Last updated: March 08, 2011

Weather: Adelaide 22°C - 24°C . Rain periods, easing later.

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Thought for the day 8 March 2011

Dear Jonathan,
I can discern who is calling me on the telephone by what I perceive as the difference in the 'electric charge in the air'. To me, this subtly affects the way the phone actually sounds when it rings. Sometimes when I go right by a street lamp, the light will suddenly go out. This can be disconcerting because it typically happens when I'm in a bad mood. So, I remedy this by sending out positive 'Love' energy to people I've been unkind to in my past. Then the street lamp almost always comes right back on! William

2011 is well and truly here... but do you want to know the secrets of the future? You can find out, right now, what's ahead for you in the next 12 months. Just download a personal chart based on your exact date, time and place of birth. You'll find in-depth predictions for the coming year, plus an overview of all your biggest astrological opportunities. Be ready for your chances and your challenges! Get your Year Ahead Guide NOW!

Jonathan Cainer

Jan 21 - Feb 19


You may not know how blessed you are, how loved you are, how much admiration and appreciation is being directed towards you. You may think that your talent is only ordinary or that there's nothing so special about your greatest gift. You are entitled to think that if you wish to. It's a free world. But if you do think that, you are quite wrong. Don't take my word for it. Venus, as it passes through your sign will soon provide all the reassurance and confirmation that you could currently require. Now please, keep reading, 2011 is here and if you haven't yet had a full personal chart reading, calculated from your date of birth, you have been missing out. Change your future. Click here!


Feb 20 - Mar 20


If there is something you want, ask for it. Ask whom? Well, you can make your appeal to the universe if you want, but it may not actually be necessary to do any 'Cosmic Ordering'. You may simply have to ask the person who is most likely able to supply you with what you need. This individual may have many talents, but mind-reading is not their forte. Risk rejection and be bold enough to say, 'I don't suppose you could possibly...' Even if the answer is 'no', something very constructive will come of it. Now please, keep reading, 2011 is here and if you haven't yet had a full personal chart reading, calculated from your date of birth, you have been missing out. Change your future. Click here!


Mar 21 - Apr 20


If 'failure is for people who are scared of success', perhaps success is for people who are afraid of failure. How successful can anyone really be if they are driven by a fear? What matters in life is not what you've got, what you've done or what impression you've made. It's how you feel, how happy you are, how much kindness you have in your heart, how much gratitude you have for life itself. By that standard, you're now on course for a rip-roaring victory. And from that, many other gains may yet come. Now please, keep reading, 2011 is here and if you haven't yet had a full personal chart reading, calculated from your date of birth, you have been missing out. Change your future. Click here!


Apr 21 - May 21


When we don't feel at home, we can't function properly. We need a sense of security. We need a place we can retreat to where all will surely be safe. This is a physical need but it is also an emotional and psychological requirement. Our 'points of reference' have to be clear and comforting. Recent events have left you disoriented. It's possible that more developments may briefly intensify that mood. Soon, though, you will resolve an outstanding issue and everything will be much more satisfactory. You haven't got a 'problem'. You have an incredible opportunity. I explain more in your audio forecast. You can hear the first minute or so immediately when you click here.


May 22 - June 22


Don't be pessimistic. Though you have a lot of problems to solve and a lot of questions that you need to answer, you also have a lot to look forward to. Something is starting to shift. A seemingly impenetrable obstacle has already developed a hairline crack. Sooner than you think, it may collapse under its own weight, leaving you a clear pathway. You are not alone in your desire to accomplish an important goal. Other, highly influential forces are at work behind the scenes. They share your goal. Your latest week ahead audio prediction tells you what you need to know more than anything else right now. You can hear the first minute or so immediately when you Click here!


Jun 23 - Jul 23


Are you barking up the wrong tree? Are you knocking on the wrong door? Is there something inappropriate about your great hope? You may not be correct about all the details, but your principles are not wide of the mark. Make small adjustments, not big ones. Don't waste precious time doubting your intentions and objectives. If you are losing heart about something, it is only because, so far, you have enjoyed only limited success. A little more effort, trial and error could soon change that. While recording your latest weekly prediction, an exciting new possibility came to light. Let me tell you more. You can hear the first minute or so immediately when you click here.


Jul 24 - Aug 23


If things are supposed to be getting better, how come you are still dealing with the same old dramas and difficulties? Haven't you done everything within your power to resolve these? If you can think of another tack to take, try it. If you can't, work on the assumption that your results are 'in the pipeline'. They are going to make their way into your life as fast as they possibly can and, without being overly presumptuous, you should make preparations for their arrival. You certainly shouldn't expect failure. Your latest week-ahead prediction will help you sort out your problems and feel far better. You can hear the first minute or so immediately when you click here.


Aug 24 - Sep 23


They say, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it'. But what if it is torturously long-winded or woefully inefficient. It works. It ain't broken. But... let's put it another way. Once we've found a formula that seems successful, we tend to stick with it. We don't question it any more as long as it's doing what we need it to do. That doesn't mean, though, that there may not be better ways of doing it. A 'usual option' is becoming unavailable. You'll have to do things differently soon. That's not a problem; it's a blessing. Now please, keep reading, 2011 is here and if you haven't yet had a full personal chart reading, calculated from your date of birth, you have been missing out. Change your future. Click here!


Sep 24 - Oct 23


Other people win the Lottery. Other people have it made. Other people get to live in perfect homes with perfect families and drive perfect cars and have perfect jobs. Or do they? Actually, all that other people really do is sit around imagining the other people who are leading a better life than they are! You don't have to be another person now. You won't win the Lottery - but you will find that you can discover, inside yourself, the kind of contentment that others can only dream of. There's magic in your outlook now. Now please, keep reading, 2011 is here and if you haven't yet had a full personal chart reading, calculated from your date of birth, you have been missing out. Change your future. Click here!


Oct 24 - Nov 22


If you are going to put all your cards on the table, at least ensure the table is clean. By laying them down too near a mess you risk tainting them forever. Even if you are satisfied that you are in a safe environment, must you reveal your entire hand? Might it not be wiser to show one card at a time and see what response you get? You don't much want to play a game. You'd rather get down to some honest, important business. Soon, this will happen. First, there's a process to go through. While I was recording your latest weekly prediction, I saw something important about you and your future. You can hear the first minute or so immediately when you click here.


Nov 23 - Dec 21


Turn out your pockets! What are you carrying, everywhere you go, that you really don't need to? Look at the contents please of your wallet, purse, bag, case, glove compartment or bicycle box. Even if these ARE all tidy and clear, you have an inner equivalent of such storage space and it's unnecessarily overfull. You are remembering too much, hanging on to too many emotions, carrying around more emotional baggage than you need to. The universe now offers you a big chance to let some of it go. While recording your weekly prediction, I saw something amazing. I'd like to share this with you. You can hear the first minute or so immediately when you click here.


Dec 22 - Jan 20


If there's something you need to know, ask. If there's something you don't need to know, don't ask! And if you're not sure whether you need to know something or not... ask whether you need to know! Don't ask someone who may have a vested interest in giving you an answer that suits their purpose more than yours. Ask the universe. Ask your highest 'inner self'. Ask your intuition. If, today, you direct your energy towards a goal that's truly worth pursuing, you'll yet get a result that's really worth having! Now please, keep reading, 2011 is here and if you haven't yet had a full personal chart reading, calculated from your date of birth, you have been missing out. Change your future. Click here!


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