to their rights would actually cause a revolution of knowledge thus removing the power of the parties via their politicians to hoodwink the population and subvert their power !

    • tom says:

      10:06am | 08/03/11

      As far as im concerned, any government that wants to introduce the carbon tax is out.

      This tax is absolutely ridiculous.

      what do world governments do at these conventions.

      ‘I Know, lets create some fear in the our people, then create some new taxes’..

      what a joke.. we do not need a tax for carbon..

    • seen enough says:

      10:09am | 08/03/11

      No one has mentioned Labor’s LAX IMMIGRATION POLICIES as a reason for the fall in Labor’s / Gillard’s popularity.  Another boat rocking up on our shores makes my blood boil.  Especially since I have to pay for looking after these 10,000 illegall arrivals.  Labor has lost the plot and is selling us out on all fronts…..as are the Greens.

    • Anna C says:

      10:33am | 08/03/11

      Seen enough, I totally agree with your sentiments.  I am sick to death of this government putting OUR national interests always last.  This government purposely disregards what we the taxpayers want and goes out of their way to help people like illegals.  How many billions are now being spent feeding and housing illegal boat people?  When are they going to put the interests of taxpayers first for a change?  Why should we be expected to keep opening our wallets to pay for their dud policies and schemes?

    • matt says:

      11:35am | 08/03/11

      I believe they are hoping we forget people washed onto rocks, over 4000 beds opened for the boat people under her watch, while our Hospitals are in limbo.

      The open invite to all and sundry is absolutely one of the reasons for the drop in the polls.
      Also the other big lie.
      If you bring children you will get a free pass,
      can’t bear to think how that will play out,
      we wouldn’t even know if the children were not grabbed by single males wanting to come in.

    • Michael says:

      12:48pm | 08/03/11

      We will be overrun by the brown people!  Man the lifeboats!  No, wait…

      They are not “illegals”.  Their arrival here is perfectly ok under Australian and international law.  Whether they are genuine refugees or not is another matter.  But just think - some of them might actually be escaping from something terrible.

    • Peter says:

      10:09am | 08/03/11

      According to our commentators, there was no problem with the CPRS, it was just the sales pitch that failed. Similarly, there was no problem with the mining tax, it was just the sales pitch that failed. Now again we read, there is no problem with the carbon tax, it’s just the sales pitch that is failing.

      How about this for an earth shattering theory. It’s not the sales pitches that have been the problem, it’s the dud products.

    • Chris j says:

      10:39am | 08/03/11

      Hey Peter, how about this for another theory. ALL dud products are identified by the media and voters as dud products. Then we might get people to understand that the this country they got very close to getting these very dud ones:

      The Boat Phone
      $10 Billion election commitment black hole
      levy on business for generous parental leave, incl. high wage earners
      The government paying polluters directly out of our taxes to stop emitting carbon
      a $20 billion black hole in carbon purchase program
      a leader who can only be believed when he gives his word in writing
      a leader who lets an American commander of the hook for an Aussie soldier’s death by saying that sh*&t happens’
      an economy in recession because we ‘couldn’t afford’ stimulus money to buffer the global economic downturn
      a narcissistic prime minister who’s would ‘do anything’ to be elected
      a billion dollar bill for a hospital in Tasmania
      a country with a dog-eat-dog industrial relations system where ordinary workers will be required to negotiate directly and individually with their corporate bosses just to get fair conditions
      the sending offshore of billions of $ of lost revenue from wealthy mining companies for digging up and selling our natural resources while our national rail, port, road, education and hospital system goes under funded

      Wow, looks like the dud policies are everywhere. So next time you start cherry picking, maybe you and the media can look at the very real problems with the alternative (for once)

    • simon says:

      10:10am | 08/03/11

      Where is persephone and the badger today. I guess they are trying to cook up ways to make all this look like Tony Abbott’s fault. Good luck with that guys!!

    • Bris Jack says:

      11:52am | 08/03/11

      The TA stalkers, I went looking for them too. But it is Tony’s fault, Julia just told America it is.

    • Jedi_T says:

      12:26pm | 08/03/11

      LOL @ Bris Jack
      Spot on lad.
      Know I thought that Obama was an alright bloke, but after the praise the fool layered Gillard in, well lets just say i wont be paying much attention to what he says moving forward.

    • Gerry says:

      10:10am | 08/03/11

      Gillard and Swan are truly deluded to keep blaming Abbotts scare campaign for their woe’s. I see Gillard in America this morning on our screens and all she can say still is Tony Abbott launched his scare campaign and he’s wrecker, Swan on the ABC doing exactly the same thing. Do they realise how stupid this sounds? We aren’t a country of 2 year olds for goodness sake. I wish they would grow up and take responsibilty for their own mess!

    • TCB 24 X 7 says:

      10:11am | 08/03/11

      To all Aussies,
      Check on internet For Proposed Dates and Times Of Proposed Rallies Against Carbon Tax.

    • Geoff says:

      10:14am | 08/03/11

      Sorry…  Labor/Gillard/the-LWmedia…  all have missed the point.  Either deliberately or because they are clueless.  This isn’t the result of a scare campaign.
      Labor is the problem, Julia is a disappointment and the Green/Independent alliance government is a failure.

      The Greens get hardly any votes yet all we see is a green agenda.  Independents who get even less of the vote are the tails wagging the Labor dog, and boy is this a DOG of a government.
      Labor is still incompetent… and running in the wrong direction.
      TAX, TAX, TAX…
      Flood tax, Mining tax, Carbon tax…  is this Labor’s answer to everything? The average Australian is all taxed out.  We have limited funds and it seems Labor thinks we have limitless funds.

    • Michael says:

      10:18am | 08/03/11

      This constant Labor-bashing by the News Ltd press really does get tiresome.  Everyone just needs to step back and have a think about the issue rather than regurgitating opinion pieces. 
      As far as leaders go, Gillard /Labor have been accused of all manner of sins.  Sometimes fairly, sometimes not.  But consider the alternative - Abbot, with his constant negativity (he’s like the two old men in “The Muppets” - plenty of criticism but not much that’s constructive)  and the Liberal party, full of has-beens with an undercurrent of racism.  There seems to be no will to achieve a positive change in the country, only a desire for power.  We face serious issues like climate change and all they can shout is “Tax! Tax!” despite the Howard government introducing all manner of taxes and levies (including one on milk for God’s sake.  Where were the “working families are doomed” cries on that one?).
      Just saying, be careful what you wish for…

    • simon says:

      10:39am | 08/03/11

      You are clearly deluded Michael, Howard took his GST to an election and won a mandate, Gillard would never do that she would be out on her fat arse. You are obviously ok with Gillard lying to Australians to get elected and then in true dictator style trying to push some new tax onto all of us against the wishes of the electorate.

    • Chris j says:

      10:45am | 08/03/11

      Here here Michael, some sense on this otherwise rationality free zone. And that nonsense includes Mr Farr’s very ordinary piece which began the tirades - I assume they pay him for that lazy regurgitary garbage? C’mon Malcolm, please please please do some real work and try and stop this country from delving into the depths of inanity and mindless populism!!!

    • Michael says:

      12:39pm | 08/03/11

      I’m not ok with politicians lying.  Are you ok with Abbott and his “I only tell the truth if I’ve thought about it for a while and it’s written down” statement?  Or “children overboard” scandal of the Howard years?
      I’m not a Gillard fan - personally I think she’s under-performing - I just think that some focus on the real issues would be a pleasant change.  That goes for both the opposition and the media.

    • Singh says:

      10:21am | 08/03/11

      You didn’t cry foul when John Howard imposed gst and breaking his promise.

      Australian politicians are hopeless.

      Haven’t heard you talking abt Abbott’s hatred politics. You are shameless and bitter human being.

    • TCB 24 X 7 says:

      10:37am | 08/03/11

      Singh you fool,
      Howard put the gst to an election and nearly lost.
      gillard has not got the Guts to on the carbon tax for she knows she will Lose.

                    P.S Name Abbotts hatred policies.

    • Rhys says:

      10:49am | 08/03/11

      Ahh Singh…while it is true that Howard changed his view on the GST. He actually took the policy to the election, having a mandate to do so….and won.
      Comparing this to Gillard who categorically rules out a carbon tax, then tries to slide it through without it being an election issue, as though we wouldn’t notice….

    • Anna C says:

      10:55am | 08/03/11

      Yes Singh, we know that all politicans are hopeless but at least Howard (who I hated by the way) went to an election saying that he was going to introduce a GST if he got elected; which he did.  Julia on the otherhand has to do the Greens bidding cause she has not real power of her own and knows that if an election was called today she would be out on her arse.
      In response to Abbott’s so called hatred politics, while I am no Abbott lover I know that people like Scott Morrison and Cory Bernardi are just echoing the concerns that a heck of a lot of people in the community have about immigration in particular muslim immigration but are too scared to say anything cause they know they will be accused of being racists.  Like it or not Australia is a free country and if people want to hold alternate views on anything including immigration they can. I mean really isn’t that one of the reasons why so many people want to come here in the first place.

    • Aussie Born and Bred says:

      10:22am | 08/03/11

      I can’t help but think Julia has taken this US trip as a last hurrah, knowing that the knives are being sharpened and the dogs released.

      Bye, Jools; it was an embarrassment having you as a PM.

    • Ryan says:

      10:29am | 08/03/11

      Carbon already has a price, you can get 10kg of it in briquettes for $19.95 at Barbeques Galore.
      They are just so full of semantics it’s disgusting, Wayne Swan saying it’s not a traditional tax therefore not breaking an election promice and it’s just being put on the big polluters.  However it does mean that the ‘big polluters’ (ie. the people who generate our electricity) are taking a hit and will raise prices to customers (the Australian public) and as we are paying them more - the government is getting more on the sales tax/GST on top of what they are getting from the ‘big polluters’ in what they charge on tax.  Don’t ask where the money is going either, you know it won’t be to anything environmental.  Yes climate change is happening, it is called climate change just in case it goes colder instead of hotter so they can’t be shown to be wrong later.  Will a carbon price/tax in Australia reverse or slow down any environmental impact? Not likely.  There are only 24 million of us, there are cities alone in the USA (much less in asia etc.) that have more people than we do.  So nothing we do is going to change a thing - and it’s a global issue, we can’t fix it for our area alone. 
      As per usual from a pathetic, short sighted and self important ALP government, it’s just a revenue raiser to cover their other failings and budget blow outs

    • tony says:

      10:32am | 08/03/11

      Rudd, Gillard?  Who’s next?  Not to worry all those labor supporters out there.  When they have fallen into a heap (which won’t be long) that other hero of yours Malcolm Turnbull will finally have a party to lead.  If you all think he is so good then he can take over the labor party because there’s no room for him at the moment in the liberals.  Hahahahahaha.

    • Chris says:

      10:34am | 08/03/11

      Bring back Kevin in 11!

    • Jack says:

      10:35am | 08/03/11

      I detest every single politician, but this woman is extra special. She is a lying, conniving train wreck, and I feel sorry for all the people who were sucked in by her before the election. And to you voting women, I am looking squarely at you because you were the gullible sexist dopes who voted her in purely on the basis of her gender and do not even try to deny it. Get rid of this idiot before she sinks this country.

    • MarkH says:

      10:36am | 08/03/11

      One major flaw in everyone’s disdain of Gilard, Swan et al. Labor shouldn’t be allowed to get away with things with ease. Abbott and the Coalition have never had it so good electorally, why would they want a change when Labor is own goaling itself so effectively?

      Much better to leave them where there are and let them hang themselves I say. Let the term run it’s course and allow them to prove beyond a doubt what everyone already knows. That Labor are unelectable.

    • Lois says:

      10:36am | 08/03/11

      so what have we to show for the biggest spending government this nation has ever seen-apart from record debt? (nearly 3 times what Keating racked up & counting)? Nothing but failed programmes, scrapped programmes, compensation left right & centre (batts, green loans, asylum seekers to name a few) Health in a diabolical position-they have has 3 1/2 years this mob… & now they want to tax the air we breathe!I just hope those voted Labor may have seent he folly of their ways..& don’t forget this. Let’s vote out the lying backstabbing woman we call ‘PM’...& I am not being mean-just telling the truth which is something she finds difficult to do..

    • Ted says:

      11:27am | 08/03/11

      Every time you use your medicare card at the doctors, take your four weeks annual leave, and eventually access your superannuation, thank the labor movement for these iniatives, not thase right wing northshore nazis.
      Everytime you you get slugged 10% on goods at the cash register, thank John Howard, who lied to us blatantly and said we will never have a gst,then conned Meg Lees (Democrats), into supporting him, and today that party is non existent!
      You obviously want that sexist, Say No to everything, stammering, nasty bit of work, called Abbott, to be the next PM, with the three amigos Joyce, Hockey & Robb, what a bunch of inarticulate fools,... and they won’t tax us!
      Stop listening to Alan Jone, watching Foxtel and reading the Telegraph, get your head out of the sand, stop being a follower, wake up!!

    • Kathy says:

      10:38am | 08/03/11

      Another money making scheme as far as the working class are concerned. If they were for real they would actually do something to help everybody use less carbon. We would all love to reduce our electricity bills but not many can afford the solar power panels. We are sick of lining the pockets of politicians and want something back for a change.

    • Chris says:

      10:40am | 08/03/11

      What the polls tell us is that Gillard became the Prime Minister under false pretences. Hers is a fraud on Australia. Clearly if she had not intentionally lied during the election (and instead campaigned for a carbon tax), then she wouldn’t be in government today. In fact, she wouldn’t even be in politics anymore because todays poll shows that she would’ve led Labor to its worst ever election result.

    • Chris j says:

      10:59am | 08/03/11

      Chris, Gillard formed a minority government, as Abbott would have had to do if the independents had of sided with him. I get the feeling you would not have called his government illegitimate?

      I also doubt whether you care that Abbott’s position on any given issue can only be trusted if it is in writing. Or that he rolled his leader too. Or that he didn’t actually win government for the Liberal party despite some very major ALP problems, including dumping a PM and perceived mismanagement of government programs?  Or that his finance teal are inept?

    • Holly says:

      10:43am | 08/03/11

      Meanwhile industry captains are knocking on Julia Gillard’s door eager to be involved in the discussions resulting from the announcement of this carbon pricing framework, realising the urgency of the problem.  They asked for consultation and now they are getting it.  Tony Abbott has effectively sidelined himself.  Tony Abbott can do what he’s good at, bull dust and bluster to his hearts content, but will become totally irrelevant while the Labor government and the stakeholders get on with the job. 

      I wait patiently to hear someone in the media explain that the plan is to price carbon dioxide emmissions for only the top polluters in this country and that low and middle income earners will be compensated for the small impact it will have on their personal cost of living.  This is hardly catastrophic stuff.

      Listening to Andrew Robb trying to explain on Insiders how the coalition’s non effective scheme would work was painful in the extreme.  He has no idea.  Since the coalition is committed to the same pollution reduction targets would someone please start asking them why we the taxpayers should pay directly for the coalition scheme rather than the polluters.

    • simon says:

      10:57am | 08/03/11

      Holly, you are completely out of touch with the rest of Australia. A carbon tax will do absolutely nothing to reduce emissions, it will cripple Australia and push carbon jobs offshore. This is about communist wealth distribution not about saving the environment!!!

      Tony Abbott’s plan to plant 2 million trees will do much more to reduce emissions than this psychotic tax.

    • warren says:

      11:10am | 08/03/11

      Business just wants to know how much BIG NEW tax will cost..
      They cannot plan anything.

      They did not have to worry just before the election because there was NOT going to be a Big NEW TAX remember?
      Smaller business is shutting doors as we speak.

    • Anjuli says:

      10:44am | 08/03/11

      If they are genuine about carbon the why are they still digging coal out of the ground.

    • Chris j says:

      10:51am | 08/03/11

      because Anjuli, the Australian people don’t want to completely upend the Australian economy. Stopping coal mining in Australia tomorrow will not make a single dent in global emissions.

      What people don’t realise is that a price on carbon is a econically responsible way to restructure the Australian economy over the next 20-30 years so that we will be at least in the game when the world prices carbon - which it is already doing and will continue to do so. A 19th century economy which relies on carbon intensive industry or resources extraction will not survive. Thank God that we at least have an Australian government who gets this.

      I implore everyone on this forum to just think more broadly and give our children an economic future in this country.

    • stevem says:

      12:23pm | 08/03/11

      Chris j, You may very well be right that the economy may need to be restructured to survive. Julia went to the election promising no carbon price would be applied during the current parliamentary term. We knew she and the Labor party favoured a tax and we believed her at her word.

      What we thought would happen is that she would spend 3 years formulating a carefully crafted plan with full(ish) understanding of the effects on the economy both for the domestic economy and for trade exposed industries. What we have instead is a half baked plan with none of the costs or effects analysed and due to be implemented in 15 months. We have repeatedly seen what happens when this government implements its schemes with insufficient planning.

      When the GFC was at its height spending did need to be done and the lack of planning and oversight was forgivable, albeit barely. If done poorly a carbon price could inflict untold damage upon the Australian economy.

      This is why even those in favour of a carbon price are railing at the decision. We need and deserve a government we can trust. Instead it seems we have a government prepared to go which ever way the wind blows - and the Greens and independents are currently fanning the breeze for their own benefit. This government has shown over the last four years that we cannot trust it to be either competent or honest.

    • Disgusted Voter says:

      10:45am | 08/03/11

      At the end of all this debacle there will be no improvement in the output of carbon in this country. All that will happen is that the polluters will put the prices up for their goods to cover the increase. More & more we are seeing the erosion of democracy in Australia. Gillard who is a well known communist sympathiser will then hand back to the poor & the elderly in Australia some of this tax. So in fact we are seeing the growth of communist style governement under the guise of saving the planet.  Robbing the rich to buy votes from the poor doesn’t work Joo-liar….because it’s the rich that provide the jobs…& if we have no rich people we have no money to pay the workers….unless your aim is to make wages “one size fits all”  that are paid by the central government.

    • Govt.Fauxhero says:

      10:47am | 08/03/11

      “Kevin is my mate”, “No Carbon Tax”, “It’s Good for the Nation, Australia needs this” “We will open a detention center in[ Darwin]East Timor” Quotes from the diary of a pathological liar, even the diehard lefties who voted Greens are waking up to the B.S.

    • Concerned says:

      10:47am | 08/03/11

      Methinks the end result is going to be Shorten-sharp and sooner than 2.5 years out.

    • JPK says:

      10:48am | 08/03/11

      News Ltd saying it so does’nt make it so Malcolm.

    • Joe says:

      10:57am | 08/03/11

      Gillard promised during her campaign that there wont be carbon tax because she thought she can shut the Greens up and support her. But it has gone the other way around, and she now realises that they have dug their own political graves. Enough of her never-ending taxes, there’s nothing left in our pay packets. Time for another election.

    • The Masked Commenter says:

      10:58am | 08/03/11

      Technically speaking, Gillard has never been voted in by the Australian public anyway. First she forced Rudd out and in the last election the coalition won more seats but Labor sucked up to the independents better. It was the independents who gave labor government, not the public.

    • Destry says:

      11:02am | 08/03/11

      “An Essential Media survey found 59 per cent of voters believed Ms Gillard had gone back on her word”. Does this mean that 41% of Aussies have an IQ that has plunged into negative territory? Remember 17 August 2010?  “Julia Gillard has said there will be no tax on carbon while she leads the federal government”.  And now, after fornicating with the Greens due to her unbridled ambition, she’s about to give birth to the carbon tax baby. Hello?  Still with me?

    • Daniel says:

      11:03am | 08/03/11

      Only 53% against the Carbon Pricing? Imagine how low that’ll go when people actually know what the plan is, and not just the opposition lies.

    • Denise says:

      11:03am | 08/03/11

      Gillard has got to go, she does not deserve to Govern this country anymore as she has blantantly lied about the carbon tax

    • Bert says:

      11:11am | 08/03/11

      Rudd’s carbon tax was going to cost labor the election.. so what do they do?  Bring in a new leader to say no tax.  She gets elected and then implements the tax as originally planned.  And it’s nothing to worry about now because they’ll come up with another cunning plan the next time around.  I just hope that people will see through these kind of things and vote wisely next time.  Labor got elected by pretending not to be labor.  Regardless of what they’re trying to do or how noble/un-noble their goals are with the tax, their first and foremost responsibility is to represent Australians and clearly, they do not.

    • Richard says:

      11:11am | 08/03/11

      This is a thumping article, very factual (if a little muted) in its commentary and pleasurable for me to read.

      A few observations/speculations if I may:
      1. Either the last newspoll was rogue, or swinging voters are morons. Seriously, read the last three newspolls in a row, and if the middle one isn’t rogue, then basically that means a massive proportion of the population ditched the coalition and plumped for Labor basically just because Tony Abbott said “shit happens” (in a private conversation with diggers), but then they promptly swung back to the Liberals two weeks later because Julia Gillard “lied” about a carbon tax.

      Everyone with any sort of brain knew that Labor were going to try to price carbon this term, especially after it became clear that Labor were going to have to cooperate with the Greens more closely this term. Only a truly stupid voter would have thought to themselves “I’ll support Labor, but if they bring in a carbon tax I’ll support Liberal”, because it was inevitable the government would attempt to bring in a carbon tax at some stage, so they should have just supported Liberal from the get go.

      2. Gillard is safe, and not just because of the hung parliament either. There is a lot of misconception around as to why Rudd was actually dumped. It wasn’t because he was trailing in the polls, that was just used as political cover. The real reason was because the petty tyrants and union thugs in the back rooms absolutely HATED him. It was (and is) a blinding, visceral hatred that pushed out all capacity for rational thought.

      I was shocked the night Labor dumped Rudd, because I knew it would cost them in the election (and I predicted so at the time as well, well every other political commentator was gushing about what a coup it was and how Abbott had no chance now), and cost them dearly (nearly government in the end, certainly their majority).

      Well Gillard, whilst a much poorer PM in the eyes of the people, is actually quite loved by the party. Maybe is because she is easily pushed around and manipulated, maybe its because she’s just soooo incompetent she doesn’t demand too much from other people. I don’t know why, (probably got something to do with her being “such a good communicator”, whatever that means), but Labor seems far more willing for their ship to sink while being loyal to this captain, rather than to stay afloat under the previous captain.

      And these are the people who are now in charge of our economy…

      3. The government is banking on public opinion shifting once they’ve released more details about their carbon tax, but if they’re hoping it will help them they’re wrong. Public opinion will get worse and worse for them and harden even further against their tax as the cost of living keeps spiralling out of control over the course of this year. The next election will be fought on the cost of living issue, speficallly on how petrol and electricity prices are too high already, and who ever wins will be the ones who prove that they are listening, and that they have a plan to reduce these prices.

      Labor is not listening, and they have a plan to increase these prices, not decrease them. I cannot believe how stupid they are, but if they have ears, listen to me now, this tax of yours is poison, and if you think the situation is bad now, let me tell you, its going to get a whole lot worse as energy prices rise and inflation/stagflation really sets in 70’s style.

    • Elphaba says:

      11:23am | 08/03/11

      Great piece.  grin

    • Daniel says:

      11:49am | 08/03/11

      I find it funny that people think the Liberals will some how be able to control cost of living. Likey the could control interest rates I guess? How are they going to control electricity prices? Fuel prices? Grocery prices?

      These people are now in charge of our economy, that is GOING GREAT. But please, ignore that fact.

      The simple fact you seem to ignore, is that there is no majority government. Regardless of who is in power there is going to be compromise and change to promises made in the last election. It’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. You either try and do something, or simply do nothing. The most disturbing thing is how quickly these polls turn around, and the reasons they turn. The ‘election deciding voters’ seem to be amazingly fickle - and that’s amazingly scary.

    • kosmiester says:

      11:58am | 08/03/11

      spot on…
      But I still think the price on carbon will be passed.
      And they will lose the next election.

    • Gavin says:

      12:10pm | 08/03/11

      Yes, and you quite clearly have the authority to speak on behalf of millions of people you’ve never met. You don’t know what public opinion will do - thats why its public, its not ‘the opinion of one person.’ PS, don’t preface your opinion with ‘anyone with a brain’ statements. Its a rhetorical trick. I have a brain, its big and juicy and filled with knowledge and wisdom. Millions of Australians likewise. Don’t condescend. Persuasion has a tone, and its not present in your comment.

    • Elphaba says:

      12:35pm | 08/03/11

      @Daniel, I don’t believe the Libs can control cost of living, any more than I thought Labor could with FuelWatch and GroceryWatch.  I knew as soon as they promised them, they’d be unmitigated failures.  The economy cannot be wrangled by the government of the day.

      What a smart Govt can do though, is not make the situation any worse than it has to be.

    • Joanne says:

      11:13am | 08/03/11

      i don;‘t think anyone should be allowed to talk in public about greenhouse gases, anthropogenic global warming, climate change, global climate weirindg or global climate disruption or whatver the name is this week until they have read every single article on the Number 1 Science Blog in the World - Wattsupwiththat.com - Anyone that hasn’t read every single article there should shut their ignorant mouths.

    • bobw says:

      11:51am | 08/03/11

      What, so everyone allowed to engage in public debate would derive their “expertise” from a single source of information?  Brilliant.

    • JamieW says:

      08:03pm | 08/03/11

      “Brilliant.” says the man with the ultimatum the “the economy is dependent on the environment”.

      I’ve never seen the complexities of climate, life and business summed up so conclusively before

    • Its Obvious says:

      11:20am | 08/03/11

      Labor = Socialist = Wealth Distriubtion.

    • Chris j says:

      11:44am | 08/03/11

      Liberal = right wing economic rationalists = champions of big business = entrenched privilege

      [both my statement and yours, Its Obvious, are ridiculous and inane generalisations]

    • Jennie says:

      11:27am | 08/03/11

      The bad polls aren’t Julia’s fault they’re Tony’s fault, Swan and Gillard are screaming. The arrogance of these guys beggars belief!

    • DomS says:

      11:30am | 08/03/11

      “There will never be a carbon tax under the government I lead”
      She wasn’t lying, she was bi-truthing! raspberry

    • Bris Jack says:

      11:32am | 08/03/11

      So does this mean 59% of population are fools and listen to the shock jockes?
      this poll could shoot down this theory of the lefties.

    • Luke says:

      11:32am | 08/03/11

      Looks like Labor and the media’s “scare campaign” against Abbotts “scare campaign” FAILED. LOL

    • Brian Taylor says:

      11:45am | 08/03/11

      they say a picture is worth 1000 words, that cartoon cracked me up thanks for the laugh
      if you don’t mind,I’m sending it to everyone on my mailing list.
      julia had better enjoy her week’s hoilday in the staes because she sure as hell will not enjoy her return to Australia.
      Hint Julia, ask Obamd if you could please, please, please stay at gitmo instead of having to return here.

    • Catching up says:

      11:46am | 08/03/11

      I am amused.  PM Gillard is labelled a liar because she changed her mind, after a hung vote led to a minority government.  This government whether some like it or not, is the result of the way people voted.  Under our parliamentary they have the right to government while they have the numbers on the floor of the Lower house or for three years.  Nothing in the Constitution about polls forcing the government to call an election. Mr. Brown, the Greens Leader is as much PM as Ms. Meg Lees was when she enabled Mt. Howard to get through the GST.

      We have, Mr. Abbott, the Opposition Leader is going around the country spreading lies on how the proposed price on carbon will hit your hip pocket when he has no figures to base his allegations on.  It may not be a lie, if he said this is what could happen.. He is not saying this, he is saying this will happen.  My definition of a lie.

    • simon says:

      02:22pm | 08/03/11

      It will hit your hip pocket catching up, every single thing you buy will increase in price. Abbott is being 100% honest, Gillard on the other hand is a two faced, delusional dictator. I think many people agree with me when I say that I can not believe a word that comes out of her mouth!!

    • Christian Real says:

      05:46pm | 08/03/11

      Hell will freeze over before Tony Abbott ever becomes honest,and you are being far too generous giving Tony Abbott 100% for honesty, I would have gave him 1/2%, but I am feeling a little bit generous, so I will give him 1% for total honesty.
      That 1% was when abbott said “Don’t believe everything I say.”, and that ” The only statements that need to be taken absolutely as the gospel truth are those carefully prepared scripted remarks. ”

    • kosmiester says:

      11:48am | 08/03/11

      I have heard it ALL now. What are you guys smoking? Are you winning? to quote our beloved Charlie Sheens!
      First we had core and non core promises from Howard.
      Then we had the “don’t believe anything I say unless it is written down” by Abbott and now this mob want to throw stones at JULIAR. Give me a break.
      Who cares what price they put on carbon. Has anyone noticed what price the market puts on carbon each day?
      Just think how much TAX Abbott was going to levy our companies to provide more middle class welfare in the form of parental leave. Who do you think was going to pay for it… YES you the punter!!!

      And if anyone hasn’t noticed, I think we are now surely scraping the bottom of the barrel in the cailbre of our politicians, no party excluded. 
      Here is my two cents worth.
      1. The carbon price will get through. It will be a clayton’s version.
      2. The punters out there will be subsidised.
      3. The coalition will change leadership. Malcolm will come to power.
      4.  The coalition will win the next election.
      5.  Nothing will be repealed. The NBN and Carbon price will stand.
      6. And the conservative mob on this blog will rejoice.

      Because they really don’t care about policy… just winning!!

      GO Charlie!

    • David says:

      11:51am | 08/03/11

      What a bunch of vapid, nasty, ignorant people most of you guys are. I’ve had it, I can not read one more word of your bile.

      Disgraceful, I sure as hell hope I never meet 90% of you guys.

    • Not happy says:

      02:52pm | 08/03/11

      I agree.  This whole forum has left a bad tase in my mouth. I’ve never seen so much venomous drivel come from eitherside of the party loyals.. you people disgust me…. your all arm chair / keyboard warriors, really. Get on with your jobs and lives.. Protest if you want, dont protest if you are happy.  Otherwise move to Libya and protest there.

    • Holly says:

      11:51am | 08/03/11

      Of course this will just be a blip in the polls.  I am pleased we have a prime minister who prior to the election promised a price on carbon and now we are going to get a price on carbon.  If you all want to call a price a tax well good on you.  But she will get on with the job of making the environmental and economic reforms this country needs to remain competitive and create jobs in the future.  If you are all going to be jerked around by Tony Abbott’s puppet strings well so be it.  He will never get to be pm and when either Malcolm or Joe steps up to the plate, the coalition policy will change once more as both believe in pricing carbon and a market solution.  Of course they will have to lie and basically prostitute themselves in the meantime.  Nevermind when they do change the policy then you can all start shrieking again.  What fun!

    • simon says:

      12:23pm | 08/03/11

      Holly you are living in fairy land if you think a carbon price will lower emissions. Humans only contribute 3% of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and with our piddly 1.38% contribution to that 3% will make virtually zero difference.

      Also, Gillard stated on 5 occasions prior to the election that there would be no carbon tax, you have a serious case of selective hearing i think.

    • Anna C says:

      12:41pm | 08/03/11

      Holly how old are you 12?  Because you certainly are niave if you think that a carbon TAX is going to make us more competitive and create jobs in the future.  If we go ahead and introduce this TAX it will make Australia anything but competitive against big polluters like China.  To go ahead with this TAX when we only produce around 1% of the world’s pollution will result in the destruction of our economy; it’s economic suicide.  Has it escaped your notice that our economy is now heavily reliant on mining and exporting minerals like coal etc which isn’t exactly ‘green’?  Also tell me Holly what exactly are these jobs that the TAX will create?  People like you and the Greens are always going on about these new jobs and I’m sure we would all really like to know what they are.

    • Anna C says:

      12:41pm | 08/03/11

      Holly how old are you 12?  Because you certainly are niave if you think that a carbon TAX is going to make us more competitive and create jobs in the future.  If we go ahead and introduce this TAX it will make Australia anything but competitive against big polluters like China.  To go ahead with this TAX when we only produce around 1% of the world’s pollution will result in the destruction of our economy; it’s economic suicide.  Has it escaped your notice that our economy is now heavily reliant on mining and exporting minerals like coal etc which isn’t exactly ‘green’?  Also tell me Holly what exactly are these jobs that the TAX will create?  People like you and the Greens are always going on about these new jobs and I’m sure we would all really like to know what they are.

    • Eduardo says:

      12:06pm | 08/03/11

      Some Observations
      1. Climate change should not ever be a licence to print money, neither for Govt nor Business. Money does not equal results.
      2. Anyone that advocates that money equals results probably has an alterior motive.
      3. Most people in our society (from all sides of the political spectrum) do actually want some significant improvements in the treatment of our environment… we need to minimise the impact our footprint, and do better at preserving our surroundings. This does not mean however that most people are believers in the “Greens”.... the Greens do not “own” the societal conscience on environmental matters even though they’d like to. You can even be a climate change sceptic and still think we need to improve our environmental impact.
      4. Most people don’t want to be taxed, and certainly not without having a bloody good idea of the goals.
      5. Processes must lead to goals… you can’t just have a bunch of really “good” or “appealing” processes that look the part but yield no results.
      6. If you tax the hell out of business the bottom line will change - eventually the shareholder (public, institutional, or private) will want their pound of flesh…. so the consumer will have to cop a price increase….. You can’t sell it any other way.

    • Scot says:

      12:10pm | 08/03/11

      Kevin Rudd does not even believe in climate change, or what other name you want to tag to it. Rudd has just purchased a very expensive beach shack in southern Queensland near the seaside. So looks like he has moved on and knows that the so called experts are just snake oil salesmen.

    • bobw says:

      01:48pm | 08/03/11

      Your conclusion does not follow from its “premise”.

    • Ken says:

      01:57pm | 08/03/11

      Even as a troll this is painfully stupid. Let’s take you at face value, if your story is true, and assuming that the property would be in a an area projected to be flooded, how does that invalidate all the tomes of evidence pointing to climate change? It might mean Rudd feels the government will simply build sea walls, or that by the time the water encroaches he will be long gone, or that he’s simply a short sighted moron.

      The presumption that scientists are engaged in a monumental conspiracy is ludicrous, after all if they cared about money and power they’d be politicians or merchant bankers, not scientists. Add to that the impossibility of keeping such a massive conspiracy involving hundreds of thousands if not millions of people quiet and its obvious your suggestion is lunacy. Even after that and we still assume the scientists are engaged in an absurd conspiracy, it would be exposed by simply looking at the data and performing your own measurements. Then we have to ask, how are they going to profit by this conspiracy anyway?

      On the other hand, if you’re trolling and you don’t actually believe what you say, then your basically stabbing yourself in the eye for a laugh.

    • B J of Syd says:

      03:12pm | 08/03/11

      Yes Scot it is interesting.  The oceans are supposed to rise by a few metres due to global warming but everwhere except in front of Kevin Rudd’s seaside resort and not outside Al Gore’s Florida oceanfront home.  The rest of us are going to drown it would appear.  The fact that they manage to keep a straight face while toting this garbage out to the public in the name of CC is laughable.

    • bobw says:

      04:22pm | 08/03/11

      What’s “interesting”, B J of Syd, is that you made that post after Ken, with admirable patience, took the time to point up the basic absurdity of Scot’s claim.  Did you even read Ken’s post?

    • geoffry says:

      12:14pm | 08/03/11

      It is amazing to me how so many people are so stupid they take positions against their own interests, and are so easily swayed by the ignorant lies of people with clear conflicts of interest and dubious conscience. Thanks to generations of corporate sponsored propaganda the population has become trained to have a pavlovian negative response to words like tax, debt, welfare, unions, regulation or socialism. The meanings of the words are irrelevant, it may as well be rapists, or murderers.

      This country is becoming the retarded cousin of America. There is no hope for the future.

    • Anna C says:

      12:55pm | 08/03/11

      And of course YOU Geoffry are above all that.  You must really hate democracy cause it means all us pesky people get to have our say.  I really hope what you were being a little tongue in cheek cause otherwise you really should get to a Proctologist quick smart to have your head removed from your arse.

    • geoffry says:

      05:36pm | 08/03/11

      Actually Anna, I hate the corruption of democracy in which you so obviously revel. Do you seriously believe your opinions are your own?

      If you’re such a lover of democracy, then why are people of your ilk so determined to do everything possible to misinform, distract and distort? Take your misleading response to me for example.

    • yofussn says:

      12:17pm | 08/03/11

      Would be enlightening to know how Christine Milne could get away with purporting solar as a base load power generator, without anyone asking how could that possibly be so considering the sun only shines if it does at its unclouded peak no more than a quarter of a full twenty four hour day? For 10,000,000 homes to set up solar panels on their rooftops at an average cost of $4,000 for 3.4 kws output would cost somewhere in the vicinity of just another lazy $40,000,000 billion. Get with it you one-eyed journos & start asking the real questions & refrain from licking the bums of your comrade afilliations.
      Would anyone care to start adding up the spending,  heres a start
      $40,000,000 stimulus
      $40,000,000 NBN
      $40,000,000 10 submarines
      & the list goes on & on
      Mostly every state in the commonwealth is all but broke & unable to pay for basic infrastructure & upkeep, almost every major hospital in the country running on empty, so just how in hell can the general public be expected to carry the can of our present governments over exuberance & dream-time

    • John says:

      03:07pm | 08/03/11

      Its simple yofussn: taxes are increased to pay for these schemes.

      This government has already introduced a new mining tax.  Now they’re trying a carbon tax.  Does anyone really think it’ll just end there?

      This is how the Left side of politics works.  They have an inbuilt predisposition of superiority: they know better than us how to spend OUR money.

      The answer to EVERYTHING is to increase the power of government by increasing taxes.  The people have less money and can make less decisions; the government has a bigger percentage of our money and makes more decisions (usually wasteful as the public sector is inherently inefficient).

      They just don’t get it I’m afraid.  It’s that simple.

      People who have actually earned at least one honest day’s pay in their lifetimes tend to get it.

    • MarK says:

      12:18pm | 08/03/11

      “An Essential Media survey found 59 per cent of voters believed Ms Gillard had gone back on her word; 48 per cent opposed her broadly outlined carbon pricing scheme.”

      It was actually much worse than that if you read the actual (push) poll question. They must have been aghast at the response to this piece of rubbish question

      “Q. Do you support or oppose the Government’s recent announcement to introduce a carbon pricing scheme from 1 July 2012, which will require industries to pay a tax based on the amount of carbon pollution they emit? “

      Imagine the result if they had said

      Q. Do you support or oppose the Government’s recent announcement to introduce a carbon pricing scheme from 1 July 2012, which will require you to pay more for petrol and electricity and other basic goods and services.


      Q. Do you support or oppose the Government’s recent announcement to introduce a carbon pricing scheme from 1 July 2012, which will have no measurable effect on the environment or global temperature at all.

      Seriously….“which will require industries to pay a tax based on the amount of carbon pollution they emit? ” Love it. Carbon pollution.

      And half said stick it? LAWL. Peter Lewis must have spat out his cornflakes as you would have done Mal.

      The only people interested in an ETS or a carbon tax appear to be some Canberra press types and a few loonies taken in by a scare campaign. This boat will not float.

      The government has lost its way. Caucus was not consulted. It is going off the rails. And we all know how Labor fixes that eh.

    • Guy David says:

      12:22pm | 08/03/11

      What level of carbon dioxide emissions does Australia have to reach before the Australian people “it’s time to change the way we do business”? And who decides this level? Also, how can we possibly expect the big emitters to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions if we’re not prepared to do it ourselves? It’s funny, people accuse Julia Gillard of being a hypocrite and a liar in one breath, while explaining away their own hypocrisy in another. The cognitive dissonance is amazing.

    • jamie says:

      12:23pm | 08/03/11

      Julia Gillard wanted “an Emissions Trading Scheme not a Carbon Tax”.

      See she hasn’t been feeding us lies and bullshit, just half truths and cow-crap.

    • BobM says:

      12:29pm | 08/03/11

      At least the Greens are happy…..Julia done gooood -


    • Jas says:

      12:33pm | 08/03/11

      Labour = A twisted form of communism

    • ken says:

      12:33pm | 08/03/11

      I don’t trust any poll, a poll depend on who you ask , where you ask , what you ask nothing more,all good for head lines but not much else,and you are dead wrong about robing the the rich to pay the poor of cause goverments will win voters and elections playing this card it happens all the time but it only works when there are more poor and battling familys than there are rich ,, and i’ll vote for a goverment that will give me a hand up when i need it,  not knock me down like tony abbott and the LIBERALS DO , they are always kicking the the most valnerable to try and win votes and its wearing very thin with the poor and the battlerling voters and the trouble for them is   theres more battlers than there is rich so labors voting base is on the rise. just remember its us battlers that keep your bussiness alive if we don’t work in them we buy from them and with out us you haven’t got a thing.

    • Rhys says:

      12:54pm | 08/03/11

      and ken….if you aint got a “rich” liberal employer or small business owner, you ain’t got a job!

    • pebbles says:

      12:38pm | 08/03/11

      what a bunch of idiots you lib supporters are , you are so naive, it is a tax on polluters not you., most of you will get assistance . pensioners will not be worse off. if you beleive the crap that comes out of abbotts mouth, you’ll believe anything . his climate change will only cost 10 billion dollars and will not cost the taxpayer a cent, ha ha ha ha . what a joke. come on wake up to this idiot. its all fear mongering and you idiots are falling for it

    • MarK says:

      01:22pm | 08/03/11

      “There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead”

      You were mentioning believing and truth?

    • Denny Crane says:

      01:25pm | 08/03/11

      Well thank god you are here to help pebbles. I imagine that the polluters will just cop the extra expense without passing those extra costs to the consumers. How naive of me to think that a business would not build in all expenses into the price they charge. It would be un-Australian for them to do so.

      Stop listening to Swan. he is an idiot. Of course everything is going to cost more. Its simple economics and only fools like Swan and Brown would try and argue any different. Is it any wonder that Labor get votes with idiots prepared to swollow every bit of crap they spew out.

    • Ben81 says:

      01:41pm | 08/03/11

      “it is a tax on polluters not you”
      Thanks captain obvious, now if that tax wasn’t going to be passed on to consumers why immediately follow up that comment with “most of you will get assistance”?  And isn’t the point, as Gillard has said, to make people change their habits by increasing those costs?  Kind of makes it pointless, doesn’t it?  And where is this assistance package, last time I checked it doesn’t exist yet, so what is the “most of you” part based on?

      “his climate change will only cost 10 billion dollars and will not cost the taxpayer a cent, ha ha ha ha”
      A cent more than we’re paying right now?  Well not really, no.

      “come on wake up to this idiot. its all fear mongering and you idiots are falling for it “
      Fear mongering?  It seems the facts are well and truly on his side. 
      The only way this tax will actually reduce emissions is by increasing individual peoples cost of living so they’re forced to change, so either the cost of living will go up or “assistance” will make it all completely pointless.  Pick one if you like, Gillard hasn’t told us which one it is yet.

    • minnie says:

      02:15pm | 08/03/11

      So 200.00 a year will help pay the increases in living?
      Are you mad?
      Things have gone up more than that already!!!
      wake up to yourself pebbles.
      You obviously mooch off your parents or the Government because if you were paying the utilitiies and other costs you would not make silly statements like that.

    • Eduardo says:

      03:49pm | 08/03/11

      Pebbles, obviously you haven’t paid attention to the latest craze…. find a new way to pass the cost back to the consumer. Look at the airline industry… buy a ticket at a low cost airline and then pay for booking / baggage / excess baggage / food / (the hostie is probably next!?... Sir / Maam - would you like a seat with a safety card or one without? Seatbelt?).... It can very quickly end up far more expensive than the full price ticket.
      How many times do you here companies saying “we have to preserve the bottom line”.... heck, Qantas and Telstra have sacked hundreds at times on this mantra, and the banks do it with ATM charges, even when they know the charges are excessive. Mobile phone companies do it with call costs, and petrol companies do it everytime a bad news Middle East story hits the news…. the price goes up instantly even though the fuel in their tanks was bought & delivered before the latest Middle Eastern turmoil. And funnily enough we are all polluters…. we all exhale carbon dioxide so you can probably expect that someone will charge you for heavy breathing and exhaling. So Pebbles, if you use anything…. anything at all…. that is generated by a company that is considered to be a polluter (or even a shrewd company that is just factoring in a “Green Levy” cause they can make a few extra bucks) , you can start watching your money walk out the door, as they try to recover costs from you. Poor naive Pebbles….

    • asproella says:

      12:40pm | 08/03/11

      Julia Gillard was always   PRIME MINISTER IN NAME ONLY,she was not elected by the people, she was elected by the greens and the independents and they do not represent the majority of people,we need another election ..AND IF JULIA GILLARD REALLY CARED ABOUT THE COUNTRY AND THE OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER SHE WOULD CALL AN ELECTION TO LET THE PEOPLE HAVE THEIR SAY,but arrogance is a big issue here ..

    • jamieW says:

      12:46pm | 08/03/11

      Why is it that all the pro greens/carbon tax votes and posts tend to come from people who have no grasp of how they are able to sustain themselves with the lifestyle they are living, in the economy they are living it in, with the comfort they experience?

      Economics 101 - business 101 - they should both be compulsory subjects taught in grade 9 and 10. If a group of esteemed capitalist driven Scientists and Economists with MBA’s come to the debate and offer a solution with no vote-winning politically driven compromises that proves the need for a reduction in carbon emissions whilst ensuring the continuation of lifestyle and the long-term stability and growth of the economy, then I’ll listen.

      You live in a capitalist society where everything you have the luxury of owning, experiencing and enjoying is thanks to driven people with driven businesses. That’s a good thing.

      Welcome to a world where to get things you work for them - because nothing is free in nature or in life.

    • Ken says:

      02:03pm | 08/03/11

      Reality 101, the economy is dependent on the environment.

    • bobw says:

      03:22pm | 08/03/11

      Yep, thank god for MBAs.

    • billfromthebush says:

      12:49pm | 08/03/11

      I hope (HARD) labour get their HUGE NEW TAX up and running. it will guarantee the liberals with government for at least 20 years.  GO JOOLIAR!!!

    • P.JONES says:

      12:50pm | 08/03/11

      I didn’t vote for this tax.  Time for another election Ju-liar.

    • Markster says:

      12:51pm | 08/03/11

      The GOLD moment was Wayne Swann spruking the Carbon Price “it’s not a tax.  It doesn’t come out of your pay packet”  Ha ha so by that measure the GST is not a tax?  To quote that august body Wikipeadia
      “Taxes consist of direct tax or indirect tax, and may be paid in money or as its labour equivalent (often but not always unpaid labour). A tax may be defined as a “pecuniary burden laid upon individuals or property owners to support the government […] a payment exacted by legislative authority.”[1] A tax “is not a voluntary payment or donation, but an enforced contribution, exacted pursuant to legislative authority” and is “any contribution imposed by government […] whether under the name of toll, tribute, tallage, gabel, impost, duty, custom, excise, subsidy, aid, supply, or other name.”[1]

      What was that again Mr Swann?  Surely not a lie but just maybe a little fib?

    • Mark P says:

      12:52pm | 08/03/11

      I suspect that very soon both Gillard and Swan will be doing a swan dive right out of parliament house. The people have wised up to the deciet, lies and knifing. Time for change. And although the Libs don’t press my buttons either, how much worse can they be? Julia an election please to test the electorate on carbon tax and asylum seeker issues.

    • Joel B1 says:

      01:23pm | 08/03/11

      This is the sort of person who believes in AGW and is lovn’ Julia G for lying to the public, they reckon that:

      “I believe that most people are living under a rock or in denial! A giant cyclone, massive floods ... Together with the recent earthquake in NZ, it all adds up ... The carbon tax is a necessary requirement to decrease the pollution in our atmosphere”

      Do you reckon she votes for the coalition?


      05:50pm | 08/03/11

      The earthquake has something to do with climate change?????
      I thought it was just a convenient cover for a press release about how much of a lying shrew Julia Gillard is

    • michael j says:

      01:24pm | 08/03/11

      MS Gillard is just a de-facto PM how fucking embarrassed you silly Aussies must feel,some faceless nameless people wearing dark trench coats are waiting to stab her in the back with a replica of crocodile Dundee’s bloody big knife,i know that is nowhere as good as Laurie or the other political commendatory put it but as K Rudd is still walking around is he the true mar-sire,as we don’t know what the plan is ,,labour don’t either i know,,would not a big tax on carbon be good for pensioners and the other 1/3 of Australians living below the poverty line,wouldn’t they be able to collect carbon and take it to a collection point and cash it in to supplement their merger incomes???????????

    • carol says:

      03:31pm | 08/03/11

      wash your mouth out please.
      Once you start using that language it defeats your purpose.

    • michael j says:

      07:24pm | 08/03/11

      NOW comon Carol if it was half as offensive as the stuff we are commenting on it would be edited wouldn’t it ,,that makes me wonder whats under those black lines in freedom of information papers,,,
      apology to you carol

    • Travis says:

      01:26pm | 08/03/11

      Labor’s policy is to have a policy

    • Gov Hater says:

      01:31pm | 08/03/11

      Why is it that you all think 1 maybe better than the other . there both the same they both want to rape your wallet, why is it your all concerned a about prosperaty economies investment and bloody money. whats wrong with being just simply Australians fresh milk bread eggs meat veg etc from your local farmer , a small dwelling that suits your needs not bloody great mansions that spells look at me look at me and a bank balance with so many noughts on it you cant see the number at the end. . Dont give me that pollution crap blah blah blah . Bob Brown pulled up in a bloody great statesman caprice to a press confrence wheres his friggin push bike.  The whole damn lot of em are on a feel good trip at our exspence and are just pulling the strings of the NEW WORLD ORDER.  I liked the old Australia totally self sufficent and bloody good quality if i dont mind saying so. You god damn do gooders need to take a good look at yourselves and the rubbish you throw up. Australia produces .02% of the worlds carbon . Its 23 million population cant piss on a fire to reduce carbon but its OK to sell our primary resources to countries like India and China for nicks and who are the two of the biggest polluters in the world with so many ships sitting daily of newcastle collecting our coal to go of to them and you want me to pay tax for BS government crap.  Grow some brains not Hypocracy. Fact is we are the highest taxed people there is we dont need any more taxes for any god damn reason , dont sell coal thats the biggest and best way to cut pollution and leave it there for our future not give it to others for 2 cents a litre (gas deal to china). Remember this you only get to dig it up once . once its gone its gone. Dont be bluffed buy pollitical blah blah.  its shame full the hypocracy that exsists in Australia now and the way our population have become like sheep bah bah black sheep at that. Stop making every world problem ours its not we have enough problems right here right now . Hospitals what are they? boat people what are they ? Transport what is that?. Grow brains theres no reason why we need to pay more for power stop growing the population for the sake of economics for a start stop letting people que jump while others are put back for trying to migrate legally. Theres just way to much Hypocracy going on im gonna throw up.

    • Catching up says:

      01:33pm | 08/03/11

      “Gillard is now Prime Minister in name only”

      Mr. Farr, I thought you knew better, Ms. Gillard will remain PM as long as she has support of her party.  Her government will remain in power as long as they have the numbers in the lower house.  Mr. Farr, I have read the Constitution and I do not recall anything about polls being included.

    • Travis says:

      01:34pm | 08/03/11

      What i don’t understand is that Nuclear power has been proven over many decades to be a stable clean & possibly limitless energy source. Emissions are low and Australia has an envious supply of yellow cake uranium . Why the hell don’t we even have 1 reactor that produces energy ? surely this investment would offset any carbon pollution from at least 3 or 4 coal power plants? If japan can have over 10 reactors in one of the worlds active earthquake zones , how far behind is Australia?

    • Catching up says:

      01:46pm | 08/03/11

      No one has ruled out nuclear.  Nuclear is expensive, and if you support nuclear, you need to support a price on carbon to make it a economical possibilty.

      I believe that nuclear is too dangerous and the price too high, that is only my opinion,

    • Travis says:

      04:17pm | 08/03/11

      i understand that its dangerous but dont you think it would still be worth exploring? i mean with the price of electricity already going up even without a carbon tax i think this option would be viable i reckon grin

    • Nuclear Is The Answer says:

      05:16pm | 08/03/11

      @ Catching Up, the Greens and the ALP Left have ruled nuclear out, let’s not pretend. I hail from South Africa and we’ve had a two nuclear reactors running since 1984 & 1985. In fact, SA is planning to build more nuclear reactors shortly. If it can be run safely in a 3rd world country, why not here? The problem is the Greens and environmentalists suffer from the same delusions they accuse others of. Only THEY have the answers. THEY want to tell others how to live.

      We have an abundance of uranium and skills and we could easily power our country for the next 10000 years if we wanted to without releasing any contaminants into the atmosphere. It seems the Left/Greens want their cake and eat it too.

    • Against the Man says:

      01:35pm | 08/03/11

      Juliar Gilltard Australia’s first fake female PM. With even worse poll results than Kevin O’ Lemon aka Dud millionaire ex-PM. She is worst than the worst. Okay ALP zombies here is the challenge. Gillard either comes up with a few successful policies by the end of the month or get her poll numbers through the roof; if not lets call an election and see if she walk the walk. The challenge has been put fwd, its GO time losers HaHa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • bobw says:

      03:39pm | 08/03/11

      Yes, I seem to remember something about that in the Constitution:

      “A federal election will be held following the failure of a government to respond to a ‘policy challenge’ issued by the anonymous blog poster known as ‘Against the Man’.  ‘Against the Man’ will only issue such a challenge if said government is ‘worst than the worst’.  ‘Against the Man’ and will be the sole judge of whether the challenge has been met.”

      I think it’s called a “doubly delusional” trigger, or something like that.

    • 00Bob says:

      01:37pm | 08/03/11

      Seems to me a fair few see Bob Brown’s really the PM, Gillard’s just his puppet. She certainly has the emotions and vocal interest of one. No chance of the GG pulling a Whitlam and booting the miserable blighters out is there? This time the Australian public would know how things will turn out if they vote unwisely - a parliament controlled by exteme radicals and independents!

    • Andy Thomas says:

      01:41pm | 08/03/11

      This is the same coalition that promised at EVERY election in the 90’s that they would not introduce a GST. Guess what happened? Who are they to hold the moral high ground here?

      Surely the only question here is: Should polluters pay; and if so, then how?

    • Dingo says:

      02:02pm | 08/03/11

      Andy, as has been pointed out dozens of times of late, when Howard changed his mind on a GST he took it to an election. So if Gillard wants to change her mind on a carbon tax, let’s have an election.

      Every Australian who uses electricity is a polluter and if we have a carbon tax we will all be paying. That however is not the right question. The real question is will emissions be reduced by increasing the cost of something we really can’t avoid using and the answer is a resounding NO.

    • coral says:

      02:08pm | 08/03/11

      The people must vote on this, it’s too important not to allow them their say.

    • Eduardo says:

      04:03pm | 08/03/11

      Andy Thomas:
      1990s Election = GST Mandate (and being fiscally sensible) = paying down national debt and saving a $20 billion surplus….
      2010 Election = No carbon tax promise (and NO mandate in a hung parliament) = no Labor fiscal control = broke and looking for another source of cash
      The two situations just don’t compare….

    • Pat says:

      01:41pm | 08/03/11

      Gillard is a puppet of the Labour Party

    • Paul C says:

      03:17pm | 08/03/11

      No Pat, Gillard is a Puppet of the Green Party.

    • mummamia says:

      01:45pm | 08/03/11

      well its all the people who voted for Labours fault in the first place everything was going pretty well with the Liberals we had tax cuts every year and we weren’t in debt and they stopped the boat people coming in. So when the next election comes people should think about what labour has actually done for our country and that is nothing but given us all heatache and rising bills.

    • darin earwicker says:

      01:51pm | 08/03/11

      Anything but Tony and the right. Say no to the whingers and yes to the fair go. We are so much better than that.

    • robyne says:

      03:20pm | 08/03/11

      What fair go?
      Take the Carbon Tax to the people.
      That would be a Fair Go

    • paul says:

      01:54pm | 08/03/11

      when will the people of australia wake up that when ever we have a labor govt the s—t hits the fan they have no control, will bend to anyone who will keep them in power, spend like there is no tomorrow and then tax us to high heaven to make up the shortfall will you labor voters ever learn

    • Steve Smith says:

      02:02pm | 08/03/11

      Most Australians have proved they are racist by backing Abbott and the most racist neo-nazi party that Australia has ever had to endure.
      The WorkChoices and Anti terrorism laws were akin to laws contained in Hitler’s ‘enabling act “of March 23rd,1933.
      The attacks on the Muslins by a liberal senator, the attacks on refugees been flown to attend the funerals of their loved ones by a Liberal Minister
      The Liberal Ministers and Senators that disgrace our Parliament and the office of Prime Minister by calling the Prime Minister derogatory names , like Gaddafi, and by comparing Craig Emmerson with Moanar Gaddafi and Ali Saeed Al-Sahef.
      You Liberals disgust me, because you have the audacity to call yourselves Australians, and yet you have no pride in our Country or the Australian Parliament because you condone Tony Abbott and his Liberal/National party bunch of rednecks that bring our Parliament into disrepute with their derogatory name calling and Un-Australian antics and behaviour.

    • Libsupporter says:

      02:45pm | 08/03/11

      Gee, the polls really have got to you darl’n. x
      I understand though, never mind, blame Julia and Wayne.

    • GB says:

      02:54pm | 08/03/11

      @Steve Smith. Best laugh I’ve had all day. Careful you don’t blow a gasket there Stevie. And you can spare us the faux outrage by the way. That diversionary tactic has already been tried by your comrade leaders and failed epically. Of course your beloved ALP beacons of virtue would never resort to such tactics as playing the man or deliberately spreading misinformation would they.  Sounds like desparate times at ALP HQ.

    • Anna C says:

      03:04pm | 08/03/11

      Steve Smith FAIL!!! Don’t you know the rules of debate? The first person to invoke Nazism loses the argument.  While I am no fan of Liberals (or any political party for that matter), calling them “‘the most racist neo-nazi party that Australia has ever had to endure” is just ridiculous. Surely you’ve heard of One Nation?

    • Brian says:

      03:04pm | 08/03/11

      Mr Smith, you’re no different to the Liberals that you despise when you resort to name calling and comparisons to Nazi Germany.

      Well done on a perfect example of hypocrisy and self destruction of the little credibility one has online…

    • Bewildered says:

      03:50pm | 08/03/11

      Dude stop smoking whatever you’re smoking it’s clearly wrecking your brain. Racist? Enabling Laws? Insults? Are you blind? Abbott’s not racist by any means, and if you want enabling laws try the LABOR government of Victoria’s anti-vilification laws. You know the ones that saw a Pakistani who fled to Australia to avoid getting killed by Muslims in court because his views on Islam are verboten! Attacks on Muslims by a liberal senator, can’t recall the specifics there so I’ll pass on those. Refugees flown to attend funerals. That one’s justified. My grandmother died recently and nobody flew her family anywhere. In fact one cousin was lucky to make it over in time for it. He missed getting to her deathbed. Why give support to illegals when legals don’t get the same rights? Insulting the PM by comparing her to Gaddafi? Maybe you’ve forgotten the Conga Line of Suckholes comment. That was by Labor’s heroic leader of the hour. But maybe you’ve written Latham out of the list of working class heroes? No pride in the country? Well no I don’t, but then I’m not an Australian. I’ll stick with being comfortable amongst a bunch of semi-civilised foreigners smile-  Abbott’s clearly proud to be Australian though and, when the media bothers to show it, demonstrates a serious community minded side. Sure not everyone in the Coalition’s as good e.g. a certain ex leader, but there’s better and worse everywhere. Gillard on the other hand, well don’t get me started on that lying backstabbing ice puppet! I think your sentiments are returned in full. Sure there’s some intelligent people on the wrong side of politics but all too many demonstrate sickening imbecility and mindless parroting of the “free thinking” they’ve had drummed into them.

    • Dr B S Goh says:

      04:32pm | 08/03/11

      Re: Steve Smith. I do not know what you are raving about saying that the Opposition is the most racist and neo-nazi party.

      I am not a Caucasian Australian. I support the Anti-Terrorism Laws and I want to see a complete stop to the boat people.

      I am against the proposed carbon tax on the simple ground that it has no significant impact on reducing global warming if the major nations do not act in an effective way on global warming. Furthermore it will HURT THE AUSTRALIAN ECONOMY. It is a simple and logical reason why we should not have any carbon tax at this point in time. Later yes if many nations come together on it.

      If the world becomes miserable because of global warming be comforted by the fact that Australia will be one of the top two nations which survive.

    • Shane says:

      02:03pm | 08/03/11

      Show me another western enconomy that’s introduced Carbon Pricing which in turn has shown a proven reduction in emmissions. Oh that’s right….... It’s specious reasoning and the saddest part is that Gillard and Swan, when they’re lying to our faces, can’t even do that properly.

      Their lies can be seen for what they are instantly.

      Who are Labour doing this for? It’s not for their benefit as it just creates more legislation which has to be kept in check by public servants. It’s not for our benefit because the power companies will just increase prices to cover any increased costs. It’s not for local businesses as it creates more work for them..

      At it’s most basic level, it’s just an idiotic, pointless idea with no real-world merit or benefit. Oh I get it now.

    • Christian Real says:

      02:08pm | 08/03/11

      I will look at running in the next election, because the racist redneck Liberal garbage needs to be removed from my Aboriginal ancestors Country.

    • MarK says:

      02:37pm | 08/03/11

      It is my country too Christian.

      Don’t you ever forget that pal.

      Quick quiz. Which party has an aboriginal member in the lower house?

    • harold says:

      03:03pm | 08/03/11

      ha ha ha you can bet your bottom dollar when Labor is losing they take out the race card.
      Christian I was born here same as you,
      we are Australian mate!

    • Bris Jack says:

      03:15pm | 08/03/11

      Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk.

    • Puzzled Cat says:

      04:55pm | 08/03/11

      Christian - on your own today I see.  When the beloved comrade, Mal Farr, writes an article like this you know the party is over.

    • Dave says:

      06:04pm | 08/03/11

      Mate you were conquered.  get over it.  Happens a lot in history.  Normans did it to the Brit, Aryans in India did it to the tamils.  You lost.  Not your land anymore.

    • JamieW says:

      07:59pm | 08/03/11

      Hi Christian,

      Your ancestors ancestors came from the Pacific-Asia region. But guess what, that doesn’t matter because your ancestors ancestors ancestors, who happen to also be my ancestors ancestors ancestors, all happened to be homosapien.

      So technically this isn’t their land and just so we are clear, my ancestors ancestors ancestors want you to grow the f*ck up.

    • TCB 24 X 7 says:

      08:11pm | 08/03/11

      Hey christian real.
      It took the liberal party to have the first Aboriginal candidate.
                  You should be ashamed of your labor party,

    • Rj says:

      02:09pm | 08/03/11

      In fact she should be out sooner than later. I would prefer Rudd anytime! If we don’t get ride of labour govt soon, then I am heading overseas for job.

    • DM says:

      02:18pm | 08/03/11

      The liberal/corporate party has its staffers working overtime today. Apparently the labor party is the tool of the antichrist, drool.

    • Jacki says:

      02:41pm | 08/03/11

      After the polls today I don’t know why they’d be working? Strange comment, I’m sure they’re all down the pub celebrating.

    • John says:

      03:09pm | 08/03/11

      Oh Lord DM.

      The worse it gets, the bigger the denial.

    • CSA says:

      02:29pm | 08/03/11

      Persephone is currently in the US and cannot answer you right now…

    • Susan says:

      02:35pm | 08/03/11

      I don’t feel we have a PM and I don’t feel we’ve had a PM since Mr Bush’s best Aussie buddy.  I didn’t like him; didn’t vote for him..but you knew he was our PM.  Everyone feels so forgettable at this point.  And I thought the football thing in the White House was pretty lame. Well intended but…lame.  If Gillard was part of a touch footy women’s squad…fair enough..but I don’t associate her with football.

    • FelicityC says:

      02:52pm | 08/03/11

      Fascinating to see the Liberal dinosaurs on here trying to pretend that everything will be ok if the Coalition is in government forgetting of course that Abbott would never be able to work with the Greens. Labor is just able to work with the Greens but a Coalition government would be totally impotent especially one led by Dr Strangelove.

    • raspberries says:

      03:13pm | 08/03/11

      Well you can say what you like .
      Too bad, the Greens will go too.
      Labor work with the Greens?
      Bob Brown is our PM.
      Why do you think the polls have dropped?

    • FelicityC says:

      03:34pm | 08/03/11

      raspberries look at the latest Newspoll Greens Primary vote UP 2%. Bob Brown is the only untainted credible party leader in Australia today. A man of principle and conviction not a wind dancer like Gillard and Abbott. The Coalition would suffocate in 6 months unable to work with the Greens. Labors crook but the Coalition just plain sick.

    • simon says:

      08:43pm | 08/03/11

      Felicity if the coalition was in power there would be no carbon tax bill that would pass the lower house as the coalition would have numbers without the greens to block any bill. So no need to negotaite with the Greens anyway. The real Dr Strangelove is Bob Brown.

    • Nobody's fool says:

      02:53pm | 08/03/11

      Don’t believe any politician about climate change or carbon (dioxide) “pollution” or for that matter what the main stream media says.  They all have vested interests in this.  Research both sides for YOURSELF and then make an informed decision.  Follow the money trail, special interest groups, see what sort of “carbon footprint” those constantly wringing their hands about “climate change” leave themselves (in particular the politicians and IPCC climate scientists).  I’ve read articles more than 40 years old which were warning about the EXACT same impending doom if something wasn’t done NOW and that if things didn’t change from 1960’s levels by the year 2020 the Earth’s temperature would increase by 9 degrees and we’d all be drowning from catastrophic sea level rises. Hmmmmm.

    • bananabender says:

      02:53pm | 08/03/11

      Julia Gillard should now be known as Mrs Brown.


    • Hocus says:

      03:18pm | 08/03/11

      The reason for the supposed lie about the carbon tax is simple. As John Howard once put it, it was a non-core promise.

    • GraF says:

      03:18pm | 08/03/11

      This is my ideal scenario - ALP Corporation shoves Rudd back into place and banishes Gillard, then Abbott trounces Rudd at an early election. The End (for Australian Liebor Party & Co)

    • bill says:

      03:20pm | 08/03/11

      It continually amazes me how both negative aggressive and nasty Liberal party voters are.  However, when you have an opposition who bases every thing they do opn blocking and being negative, what do you expect.  However, I’m ashamed at the negativity shown here, this is not how Aussie act.  Are we truly a country of mean nasty folk?

    • chloe says:

      04:18pm | 08/03/11

      you obviously haven’t seen some Labor comments.
      I was once told to get back in my doghouse because nobody could love a bitch like me.
      Now I do not say disrespectful things but I had dared to say something to the resident potty mouth.
      As soon as the swearing and verbal abuse starts it loses credability.

    • GB says:

      04:19pm | 08/03/11

      Yes shame on us Bill. How dare we be up in arms about a PM who lied her way into office and then stuck her middle finger up at all of us by introducing a tax that is going to hurt all of us. At least those of us who work for a living. Excuse me while I give myself an uppercut.

    • PaulB says:

      04:45pm | 08/03/11

      What bill?  The opposition is supposed to jump up and down and cheer for Julia and the Green Gang?  Just to look “Australian”  (sorry “Aussie”)??

    • Christian Real says:

      06:10pm | 08/03/11

      John Howard brought the radical rednecks in with his style of Government, demonising the boat people, Tony Abbott is just carrying on the family Liberal tradition,by failing to condone and sack his Ministers and Senators for their racist comments towards muslin and other foreigners that arrive on our shores seeking refuge.
      When Liberal Senators misuse our parliament by hurling abusive and derogatory slurs and names at the elected Prime Minister, and at the same time putting the Office of Prime Minister into disrepute, then those Liberal Senators and Ministers do not deserve to have the priviledge to grace our Parliament, and should take their racist redneck idealism elsewhere.

    • JamieW says:

      08:05pm | 08/03/11

      Bill, you are both right smart and insightful.

    • danny donaldson says:

      03:34pm | 08/03/11

      @ jordan and felicity; I told a commie mate of mine in January that he was going to have the worst year of his life; either
      Gillard stays in power and with these marxist policies sends us in to a depression or worse
      Or she gets the huge boot from her backstabbing comrades-labor is forced to an election and we give her the huge boot.
      Or One of the lying dopey socialist independents cracks and hands over the reins.
      Oh Felicity I am sorry that you were never properly educated; your first name gives me insight into your mom its not all your fault.

      Either way all you liars lose to what us old blokes know as Karma/ truth.
      We get to maintain a free country in a world where the lights are slowly dimming- thanks to Agenda 21 and the NWO fraud.

      Did not you mom tell you to be true to yourself?

    • FelicityC says:

      05:23pm | 08/03/11

      danny donaldson - cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo !

    • Dave says:

      03:44pm | 08/03/11

      What Leadership???? Backstabber, and now backstabbing the people of Australia, allow the miners to screw us blind then she screws us blind with this god dame Tax…. Why????? Everything is up and cant put food on the table, she does not care as in the end we will pay her a “LIFE PENSION”

    • danny donaldson says:

      04:57pm | 08/03/11

      Yes we pay all the toerags that wrecked and sold off our country large pensions for life.When we get our way there will be Nuremberg trials for all these bums. We will have our day; I can feel it coming in the peoples rage.
      Take a look at them Carr, Iemma, Keneally, reese, Brumby all fabian N.W.O- labour- Agenda 21 stooges, planted here by the City of London banks.

      The only one worth his salt was Mr Howard.

    • Gerald says:

      03:53pm | 08/03/11

      The problem is Gillard now appears untrustworthy and not acting like a Prime Minister. It’s not so much about a carbon tax or not. People feel tricked by her pre election lie. Her character and integrity have been shot to pieces. They keep pretending that it’s the carbon tax issue thats the problem, I can tell you now it ain’t, it’s Gillard herself.

    • Dave says:

      03:55pm | 08/03/11

      Of course she is not Prime Minister.  Brown and the looney Greens are running the joint.  Abandon Ship!!

    • Karen from Qld says:

      04:13pm | 08/03/11

      Whilst seeking to keep the Greens and the odd assortment of independents on side Labor and their supporters seem to forget that at any time they are just one by election away from being seat warmers on the opposition side of Parliament.

    • JJ says:

      04:15pm | 08/03/11

      I think an interpretive dance from Peter Garret would have been a much more successful way to sell the carbon tax. Or maybe a picture book read by Wayne Swan Play school style? Option, options…

    • Dr B S Goh says:

      04:19pm | 08/03/11

      I am a scientist and I have No views on the dangers of global warming per se as I do not do research in this area. I have scientist friends in both camps.

      My research expertise is in the management of dynamic systems in rocket science, business, economics, ecosystems etc when they can be modeled mathematically.

      In the case of carbon tax it makes no sense to me at all. Australia is a small country population wise. No matter what we do Australia shall have no significant impact on global warming on our own. So the proposed carbon tax fails totally on this simple test of its usefulness to reduce global warming. To make matters worse it will hurt our Australian Economic system. To add insult to injury I believe we have agreed to give ten percent of the tax collected to some totally useless UN body (PS I have worked at UN before)

      Hence rationally we should wait and use our strong position as a bargaining chip and get the major nations to act effectively on global warming. If global warming makes the world a miserable place we are among the top five nations which will survive and that is our bargaining chip vis-a-vis the rest of the world.

      We should only introduce a carbon tax or better still the “Cap and Pay Method” when 60% or more of the world polluters of CO2 have a serious action plan. The Cap and Pay Method was used successfully to manage SO2 pollution in USA during the past 20 yrs and is a proven method. The pervasive carbon tax is an unproven method favoured by some academic academics who did not prevent the Global Financial Crisis.

      I do not understand why the ALP and Greens are so much against Nuclear Energy. Tunisia with 10m people and not a rich country plans to have two nuclear power reactors by 2019. France produces 80% of its electricity from Nuclear Power which is now SAFE and ENVIRONMENTALLY Friendly.

    • Dr B S Staye says:

      07:58pm | 08/03/11

      The conservatives are against nuclear energy as well.

    • Noel says:

      04:35pm | 08/03/11

      How dare this rediculous woman head off to America to represent the people of Australia when she only represents about 25% of us.  What a hide. To see the photos of here swanning around the white house just makes me soooo embarassed to be an Australian. I hope they don’t think we all talk like that.  What I don’t get is why she is still in power?  I don’t know anyone who put her there or wants her there - we got rid of Gough, why can’t we get rid of this current lot before they do any more damage.

    • Rob says:

      06:55pm | 08/03/11

      Noel,  the only reason the red headed idiot went to the US is:
      a.  To get her next round of orders from the puppet masters and b.
      She can dodge the heat and let the idiot treasurer Swan take the rap.
      Although I don’t think this is going to die down in a hurry.

      I should point out that I am no supporter of politicians of any flavour and the majority of them should be rounded up and either hung or shot.

    • Louisa says:

      07:46pm | 08/03/11

      Would be nice if her mother taught her how to use a knife and fork correctly.

      Wonder what she tought of BO saying grace before a meal smile

    • David says:

      04:44pm | 08/03/11

      The Westpac CEO, was saying Emmissions trading was a good idea.  Guess why, the banks would be doing the trading and making money out of it.  Scientists are getting grants for climate change studies.  This is the problem, there are too many people making money out of the climate change theory.  There are too many people with vested interests.

    • ann says:

      04:57pm | 08/03/11

      Julia Gillard stated before the election:
      “There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead,” and “I rule out a carbon tax.”
      Its not the fact she lied that is important, its the fact that she denied she lied and called it ‘semantics’.
      What matters to us the voters is not so much that she told us the voters a lie, but that Gillard and Swan are hypocrites. And like all hypocrites and liars, Gillard and Swan are trying now to use weasel words to escape this fact. 
      Gillard and Swan are elected Members of Parliament, they hold the highest positions in our country, and therefore, must represent integrity, not a bunch of lies.  Pledges and promises by Politicians,  cannot be treated in such a flippant manner we the People are tired of the lies and spin.
      Julia Gillard to Tony Abbott, 10 May 2005:
      “… the Labor Party is the party of truth telling. When we go out into the electorate and make promises, do you know what we would do in government: we would keep them. When we say them, we mean them. That is the difference between you and us….”
      What a joke, JuLIAR!

    • Christian Real says:

      05:59pm | 08/03/11

      Julia Gillard also made a carbon price promise on the Eve of the last Federal Election in 2010, but I guess you either have trouble reading, or just didn’t bother to read it at the time.
      This Story from ” The Australian “
      ” Julia Gillard’s carbon price promise”
      Written By : Paul kelly and Dennis Shanahan, on 20 august,2010 @ 12.00AM
      ” Julia Gillard says she is prepared to legislate a carbon price in the next term. ‘
      ” It will be part of a bold series of reform that includes school funding, education, and health. ‘
      ” In an election eve interview with The Australian, the Prime Minister revealed she would view victory tomorrow as a mandate for a carbon price, provided the community was ready for the step. ”

    • Matt12 says:

      05:12pm | 08/03/11

      David you have hit the nail on the head, all the people wanting the ETS or tax are going to profit from or benefit from such an ETS or tax.
      Australias’ contribution to the global agw is currently 1.38%, so anything in the way of an ETS or co2 tax is only ever going to be a token effort so anything we set up to counter agw should be too, a token effort, looking like we are acting without causing harm to us.

    • Holly says:

      05:12pm | 08/03/11

      TCB24x7 you area bigger fool than I thought.  Urging people to book on rally bus trips where the group organising them was only created yesterday, and the money paid goes into an individual bank account.  Good one.

    • mervous theunemployed says:

      05:55pm | 08/03/11

      being an unemployed smoke stack sniffing accountant, I cant wait for theday when I start sending my charges for the above mentioned services!

    • Climate Skeptic says:

      06:22pm | 08/03/11

      If Aust. was serious about climate change and or global warming our politicians ould start to discuss nuke power stations.Wind and Solar cannot produce a ‘base load’ power supply. Only hydro ,gas , coal or nuke power can do this.Before you start to talk of nuke waste the Gen. 4 nuke reactors like those built by Canndu of canada will and do burn nuke waste to produce electricity.

    • Peter says:

      05:28pm | 08/03/11

      Cant wait for a the next Poll showing Tony Abbott’s support in negative territory and Mr Farr claiming he should be dumped.

    • MarK says:

      06:33pm | 08/03/11

      Why wait.

      Knock yourself out here


      Mal is unashamedly a warmist and it influences his writings. He would have been shocked by these polls. Mal would not be able to understand why us plebs are against the CO2 tax.

    • FelictyC says:

      05:32pm | 08/03/11

      Interesting that there are some people on these blogs who seem to actually think that what they write can actually change the government. I am amazed . mostly Liberals who hold extreme right wing views. There is only one way to change a government and its called voting. And an election is still 2 and a half years away. Opinions on blogs including mine are like yesterdays newspapers , useless. But I continue to be amazed as the same people pop up time and time again almost screaming to be heard. its funny.

    • bananabender says:

      07:55pm | 08/03/11

      “There is only one way to change a government and its called voting. And an election is still 2 and a half years away. “

      Wrong. Julia only has to lose the support of one member of the House. This can occur via a by-election or if one of the Independents refuses to guarantee supply. The PM would be forced to immediately resign and call an election.

    • Jag says:

      05:42pm | 08/03/11

      Tony Rabbit is a liar and a blocker and a negative scare campaigner who thinks global warming is crap, even when the sea levels are RISING at levels never seen before and temperatures are HOTTER than they have ever been. Mister Rabbit has blood on his hands for opposing the carbon tax which will help save the world even though its not really a tax. He already has blood on his hands for the queensland floods, the victorian fires and the cyclones which are NO DOUBT the result of global warming. So its easy to see that it doesnt matter if Ms Julia Gillard OUR ELCTED PRIME MINISTER said that she wouldnt have a carbon tax, even thpough its not really a tax because she didnt lie, she TOLD THE TRUTH but Tony “THE WRECKER” Rabbit even admitted that he lies all the time!

    • bananabender says:

      07:48pm | 08/03/11

      Sea levels are rising at 1-2mm per year - the same rate as they have been rising for thousands of years.

      It was warmer 800 years ago, 2000 years ago and 7000 years ago.

    • Steve Woy Woy says:

      10:21pm | 08/03/11

      @bananabender ...We voted on the ETS 72% of voters said yes, had an agreement be it in principal but Tony thinks no….! oh forgot he listens to what the people say that’s right.. Dead buried cremated or is that on the health program? No wrong again it is the workers rights yeah got it now dead buried cremated!! Or was it John Howard talking about read my lips something something… GST… no wrong again!!!

    • Gareth says:

      05:48pm | 08/03/11

      Gillard doesn’t want this anymore than we do, however this is the danger of her alliance with the Greens who have probably struck a deal such that if she supports this nonsense, they will in turn support her on something she wants to pass through.  In other words, we don’t really have a government at the moment.

    • Shelly says:

      06:45pm | 08/03/11

      I am a climate change sceptic for all the reasons that have been included in today’s posts. However, I strongly support the democratic process - if the majority of the Australian population support action on “climate change” that will impose additional cost on us all, then I can live with that, if it’s a clear majority favoured by the Australian people.


      By now, we all know what the Labour Party, the Greens and the independents really stand for and where their alliances lie. The Labour party was not voted into government by the majority Australian population, and a lot of the votes they received from working class Australia were on the back of a lie.

      Julia, if you believe “the Australian people will ultimately be confident enough to take this step on pricing carbon” give us all the chance to vote on this. If you are so confident, you should not be worried. However, there’s not a chance of this because we all know you will end up out on your backside.

    • Against the Man says:

      07:46pm | 08/03/11

      When Gilltard back stabbed Ruddy and became PM, her job was simple - be better than the worst PM (Mr Kevin the Lemon Rudd) in Australian history. She must have misread the game plan, because based on today’s poll she is worse than the Kevinator. Gilltard lacks the brains, skills and personality to be a PM of any reasonable standard. But with a pension on the line, she just has to hold it together and continue selling out Australia to the Greens. Australia has learnt a very important lesson - Vote ALP and pay, pay, pay and suffer, suffer, suffer!

    • KR says:

      05:49pm | 08/03/11

      For those fools who voted GREEN in the last election - thankyou, you have really made a worse mess of the country than if Labor ruled in its own right.  God help us when Brown officially takes control.

    • TCB 24 X 7 says:

      08:16pm | 08/03/11

      Bob Brown is in control, he is riding gillard like a horse.

                        GIDDY UP,  YIPPY YI YAY.

    • Andrew GC says:

      06:00pm | 08/03/11

      Kelvin :space kidette wasnt out of nappies when the y2k bug was mooted and certainly is proof the indoctrination process has work in schools. Not really much more you can say, but hopefully WELL educated children will see through this as they may have been taught to analyse and deceminate all the propoganda they are fed??

    • Labor = TAX says:

      06:04pm | 08/03/11

      Labor cannot see FACTS. You know those ugly things that come in the mail and say pay now or else. Or people that die from an insulation program, or the money that they lost in the building “revolution” (god what a joke). We have PM Professional Liar, that will distort the truth and blame someone else, ie Abbott, for the stink of Labor policies. Labor doesnt want to hear any opposition, or FACTS,  or polls, and this smells of dictatorship, not good governance. and their argument is, its in your interests, yet another LIE. Juliar, how does it feel to be australias WORST PM?  ps, when i buy my loaf of bread and milk, shall i send an invoice to your or treasury for my carbon tax refund? its Means tested. oh. But that means that you are choosing who is going to get refunds, effectively “locking in” voters to your handouts and therefore your policies, while millions of tonnes of coal gets sold to china, you are going to support the coal industry here with handouts, and our industry goes off shore where there isnt a carbon tax. now your deceit has gone too far..This is idiotic.

    • danny says:

      08:22pm | 08/03/11

      great to see that Australia is awake to the fraud.

    • Steve Woy Woy says:

      10:47pm | 08/03/11

      @Labor=Tax .... Yet again whenever there is a conversation on finances or government monies or management of finances the not so well informed lemmings of those lost times for Australia the Dumbing Down Of The Nation Programme come running out on cue!!! salivating from the triggers of the Pavlov’s dog experiment from those times of the failed treasurer who governs the yes man treasurer. Well now the curtains are drawn back take a look folks then tell me that the great financial wizards of that time were right and had the best interest of all at heart… I think not!! To take over with the biggest resources boom this country has ever known at the time $3.3 bil then have a ten year negative growth for the country take our national debt from $700 bil in 1996 to $3.2 trillion in 2007 steer us on track like the rest of the liberal republican right wing agenda governments around the globe to crash out of sight… Interestingly Labor’s stimulus package comes in at about 1% of that total that’s the one which saved us from the GFC and I’m sure not many really understand that either… or don’t wish to..I’ve just come back from a ten day tour of what could have been called the Howard and Costello future visions of Australia tour… USA, UK and Ireland tour… I particularly like the way they begged at the windows… http://youtu.be/koY6kXhQDQo the link will help you save some face and gain some insight into how you were duped. Protection from public monies and management of .... you jest of course!!

    • julie says:

      06:11pm | 08/03/11

      I don’t believe the Liberals are responsible for Gillard’s low ratings.
      She lied about the carbon tax and the electorate, who didn’t vote for her as PM, have no reason to trust her.
      Voters don’t like taxes or liars.

    • Cheryl says:

      09:58pm | 08/03/11

      Also, a lot of us out here are independent thinkers who can do our own research on the internet.  We do not need politicians to tell us how or what to think!  This carbon dioxide tax is purely a money maker to balance the books of an incompetent government.  And when did carbon dioxide become a pollutant?  More devious nonsense from our politicians, some might call it scare mongering.

    • Gary says:

      03:14am | 09/03/11

      It’s quite obvious that democracy belongs exclusively to the ‘born to rule’ liberals. Perhaps we should have to register our political leanings so you can disenfranchise us lefties once and for all.

    • Brian says:

      06:12pm | 08/03/11

      If we can get the Ranga out within 12 months of her taking office, she does not get her $600,000 a year pension.

    • Rick says:

      06:19pm | 08/03/11

      Where did this thing about because Australia only contributes a little over 1% of carbon pollution on the planet that means we don’t really have to make an effort to reduce it come from? If every country took that position nothing will be achieved.
      Maybe these people believe that because they only contribute 0.0000000005%  of world garbage they don’t have to clean up their house!

    • danny donaldson says:

      06:25pm | 08/03/11

      @ felicity, you proved my theory that marxists cant stand the truth being out!

    • julie says:

      06:55pm | 08/03/11

      Some readers believe that investors cannot invest without a ‘clear policy’.
      “No carbon tax” is a clear policy.

    • danny says:

      08:32pm | 08/03/11

      Thanks Julie, too true.

    • edwina robertson says:

      08:12pm | 08/03/11

      Julia Gillard - do ONE decent thing in your life. Call a new election NOW.
      You and your mate Brown are finished in Australia. No-one wants you.
      Go now, and you may have a LITTLE dignity left.

    • thetrureal says:

      08:15pm | 08/03/11

      The polls go up and down like a yoyo: After a while all this will blow over and there will be something else to complain about! But if Gillard can pull this off as in compensating the majority of people and at the same time claims about reducing carbon, then she could end up winning the 2013 election and don’t forget, they are just buying their time and have not announced any figures yet, it is the Liberals with Abbott that are ranting about it and the ALP could make them look like fools at the end, but only time will tell on this.

    • Lisa says:

      08:16pm | 08/03/11

      Hey Punchies,

      Can someone please clear this up for me?  I keep hearing that Australia is one of the largest emitters of CO2 PER CAPITA in the world. 
      On the face of it, this sounds really alarming, however, I do know that our emissions are a minicule % (like less than 1%)

      Why are our per capita stats so high?  What’s included in the calculation that’s skewing our result?

    • Tombowler says:

      01:59am | 09/03/11

      Lisa; this is an educated guess and I’m more than happy to be corrected here. I suspect it is the following:

      1) Low population density and a huge nation means we are trucking a shit-ton of stuff around for a relatively small amount of people.

      2) We don’t have any nuclear power and neglible solar etc

      3) Low-density urban environments means that we are all driving everywhere and not inconsiderable distances all the time

      Essentially I think it’s mostly to do with the fact that there are so few of us spread over such a vast area. If you think about trucking/train routes, the huge amount of livestock in the country, the fact so much of the population consistently drive and our fairly de-centralized way of life it’s not hard to see how our per capita emissions are so high…

      To politicize:  f#$k lowering emissions. We hold ourselves out to ‘make a difference’ despte the miniscule effect it will have on global emissions. Simultaneously we excuse India, China etc their massive and increasing emissions because they are ‘developing’.

      I fail to see why their development is any more of an excuse than our low-density, largely uninhabitable continent and our innate desire to preserve a decentralized, spacious and uniquely aussie way of life

      Anyway; let me know if that helps you at all Lisa.

    • James P says:

      08:40pm | 08/03/11

      Gillard is finished.  Labor is finished.  And deservedly so.

      Never has there been such a mob of incompetent liars control of this country.

      They are going to be voted out, despite all the bleatings of their complicit sympathisers like yoursef Farr. 

      You should be thoroughly and utterly ashamed of yourself for your cheer squad barracking for this mob of incompetent fools.  Honestly, Farr, I wonder how you can even wake up and look at yourself in the morning, knowing what this pack have done to our country.

    • Margaret Ludowyk says:

      08:41pm | 08/03/11

      Sadly, the majority is not always right, just behind the times. I hope that these ignorant people who obviously don’t understand carbon pricing wake up before it’s to late to see that Gillard is a very capable leader and her policies are right for the country.

    • TCB 24 X 7 says:

      01:35am | 09/03/11

      Hey Margaret,
      Did it ever occurr to you that you may be Wrong and that you may be the ignorant one.As for gillards Leardship, well lets see,
      with the greens on her back, Uncle Bob has already started pulling the strings and that my friend is definately Weak not Capable Leadership.

    • stopping the boats whilst moving forward into the says:

      08:54pm | 08/03/11

      A carbon tax is sorta like a beer frothing up , its fun when you do it to your mates in the pub smashing your beer down on theirs. But when its your last beer frothing you realise it achieves nothing and nothing can get that beer back.

    • Mark says:

      09:40pm | 08/03/11

      Polls, so what? Normally most polls can influence the government of the day to change course, adjust a policy or under Howard much of it only mattered come election time after waiting the course of time to see how a policy would take effect or when it mattered, effect the voting intentions of the electorate. However, nothing is normal under the Gillard/Brown government. With bad polls, bad governments announce things on the run, cost us billions and demonstrate that like this one, have no vision, stand for nothing and will be remembered for nothing more than the shambles they will leave the economy in. Again, Whitlam never looked so good!

    • Matthew says:

      10:35pm | 08/03/11

      Lets put Australia into perspective here: A 5% reduction in Australian emissions will translate into a massive 0.074% reduction in global emissions…. ain’t much really - that’s about 30 million tonnes. Or about 1.5 tonnes per person. What would it take to reduce emissions by 1.5 tonnes per person without this scheme/tax?

    • And the point is? says:

      11:32pm | 08/03/11

      Clearly I’m in the minority here and dont get the issues. So can someone clear this up for me because it seems the point of a carbon tax, ETS or similar system is this. Oil is running out and will soon be either incredibly expensive to mine and therefore super expensive to buy OR it will have run out. I think this is correct yes? Therefore, we have to find alternative methods of running this huge world wide ecomony on something other than oil yes? So one way or the other, dont we HAVE to change our world ecomony to run on a different fuel before this catestrophic occurence takes place? Is this not the point? Lowering carbon emmissions, saving the planet, reducing global warming. Are these, when it comes down to it, simply side issues to the main issue which is “OIL is A FINITE RESOURCE WHICH WILL RUN OUT SOONER OR LATER” Hello…...................What then happens to the price of everyones electricity bills? Given the comments to this article it looks like some sort of a transition to an alternative power source is out of the question. Lets just hit the wall. In the caos, our energy bills wont seem very important.

    • Joe says:

      02:33am | 09/03/11

      I don’t believe that casting an informal vote is wasting my democratic right to choose because I wouldn’t waste a vote or my time on any of these bastards. They are all two faced self serving incompetent liars !

    • wildlife says:

      05:51am | 09/03/11

      Malcolm hi,

      I am going to ask what is probably a very dumb question of yourself and the climate changers responding to this article.

      If climate change is real, ( I say if, because NASA and some senior scientists currently believe that CO2 is a problem, but put it into perspective by claiming that it is only about 20% of the current problem. They also state that the current Sun spot activity, the highest in recorded history, the possibly of the magnetic poles reversing within the next two years, the ever increasing world wide population growth, the fact that the Earth’s rotation around the Sun has changed, and the aligning of the planets within our solar system are all having a greater effect than CO2 on climate upwards of 80% ), but I am taking the position for the moment that CO2 is a major problem then why are we not talking about nuclear power or even thorium power ( not sure about this one still doing my research ) as an obvious short term solution until we can get green technologies into place. Now before anyone of your readers jumps online and responds to this question please note I have worked in the green technologies industry and know just how far away we are as a country ( at a minimum 20 years, but more likely about 30 years and I have read all the latest articles about this and have laughed at the price tags of $14 billion to $20 billion over 7 - 10 years, what crap, more like $60 - $70 Billion in this time frame ) in getting these technologies into place to provide cleaner power sources without costing everybody their arms,legs and their homes and having a major impact on our lives and the way we live.

      Just seems to me we are again putting the cart before the horse. Why not have solutions in place that effectively cut our green house emissions very quickly in the short term, are cost effective and don’t require us to tax ourselves into a recession/submission. Let build something that helps fix the CO2 problems in the short term and then phrase them out as green technologies catch up with and replace these. Why do we always have to tax something into submission?. It seems to me that Julia and Labour are on the nose because taxing something is DEFINITELY not always the right way to fix the problem/s and currently does not address the concerns of the wider communties about the cost of living etc.

      I could go on about about a lot of other reasons why LABOUR and Julia are on the nose, but I believe until we have a balanced debate that includes all possible alternatives to a TAX then they are going to stay on the nose, along with the GREENS.

      PS. Should be interesting to watch the upcoming NSW elections where LABOUR are going to be hammered, and if the current figures are right so will the GREENS.

    • David of Goliath says:

      05:58am | 09/03/11

      Pandering to the Liberal deam Malcolm?

      I mean,!!!, really.

      Have you actually read tyhe poll questions?  Frankly they look lile Abbott wrote them himself. Designed for a result.

      As to your ridiculous heading. PM in name only? What other way is there mate? She’s PM and will be for another 2.5 years. Grow up and get used to it.

      You’re supposed to report, not create thye news from your imaginat6ion. Are you auditioning for Fox by any chance?

      By the way, here’s a rumour. Have you seen Abbott from behind lately? Looks more like a Monk thyan an Abbott, with that fringe surrounding an ever expanding empty space. I’m tipping he’ll be off to Tibet within 6 months, or hanging with Warnie and Yeh, Yeh Matthews.

    • Bring on the bus says:

      06:35am | 09/03/11

      One can only wish and hope that Windsor and Oakeshott keep that long awaited appointment with the proverbial bus and we can have an early election before too much more damage is done.

    • Kevin says:

      07:07am | 09/03/11

      Remember these are the same experts that predicted the end of the world due to the Millenium bug,Sars,H1N1virus and now global warming I guess they will eventually get one right if they keep predicting.  Don’t be fooled Julia is going to tax carbon not the “element” carbon which is essential for all forms of life but Carbon Dioxide (CO2), the gas that we all exhale, cars produce, any form of burning produces and trees use to create oxygen. Industry produces very little CO2.  Maybe Julia will require us all to hold our breath, or maybe a potential quick solution would be to stop the illegal immigration that would give us thousands less people exhaling thus less CO2.  Wake up this is just another Labour con job.

    • Christine Longman says:

      07:08am | 09/03/11

      Malcolm Farr is wrong in saying that “the extraordinary hostility” has been “roused by the Opposition over Ms Gillard’s broken promise”. I do not need the Opposition’s help to be offended by what has been done. You cannot decide that, purely in order to gain a few votes, you will tell the public ‘there will be no carbon tax’, just before they go into the polling booth, and then, a mere six months later, claim you never made that pledge. There is only one thing to be done now - put the case for this important shift in policy to an election. The case is strong, the people can be persuaded - but democracy requires that they be persuaded and that they agree. To dupe them into voting for you and then to impose your own will is wrong and dangerous for our democracy.

    • Vic says:

      07:18am | 09/03/11

      Under Liberals we go forward, under Labor we always go backward. JuLIAR GilLIAR if you believe the tax is acceptable by majority of Australians, than why are you afraid to go to an election NOW!!

    • Dav says:

      07:32am | 09/03/11

      Gillard and her 2 offsiders who put her there should be shown the door and do not come back you useless lot. You guys are really hopeless with no policies or ideas and cannot understand that b introducing a Carbon tax prices of all goods will increase and people cannot afford it..
      Bring back Kevin Rudd a leader who is someone who had abrain and was decent with a vision and ideas..and could handle himself in public…


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